The European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC) have established a high-level traineeship programme which gives an opportunity to highly qualified junior professionals from the EU Member States to work in the EU Delegations worldwide.


The aim of the programme is to enable young people to gain a first-hand experience in the work of EU Delegations and an in-depth understanding of their role in the implementation of EU external policies.

Every 24 months, the EEAS and the EC open a call for expression of interest.
For the current round 2021-2023, there were 89 JPD positions available in different EU Delegations.

The JPD programme is based on the:

  • Joint Decision JOIN(2017)22 of 19.06.2017 of the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy amending the Joint Decision JOIN(2012)17 of 12.06.2012 establishing a High Level Traineeship Programme in the Delegations in Partnership with the Member States;
  • The Decision ADMIN(2017)8 of 21.06.2017 of the Director-General of Budget and Administration of the European External Action Service in agreement with the Directors-General of DG INTPA (former DEVCO) and DG HR of the European Commission on the implementing rules of the high level traineeship programme in the delegations of the European Union in Partnership with the Member States of the European Union amending the Decision EEAS DEC(2014)002 of 22.01.2014 of the Chief Operating Officer of the EEAS in agreement with the Directors-General of DG INTPA (former DEVCO) and DG HR of the European Commission.
  • The Decision ADMIN(2021)14 REV 1 of 29.11.2021 of the Director-General for Resource Management of the European External Action Service in agreement with the Directors-General of DG INTPA and DG HR of the European Commission amending the Decision ADMIN(2017)8 of 21.06.2017; the Decision ADMIN(2022)57 of 03.10.2022 of the Director-General for Resource Management of the European External Action Service in agreement with the Directors-General of DG INTPA and DG HR of the European Commission amending the Decision ADMIN(2017)8 of 21.06.2017 and the Decision ADMIN(2022)74 of 15.12.2022 of the Director-General for Resource Management of the European External Action Service in agreement with the Directors-General of DG INTPA and DG HR of the European Commission amending the Decision ADMIN(2017)8 of 21.06.2017
  • The Decision ADMIN(2024)27 of 27.08.2024 of the Director-General for Resource Management of the European External Action Service in agreement with the Directors-General of DG INTPA and DG HR of the European Commission amending the annex to the Decision EEAS DEC(2014)002 on the Implementing Rules of the High Level Traineeship Programme in the Delegations of the European Union in Partnership with the Member States of the European Union



Candidates applying for this high-level traineeship programme should:

  • be a national from an EU Member State;
  • hold, by the closing date for applications, at least a university degree equivalent to the Master's degree (see Diplomas Annex) in a domain relevant to the activities of the EU Delegations;
  • have excellent command of English and/or French; knowledge of other languages is an asset;
  • have, by the closing date for applications, not more than 1 year of professional experience with the EEAS, the Commission or another EU institution or body;
  • show a great interest and motivation to work in an EU Delegation;
  • professional experience, extra-curriculum activities such as volunteering or publications, is an important asset.

No professional experience is required to apply for this high-level traineeship programme. However, preference shall be given to candidates with, by the closing date for applications, up to 4 years of professional experience with relevance to the programme (of which maximum 1 year with the EEAS, the EC or another EU institution or body as indicated above).


Junior Professionals can work in one of the 145 EU Delegations and can be posted, depending on the nature of their tasks, in:



The EEAS and the EC will finance minimum 54 JPDs positions (2 per Member State) for the Round 2023-2025: 27 JPD positions in the political, press and information section (EEAS) and 27 positions in EC sections. Additional posts might be financed through voluntary contributions of EU Member States.


The call for expression of interest for the 7th round 2023/2025 is closed. The next call will be open in April 2025.

Applications (see as an example the application form for the call for expression of interest for the 7th round 2023/2025 currently closed) shall be addressed exclusively to the authorities designated by each EU Member State (see the points of contact for your Member State). The modalities for presenting applications to the respective national authorities are determined by the EU Member States and should be made available on their relevant websites during the call publication period. Applicants can only apply in one Member State. In case of multiple applications, the candidate will be disqualified.

The selection of candidates will be made on the basis of information provided in the application form. Any spontaneous application sent directly to the EEAS or to the EC will be disregarded.

In the application form, candidates are asked to provide information on their academic achievements, knowledge of languages, professional experience, extra-curriculum activities and motivation. In addition, they are asked to indicate three (3) geographical preferences for their potential assignment as well as the function they are applying for:

  • political, press and information;
  • development policy,  programme/project management, humanitarian affairs, etc.


The pre-selection of candidates is managed by the EU Member States.
The final selection is made by EEAS and the EC.

After the pre-selection process, the EU Member States submit to the EEAS and the EC a list with the names of short-listed candidates (between 2-4 candidates per foreseen position).
Both, the EEAS and the EC, select one candidate from each Member State.

The EEAS and the EC identify a list of priority EU Delegations to allocate among JPDs. Once the lists are finalised, the EEAS and the EC manage the matching process. The matching process is based on the following criteria:

  • priorities of the EC and the EEAS;
  • candidates' profiles, knowledge of languages and preferences expressed in the application form.


Selected candidates for the round 2023/2025 will be offered a single traineeship agreement of a fixed-term of twelve (12) months, which can be renewed for another period of twelve (12) months after a positive mid-term evaluation.

Trainees are entitled to a monthly remuneration package composed of:

  • a monthly grant of 2,000 EUR;
  • an accommodation contribution set at 1,500 EUR;
  • a hardship contribution added to these mentioned above - depending on the Living Conditions Allowance in a Delegation from 10% to 30%. (see LCA table)

In addition, JPDs will be granted:

  • an installation contribution of 2,340 EUR at the beginning of their traineeship;
  • a contribution for the cost of the journey of 2,926 EUR for each period of 12 months of traineeship;
  • a contribution of 1,800 EUR for the insurance cost for each period of 12 months of traineeship.

In reference to Decision ADMIN(2024)27 of 27.08.2024, the amount of the monthly grant has been set at 2.500 EUR and the amount of the monthly accommodation at 1.700 EUR as from 16.09.2024.


LAUNCH of the 2023 ROUND

4 January 2023

Deadline for applications to Member States

31 January 2023

Lists of pre-selected candidates submitted to EEAS and Commission by the Member States

End of April 2023

Selection panels at EEAS and Commission and matching process (who goes where)

May 2023

Communication of results to Member States

June 2023

Traineeship offers sent to candidates

June/beginning of July 2023

Reception of supporting documents required from selected candidates

End of June/beginning of July 2023

Obligatory Induction Training

September 2023

Start of traineeships in EU Delegations  

September/October 2023