Science is the language to build stronger communities


Climate change is felt all around the world. Throughout the past years, its impacts on societies have grown and, at the moment, world leaders are gathered to discuss joint solutions at COP26. The awareness of both issues and solutions needs to have a scientific basis. This is why today we celebrate World Science Day for Peace and Development


Science is the language of progress that allows us to have a factual understanding of issues, their causes and to design solutions. This year, the World Science Day for Peace and Development is marked by the topic of ‘Building climate-ready communities’, highlighting the role of scientists in providing more knowledge on the causes of climate change and actions that must be taken to build more resilient communities.

The objective of the day is to bring science closer to societies, by sharing key scientific aspects and possible solutions provided by science and creating a forum where these exchanges can take place.

Science is not far from societies’ lives and scientific discoveries have a concrete impact. Recognising its role has become more important than ever, particularly when scientific solutions need to be found to protect our planet and to make our societies more sustainable.

Excellent research for solving global challenges needs the best minds from all over the world working together. Therefore, in May this year, the Commission adopted a European strategy for international scientific cooperation in a changing world - the Communication on the Global Approach to Research and Innovation. By generating and connecting knowledge from everywhere, we are best suited to come up with solutions to make our societies greener, more digital and healthier.

At a time when geopolitical tensions are rising and human rights and fundamental values are being challenged, it is of strategic importance for the EU to lead by example, promoting multilateralism, openness and reciprocity in its cooperation with the rest of the world. Science Diplomacy plays an essential role in using research and innovation more strategically in international relations and in ensuring that foreign and security policies are informed by the best possible evidence. Consequently, this September the Council called for the elaboration of a European Science Diplomacy Agenda and for strengthening the role of science in EU Delegations. The European External Action Service is committed to delivering on this request together with the European Commission.


Man in a plantation looking at liquid in a test tube

EU supporting scientific development around the world

European Union’s support for science extends beyond its borders. This is true in many fields of scientific research, including on environmental topics. Research programmes provide the framework for international cooperation, gathering science and sectoral experts together to come up with applicable solutions.

Looking into the links between climate and development policies

‘Well-designed climate change mitigation policies can lead to significant co-benefits for a range of development priorities.’ claims Dr. Volker Krey, member of the coordination team of the EU project CD-LINKS.

The project involves the participation of a vast research team from 12 different countries, including EU Member States and also Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to join the dots between climate change mitigation and sustainable development policies by creating a network of research experts in a wide range of relevant topics across the globe. Find out more.

New heat-proof tomato varieties in the face of climate change

People love tomatoes so much that they are now the most important vegetable crop worldwide. But as world temperatures rise, the risk of losing this vital source of food has become very real.

The EU-funded TomGEM project has identified new varieties with better heat tolerance to ensure citizens can continue to enjoy all the tasty tomato-based foods they adore for a very long time still to come. This project counts on the participation of sector experts and scientists in several EU Member States and in Argentina, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Learn more about this project.

Science is crucial to address today’s and tomorrow’s global challenges. The EU has recognised its role in supporting policy makers achieve sound and sustainable policies based on scientific evidence and will continue to support scientific research within and outside of its borders.

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