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Procurement for services we need

Can you or your organisation provide the scientific, logistical or support services we need? EFSA buys services and supplies through public procurement calls, in line with EU legislation and the basic principles of transparency, equal treatment and non-discrimination, widest competition, proportionality and sound financial management.

How to apply

Pozivi na podnošenje ponuda većih od 143 000 EUR

Za nabave čija je vrijednost veća od 143 000 EUR, EFSA upotrebljava otvoreni poziv na podnošenje ponuda.

Kako biste pregledali dokumentaciju o nabavi za poziv koji vas zanima, kliknite na naziv poziva navedenog u nastavku, što će vas odvesti na Portal za financiranje i natječaje. Ondje možete preuzeti sve upute i obrasce o nabavi povezane s tim posebnim pozivom (pismo s pozivom, natječajne specifikacije, nacrt ugovora i sve predloške potrebne za podnošenje ponude).

Predstojeći pozivi za podnošenje ponuda iznad 140 000 EUR

EFSA objavljuje prethodnu informativnu obavijest kako bi obavijestila gospodarske subjekte da u budućnosti planira otvoriti poziv na podnošenje ponuda. Prethodna informativna obavijest ne objavljuje se za svaki poziv EFSA-e i služi isključivo u informativne svrhe te nije obvezujuća za EFSA-u. Svrha je obavijesti povećati transparentnost planiranja predstojećih poziva i omogućiti potencijalnim dobavljačima i pružateljima usluga da se unaprijed pripreme za podnošenje ponuda za planirane ugovore. EFSA može upotrijebiti prethodnu informativnu obavijest i kako bi od gospodarskih subjekata zatražila da iskažu interes za sudjelovanje u ex ante istraživanju i analizi tržišta.

Informacije na ovoj stranici redovito se ažuriraju. Međutim, može se dogoditi da je prethodna informativna obavijest prikazana iako je poziv na podnošenje ponuda već objavljen. Stoga predlažemo da uvijek pregledate odjeljak Pozivi na podnošenje ponuda iznad 140 000 EUR u kojem ćete pronaći sve pozive za koje se primaju ponude.


Referentna oznaka i nazivObjavljeno
Provision of IT, SPOC (Single Point of Contact) Services and Corporate Managed Services .5 November 2024
Management consulting services23 October 2024
Consultancy services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the EFSA facility management processes7 October 2024
Provision of Services related to Statistical Analysis26 September 2024
Market survey on communication services24 May 2024

Calls for tenders below €143k

For purchases with a value above €15,000 and equal to or below €143,000 EFSA uses the “negotiated procurement procedure” which involves inviting candidates of EFSA's choice to submit an offer. Additionally, as EFSA wants to keep cooperation opportunities as open as possible, it is also possible for you to express an interest in being invited to these negotiated procedures. Just follow the simple procedure below.

No calls for tenders below 143k ongoing, please check back soon.

2024 EFSA Scientific Cooperation plan

The 2024 EFSA Scientific Cooperation plan provides an overview of the calls for tenders (procurement) and calls for proposals (grants) which EFSA intends to launch during 2024, including indicative title, budget and timing for call launch. This information is indicative and does not constitute an obligation on EFSA to launch any given procedure.When a call is actually launched, it will be advertised both on the EFSA website and the EU Funding & Tenders Portal

For more information on how to apply to EFSA calls and information on some of the EFSA science opportunities for 2024, further information is available here on the Webinar on funding opportunities in the EFSA 2024 on 4th December 2023. 

External calls for tenders

In addition to EFSA tenders, you will find in this section the tender opportunities published by the other EU Agencies reporting to the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), European Environment Agency (EEA), European Medicines Agency (EMA) and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

You can access their tender opportunities on the Funding and Tenders portal: