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Established in 2019 in partnership with the government of Germany, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) Fund aims to catalyse investment for ambitious climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in developing and emerging countries. The IKI Fund seeks to do this by providing investment grants, financial instruments and technical assistance to public and private sector beneficiaries, as well as advisory services to central banks and financial institutions. It currently supports five initiatives funded by the International Climate Initiative: the Green Transition Facility Jordan, the Universal Green Energy Access Programme, the Greening Financial Systems Programme, the Renewable Energy Solutions Programme, and the 'Just Transition and Just Resilience' programme, which supports Ukraine’s gradual phasing-out of coal mining.

At a glance

The IKI Fund supports ambitious climate action projects in developing and emerging economies.


Get involved

We are seeking additional donors for our successful Greening Financial Systems Programme, which aims to build climate-resilient financial systems around the world. The Programme directly supports the Paris Agreement goals by advancing the achievement of Nationally Determined Contributions in developing countries. Contributions from donor countries count as Official Development Assistance.

Check out our replenishment proposal and contact us for more information on how to contribute to EIB's Greening Financial Systems programme.

Our donors

The IKI Fund's initial donor,   Germany, has committed €57 million to finance operations deployed by the trust fund.

©Tom Washington/Getty Images

Expected impact

171 GWh/year electricity produced from renewable energy sources

53 900 tons CO2 emissions avoided per year

14 600 jobs supported

Sustainable Development Goals

Donor-financed operations through our trust funds make a direct contribution to several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our collective actions unlock billions of euros in investment to combat climate change, eradicate poverty and fight inequality. These are some of the global goals targeted by our trust fund.

United Nations

Donor-funded instruments

Yann Arthus-Bertrand


Operations eligible for financing under the IKI Fund must be in line with the EIB’s Climate Action eligibility criteria.

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