Even food that looks fresh and tastes delicious can carry germs. Follow these guidelines to ensure you remain well while away:
Insect and animal bites can be painful, set off allergic reactions, or become infected. Some also spread diseases such as malaria and rabies. Avoid insect and animal bites while you travel by obeying a few simple rules:
When traveling to destinations several time zones away, the delay between the new time and the body’s own internal circadian clock may result in a condition called jet lag. The body however is able to reset itself at a rate of about one day for every time zone traveled. Most people have fewer problems with westward travel (lengthening day) than eastward travel (shortening day). Jet lag can be worsened by insufficient sleep before the journey.
The most common signs of jet lag are tiredness, headaches, difficulty in falling asleep, and appetite problems. There is no cure for jet lag, but its effects can be reduced by avoiding caffeinated beverages for at least 4 hours before bedtime to avoid interrupted sleep.
To reset your internal clock when you travel across time zones, try to rest the first day after you arrive and do what the locals are doing:
The aircraft cabin equivalent altitude is generally 6,000 to 8,000 feet and this increases your risk of decompression sickness compared to being at sea level.