Katarina Karmazinova
- European Investment Bank
- Communication Department
- Klimentská 46
- 110 02 Praha 1 Prague
- Czechia
A range of Czech businesses will gain access to more financing due to the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) pledge of CZK 1.4 billion (€55 million) to Ceska Sporitelna (CSAS). The EIB investment, which takes the form of a guarantee on the mezzanine tranche of a synthetic securitisation, will enable CSAS to expand lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Mid-Caps in the Czech Republic.
Czech firms have done more than most in Europe to embrace digital technologies, according to a European Investment Bank (EIB) Group survey. More than nine in ten Czech companies – 91% – have acted in this area compared with a 74% average in the European Union, new country results from the EIB Group Investment Survey (EIBIS) show.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group’s new financing in the Czech Republic rose 33% to €2.47 billion last year on the back of stepped-up support for the railway and energy industries as well as a range of companies in the country.