
21-02-2018 09:00
Hearing on Work-Life Balance

Slyšení EMPL
Two hands holding a wood balance "work" and "life"
Hearing Work-Life Balance.jpg © European Union (2018), European Parliament

On 21 February, the EMPL Committee held a public hearing on the Commission proposal on work-life balance for parents and carers, which fed into the preparation of the related legislative draft report by rapporteur David Casa (EPP, MT). The Commission proposal, presented in the overall framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights, aims to address women’s underrepresentation in the labour market through higher minimum standards for parental, paternity and carer’s leave.

16-10-2017 15:00
EMPL/TRAN hearing on Working conditions of mobile workers in transport

Poster on Hearing Working conditions of mobile workers in transport
Hearing Working conditions of mobile workers in transport © European Parliament (2017), European Union

This joint hearing EMPL/TRAN seeked to share views and experience in cross cutting issues concerning both Committees, such as working conditions of workers in the road transport, particularly in the context of the recent proposals under the “Mobility Package”, Posting of workers, potential circumvention of rules or the issue of social dumping. The presentations of the invited experts have been followed by an exchange of views with Members.

10-10-2017 15:00
EMPL/CULT hearing on European Solidarity Corps

Poster for the joint hearing EMPL/CULT on European Solidarity Corps
Joint hearing EMPL/CULT on European Solidarity Corps © European Union (2017), European Parliament

The purpose of this joint hearing EMPL/CULT was to debate the objective and effectiveness of the European Solidarity Corps. A number of important questions were debated regarding the ESC format and form, objectives and implementation, as well as its reliance on existing EU programmes and funds.

13-07-2017 10:30
Hearing on Protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work

Slyšení EMPL
Images of products containing carcinogens and mutagens, to which workers are exposed
Public Hearing on Protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work © European Parliament (2017), European Union

This public hearing was linked to the ongoing discussions on the legislative proposal amending Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work (rapporteur Claude Rolin (EPP, FR). The presentation of the proposal by Commissioner Marianne Thyssen was followed by presentations of representatives from OSHA, social partners, and an academic expert, as well as an exchange of views with Members.

The aim of this hearing was a debate on the scientific and economic consideration underlying this important proposal and in particular on its expected implications for the main stakeholders concerned.

12-07-2017 09:00
Hearing on Impact of business models

Slyšení EMPL
Image of a laptop on the European flag
Hearing on the Impact of business models, including platform economy, on employment and social security in the EU © European Parliament (2017), European Union

On 12 July EMPL organises a public hearing on “The impact of business models, including the platform economy, on employment and social security in the EU”. The main objective will be to deepen the Committee’s understanding of the factual and legal impact of those business models on employment and social security.

It will be in particular of interest under which circumstances persons employed through, for instance, online platforms enjoy worker status or being self-employed or under which conditions they are covered by social security systems. 4 experts have been invited and their presentations will be followed by an exchange of views with Members.

11-05-2017 15:00
The situation and rights of EU Citizens in the UK

Situation and rights of EU nationals in the UK
poster-brexit-hearing.jpg © @ European Union 2017

In its Resolution of 5 April 2017 on negotiations with the United Kingdom following its notification that it intends to withdraw from the European Union, the European Parliament advocated for the fair treatment of EU-27 citizens living or having lived in the United Kingdom and of United Kingdom citizens living or having lived in the EU-27.

The EP also demanded that the status and rights of EU-27 citizens residing in the United Kingdom and of United Kingdom citizens residing in the EU-27 be subject to the principles of reciprocity, equity, symmetry and non-discrimination. There are many aspects to be taken into account when analysing the situation of those citizens: the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on Petitions held a joint hearing on the situation of EU citizens in the UK on 11 May 2017.

11-04-2017 15:00
Hearing: Social protection and coordination of social security systems

Slyšení EMPL
Hearing Social security
Hearing Social protection and coordination of social security systems © European Parliament (2017), European Union

EMPL organised a hearing on the Commission proposal on social security systems. The main objective was to get a better factual and legal understanding of the proposal, in particular in the fields where the main changes are proposed:

coordination of unemployment benefits, frontier workers and responsible Member State for unemployment benefits, the new chapter on long-term care benefits,equal treatment clause,social security for posted workers or the coordination of parental leave allowance. The presentations of experts were followed by an exchange of views with Members.

05-12-2016 17:15
Hearing on Greek labour market reform

Slyšení EMPL
The flag of Greece
Flag Greece; © European Union © European Union

On 5 December Mr Pedro Martins, Professor from the London School of Business and Management in London took part at the hearing as a member of the "Expert Group for the review of the Greek labour market institutions" to present their recommendations adopted on 27 September 2016.

The expert group consists of eight independent experts, its composition was jointly agreed with the Greek government and the institutions and was set-up in April 2016. It was tasked with helping Greece and the international institutions (European Commission, European Central Bank, European Stability Mechanism, International Monetary Fund) to reach an agreement on labour reforms.

07-11-2016 15:00
Health and Safety related to the new generation jobs

Slyšení EMPL
Health and safety related to the new generation jobs
L003796 A3PO IPOL Health safety.jpg © Eeuropean Union (2015), European Parliament

The main objective of the hearing has been be to discuss how technological and other developments in the labour market are creating new challenges for health and safety policy as well as to consider what responses might be appropriate.

This is intended to cover employment sectors that have developed in recent years, including nanomaterials and biotechnologies, as well as the new ways of organising more traditional work that modern technology makes possible, including more flexibility regarding working times and location. In some cases, this may offer a better work-life balance; in others a greater risk of stress or burn-out. 5 experts had been invited and their presentations were be followed by an exchange of views with Members.

01-09-2016 09:00
Employee financial participation in the age of digitalisation

Slyšení EMPL

The main objective of this hearing will be to get a better understanding of the impact of digitalisation, such as the use of artificial intelligence and robots, in employees' financial participation. 4 experts have been invited and their presentations will be followed by an exchange of views with Members.