European Economic
and Social Committee
Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market
The Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market was set up with a view to providing the EESC with a flexible, horizontal structure enabling it to:
- Analyse how the Digital Single Market operates;
- Identify shortcomings and obstacles; and
- Propose solutions.
The Observatory concentrates on the development of the EU Digital Single Market and covers, among other things, the activities of the EESC on the Digital Agenda, including policy initiatives related to Data, Cybersecurity, Research and Development (R&D) and market uptake of digital technologies.
DSMO Work programme 2023-2025
Activity report 2020-2023 – Louise Grabo, President of the Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market
Digital Transition and Single Market Observatory activities roadmap for 2024 focus on general-purpose AI.