Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI - Results Report / December 2021


Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI was launched by the European Union on 31 March 2020 as part of the EU contribution to the Berlin process and the return of peace and stability to Libya.

The core task of the Operation is the implementation of the UN arms embargo on Libya. As secondary tasks, the Operation is mandated to contribute to the implementation of UN measures to prevent the illicit export of petroleum from Libya; to the disruption of the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks; to capacity building and training of the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy.

Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI is the only international actor implementing the relevant UN Security Council resolutions on the arms embargo on Libya and does so in an effective, impartial and balanced manner.

Infographic about European Union Naval Force - Mediterranean

Since its launch, Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI has boarded and inspected 21 suspect vessels. One vessel out of 21 was diverted to a port of an EU Member State where its cargo was seized. On six occasions, one flag State (Turkey) denied the consent to board and inspect suspect vessels. 5.503 merchant vessels have been investigated through request of information via radio calls while 231 vessels have been visited upon their Masters’ consent (so-called friendly approaches).

Furthermore, EUNAVFOR MED IRINI investigated 715 suspect flights, 25 airports and 16 ports, and provided 33 special reports to the UN Panel of Expert on Libya, 26 of which referred to violations or possible violations of the arms embargo and oil smuggling activities in the West and in the East of the Country. Finally, through the embedded Crime Information Cell, the operation issued to the relevant Law Enforcement agencies 57 recommendations of inspection of suspect vessels in EU Member States’ ports, 46 of which were conducted.

During the month of December, Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI investigated 363 merchant vessels via radio calls (out of 5.503), carried out 5 visits on ships with Masters’ consent (out of 231).

In December, the Operation also monitored 41 suspect flights (out of 715) and continued to monitor 25 airports (and landing strips) and 16 ports (and oil terminals). Through the Crime Information Cell, the Operation issued 3 (out of 57) recommendations of inspection of suspect vessels in EU Member States’ ports while 1 (out of 57) were completed.

All inspections or friendly approaches are always carried out in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions framework and in full respect of the international law.

Inspections and friendly approaches do not prejudge on the nature of activities of the vessels questioned or inspected. Moreover, all COVID-19 preventive measures are always implemented and respected during these activities that in no way can affect the nature of activities of the vessels.

(data updated to 31 December 2021)