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Projects to be financed – explanatory notes

The list of projects under consideration provides information on potential projects that the EIB might finance.

What is meant by the term "project"?

Capital investment projects for which EIB financing is sought. The Bank is a complementary source of financing for large and small-scale investment projects contributing to EU policy objectives in all sectors of the economy. For further information, please consult project appraisal.

Which projects are included on the list?

In accordance with the EIB's transparency policy, the list includes all public sector projects, those for which a call for tenders has been announced in the Official Journal and all private sector projects, with the exception of those for which the promoter has presented legitimate confidentiality reasons. The list is updated as individual projects are identified and appraised.

At what stage of the project cycle do projects appear in the list?

Projects are introduced before the EIB Board of Director's examination, the precise timing (date of entry) depending on the progress of the appraisal ("Under Examination" status).

Which projects are not included in the list?

All projects are included in the list unless the project promoter (or other business partners where appropriate) oppose inclusion on justified grounds of commercial/market confidentiality.

What type of information will not be disclosed?

At the request of the project promoter, certain information may be excluded, for instance contract details. In addition, the Bank will not disclose financial data on promoters, borrowers, and co-financing institutions, as well as its own internal analysis and comments on such data, industrial processes and market information.

At what point is a project approved?

The inclusion of a project on the list does not commit the Bank to financing it. Approval by the Board of Directors ("Approved" status) translates into a loan only with the signature of a finance contract, which includes the technical description of the investment financed. Disbursements follow contract signature, according to the needs of project implementation and subject to fulfilment of all relevant pre-disbursement conditions. After signature ("Signed" status), the project remains on the list of projects under consideration for a further six months. It is also placed on the list of financed projects.

Is the data on the project list subject to change?

Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation, and therefore data provided on the project list is indicative. For instance, the reference to EIB finance and the total cost of a project are for expected amounts. Only information on the location, sector and status of the project are automatically updated at the different stages.

Disclaimer about the COVID-19 and European Guarantee Fund project list

The information on the COVID-19 and European Guarantee Fund project list is not part of formal EIB reporting on the COVID-19 response and European Guarantee Fund. Details on these pages are provisional and unaudited. Signed operations also include projects where only part of the full approved amount has already been signed. Some project information may be withheld to protect justified interests (i.e. commercial interests).