This page provides an overview of all EFSA portals and tools that may be of interest to applicants, including the pre-submission activities gateway, the e-submission system, and EFSA’s portal for information on its scientific assessment work. According to their needs and areas of interest, applicants will be able to access the tools via the dedicated links.
EFSA works continuously to improve the digital tools available to applicants and other stakeholders. Information on upcoming digital enhancements is available here.
For e-submission of regulated product applications through internet-based software (submitted before 27 March 2021), see: Decision of the Executive Director concerning the electronic submission of applications for regulated products during COVID-19 outbreak.
19 September 2024
Find here an overview of all the posts on our Linkedin group "Support to Applicants" regarding the promotion of the IT tools campaign - Connect.Efsa, ESFC, IUCLID, OpenEFSA and Portalino:
16 July 2024
Last week, we identified a bug in the RPSA related automatic alert system of Connect.EFSA. Some of our applicants may have received automated notifications about closed RPSA. By now, we have restored the normal functionality of the system and no action is expected from user's side. Apology for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
30 April 2024
A new major version of IUCLID, including format changes, is available for download from the IUCLID website. This release brings several enhancements and PPP A plant protection product (PPP) is used to protect, preserve or influence the growth of desirable plants or to destroy or control the growth of unwanted plants or parts of plants format changes including:
- Harmonisation of results tables across FATE documents,
- Extension of current OHTs to report (Q)SAR results in structured format,
- New Flexible_Summary on IMPURITIES to comply with Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013,
- New section “Endocrine disrupting properties” (active substance ToC) to report in vivo Research method which involves testing individual live animals or populations of live animals and in vitro Research method which involves testing cells or tissues extracted from living organisms/in chemico endocrine disrupting test results,
- Introduction of the ‘Contributor’ role in the dossier header (e.g. for data submitted with a LoA).
Check this link for further details
Don’t miss an opportunity to join us at a dedicated webinar, on 16 May 2024 where the format changes and newly introduced features will be presented. Watch it live at this link
Need to ask us about pre-submission advice, public consultations, public access to documents, notification of studies or other similar issues? The Connect platform is where you will find the answers.
Dedicated portal hosting comprehensive information on our risk assessments, from receipt of a mandate or dossier to adoption of an output: check the status of assessments, browse data and studies, and details about experts.
The e-submission food chain (ESFC) platform is a web-based application used by applicants to create, submit and manage their applications.
The International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID) is a software application for recording, storing, maintaining and exchanging data on intrinsic and hazard properties of chemical substances, and the standard data format agreed for pesticide applications.
This tool allows applicants to submit confidentiality requests related to applications, datasets and documents supporting the mandates that EFSA receives, or that are submitted in response to EFSA calls for data.
Connect EFSA
For all applications
This portal gives you the possibility to engage with EFSA on a variety of topics. You can perform pre-submission activities, take part in public consultations, request information or public access to documents, and browse frequently asked questions. By registering on the portal, you can:
- Obtain a pre-application identification number
- Notify studies in EFSA’s database of study notifications
- Define and submit the list of intended studies for renewal applications and obtain renewal pre-submission advice
- Request general pre-submission advice
- Indicate your topics of interest to receive tailored notifications (e.g. on the launch of a public consultation in a particular domain)
Quick reference guide: registration process (last update: 26 June 2024).
The document guides the user along the registration process of a personal account or a company account to access the services available on Connect.EFSA. For more detailed information, have a look at the registration user manual (last updated: 5 December 2024)
User Guide: pre-application ID (last updated: 5 December 2024) for:
- Creating pre-application IDs in Connect.EFSA
- Creating study notifications from a pre-application ID
- Managing component(s) associated to a pre-application ID
- Requesting general pre-submission advice
- Conducting pre-submission activities for renewal applications
- Creating and submitting a list of intended studies and receiving renewal pre-submission advice
- Accessing reporting features
User Guide: notification of studies (last updated: 5 December 2024) for:
- Being informed about the different roles business operators, consultants and laboratories may have in the process
- Notifying studies in Connect.EFSA, from study record creation to co-notification
- Managing component(s) associated to study records
- Managing relationships between the different actors involved in the process
- Accessing reporting features
See also
OpenEFSA portal
For all applications
This portal hosts information on scientific assessment work, allowing you to follow the lifecycle of the risk assessment A specialised field of applied science that involves reviewing scientific data and studies in order to evaluate risks associated with certain hazards. It involves four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation process, from reception to adoption, and to access public documents related to it.
The portal provides information on:
- The status of assessments
- Dossiers, studies, and related notified information (non-confidential versions)
- Pre-submission advice
- Members of panels and working groups (and their declarations of interest)
- Public consultations and comments received
See also
E-submission Food Chain platform – ESFC
For all food domains, excluding plant protection products and MRLs
ESCF is a web-based application used by applicants to create, submit and manage their applications for the following regulated product areas:
- Feed additives
- Food contact materials
- Food improvement agents
- GMO A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism which contains genetic material that has been deliberately altered and which does not occur naturally through breeding or selection
- Nutrition The science of how diet relates to the body's need for sustenance (health claims, infant formulae and follow-on formulae, food allergens, nutrient An element or compound needed for normal growth, development and health maintenance. Essential nutrients cannot be made by the body and must, therefore, be consumed from food sources)
- Novel food Foodstuff or food ingredient that was not used for human consumption to a significant degree within the European Union before 15 May 1997 (novel and traditional foods)
- Decontamination substances
Using this system, you can build and submit a dossier, track the progress of an application, reply to requests for additional information, provide additional data requested, request a deadline extension, comment on a confidentiality assessment clarification/decision, receive information about the adoption of opinions, comment on draft opinions, and withdraw an application.
To access the system, you need an EU Login account.
See also
- Quick guide: how to create my EU login to access the platform
- Video: e-submission food chain platform – introduction to the system
- Video: e-submission food chain platform – how to create, submit and follow up on my application/notification (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
- Video: e-submission food chain platform – Member State Competent Authority tutorial for food contact materials, smoke flavourings (new and modification), health claims, and GMO (food and feed, new and modification)
- Video: e-submission food chain platform – Member State Competent Authority tutorial for GMO Directive 2001/18/EC on deliberate release into the environment (Part C)
IUCLID software
Only for pesticide-related applications
The International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID) is a software application for recording, storing, maintaining and exchanging data on intrinsic and hazard properties of chemical substances, and the standard data format agreed for pesticide applications.
Applicants can use this tool to prepare their dossiers under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.
Rapporteur Member States (RMS) and Evaluating Member States (EMS) can access Agency IUCLID to view and evaluate submitted dossiers.
Interested parties can view the submitted dossiers by accessing Public IUCLID through links in OpenEFSA.
User manuals:
- Active substance manual
- MRL manual
- Microorganisms manual
- Microorganisms IUCLID 6.7 mini-manual
- Basic substance manual
- IUCLID for PPP – validation and submission rules
- User Guide: submission of confidentiality requests
- Document J removal from chemical active substance dossiers
Filter rules:
- Crosswalks EU PPP Microorganisms - active substance application (product) to New Data Requirements Regulation (EU) 2022/1439 & Regulation (EU) 2022/1440 including useful clarifications about the transitional period in IUCLID
- Crosswalks IUCLID 6.6 EU PPP – Active substance application (product) to KCA & KCP
Report generator:
- Documents M EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
- Documents N EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
- Documents D (GAP) EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
- Documents L (List of literature references) EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
- MRL application report EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
- Confidentiality report EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
- Notification of Studies (NoS) extraction request EU PPP for IUCLID report generator
Training material:
- Training course: IUCLID for Applicants
- Training course: IUCLID for Evaluators
- Training course: IUCLID for applicants – pdf/zip files
- Training course: IUCLID for applicants – recording and supporting material
- Webinar: IUCLID for regulators
- Light check for personal data on pesticide dossiers in IUCLID
- Running the validation assistant tool on pesticide dossiers in IUCLID
- IUCLID tutorials
- Video: Table of Contents (ToC) for application submission
- Webinar on Metapath: how to complete MSS composers for pesticide metabolism studies – plants (primary and rotational crops) and livestock
- Webinar on Metapath: how to complete DER composers for pesticide mammalian toxicology metabolism studies
- Webinar: IUCLID training on common mistakes (part 1)
- Video: most common mistakes (part 1)
- Process and responsibilities for study notification of pesticide dossiers
Data protection notice:
Central submission system (ECHA Cloud Services)
Only for pesticide-related applications
ECHA Cloud Services is the secure online platform for submitting applications on pesticides.
To access this system you need to be a registered user (ECHA account).
See also
For specific cases not covered by ESFC or IUCLID
Portalino is an e-submission system for the submission of food-chain related dossiers, documents, and datasets, including the corresponding confidentiality requests, for specific cases not covered by the E-Submission Food Chain platform (ESFC) and IUCLID workflows.
- User guide: Portalino (last update 14 October 2024)
- This user guide provides information on the submission of food-chain dossiers and datasets via Portalino. As such it should be read together with the User Guide on Confidentiality and with any administrative and scientific documents relevant for the submission, if available. If the submission falls under the obligations of study notification pursuant to Article 32b of the General Food Law, the user should use the “Appendix A - Notification of Studies information” to provide information on the notifications.
- User Guide on Confidentiality: submission of confidentiality requests:
- This user guide provides instructions on how to submit confidentiality requests in ESFC, Portalino or IUCLID. It explains the different standards to be complied with for the submission of a successful confidentiality request, as well as the procedural steps applicable to the assessment of the confidentiality requests and the legal remedies available to applicants. Please regularly check the latest version of this document as it may be subject to regular updates.