Webinar on animal by-products applications
01 December 2022, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
Since the entry into application of the Transparency Regulation on 27 March 2021, EFSA has introduced new services, processes and provisions that have strongly impacted the lifecycle and renewal procedure for applications.
The aim of this webinar was to outline the procedures concerning the implementation of the Transparency Regulation, the submission of applications, the confidentiality assessment and content sanitisation in place at EFSA. It also provided practical guidance based on lessons learnt and principles to consider when submitting applications on alternative methods for the use and disposal of animal by-products (ABP) or derived products. Questions received during the registration process were answered.
The speakers explained the overall application process, from its reception to its validation and publication of the scientific opinion. They also covered the format and content of applications, pre-submission advice, the notification of studies, public consultations and the confidentiality assessment.
Finally, several technical and scientific aspects of the applications were presented: the standards applied by EFSA in the assessments, especially in the hazard identification and risk reduction measures, and a list of common mistakes in previous applications.
Over 100 participants attended the webinar, representing SMEs, business operators, research organisations and national competent authorities from all over Europe.
During a live Q&A session, speakers answered the participants’ questions.