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  • Celebrate Europe Day on 10 May!

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    In recent years, overlapping crises – from the lingering effects of the pandemic to the escalating challenges of climate change, increasing living costs, and widening income disparities – have created fertile ground for widespread polarisation. Social instability, economic downturns and widespread discontent, particularly among those who feel unheard and left behind, have further deepened societal divisions.

  • Co-organising CSOs: ECAS, Volonteurope EESC section/members involved: CCMI, NAT and REX

    A partnership event during the Civil Society week.

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    On 13-14 March 2025, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will bring together nearly 100 young participants and 37 teachers from EU Member States, candidate countries and the UK for its annual Your Europe, Your Say! (YEYS) event. This year, YEYS will focus on the role of young people in collectively shaping a resilient future. It aims to equip them to engage in civic action and continue to contribute to participatory democracy activities in their communities and beyond.

  • Driven by the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, a cost-of-living crisis is weighing heavily on citizens' lives across the EU. Its impact is felt hardest by vulnerable groups, accentuating pre-existing inequalities.

  • The EESC's Permanent Group on disability Rights is organising a hybrid public hearing on "Road to the Global Disability Summit: For a disability- inclusive development and humanitarian action" on 18 February 2025 from 9:30 am to 1 pm.

    During the event, we will discuss with relevant stakeholders existing good practices as well as obstacles to guarantee the inclusion of disability rights in development cooperation and humanitarian action

  • A side-event of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit

    This event is organised as a side-event to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit hosted by France on 10 - 11 February 2025. Its purpose is to enrich the Summit’s discussions by providing insights from organised civil society from France and the EU level and other esteemed speakers.

  • EESC-ILO conference in the framework of the Global Coalition for Social Justice

    This high-level conference organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) will focus on ensuring that artificial intelligence benefits the world of work and advances social justice.

  • This event will offer a unique opportunity to engage with policymakers and contribute to this vital conversation to ensure rural voice.