Statistical data «Public finances 2024»

Statistical data «Public finances 2024»

The brochure issued by the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) provides at a glance information on the budgets of the Confederation, cantons, communes and social insurance, as well as an international comparison.

Public finances

Public finances

The public sector's financial development differs depending on the level of government. The latest forecasts of the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) through to 2028 show that the Confederation's financial situation will depend heavily on the relief package in particular.

Federal budget 2024

Confederation ends 2024 with slight deficit

For the first time since 2019, the Confederation achieved an almost balanced financial result, with a financing deficit of CHF 80 million. The Federal Council launched work on the next budget. 

Relief package 27

Relief package 27

During its meeting on 29 January 2025, the Federal Council adopted the consultation draft for relief package 27 (RP27).

Key topics

The rule not to spend more than you earn ensures a sustainable fiscal policy.

Debt brake


On this picture you can see some covers of a few publications of the Federal Finance Administration.

Various equalization mechanisms (e.g. resource equalization and cost compensation) reduce the cantonal differences and increase efficiency.

available in German, French and Italian

FFA vacancies

On this picture you can see two employees at thier computer, one of them is smiling

Data portal

You can view graphical data series in our data portal. (Available in German, French and Italian.) 


18.03.2025 / 2024 State indicators

Deficit/surplus ratio (% GDP)
Tax-to-GDP ratio (% GDP)
General government expenditure ratio (% GDP)
Debt ratio (% GDP)

171.350 mn

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