Møder med nationale parlamenter
Europa-Parlamentets udvalg kan indlede en direkte dialog med nationale parlamenter på udvalgsniveau. Dette kan omfatte møder, der samler nationale og europæiske parlamentarikere fra tilsvarende udvalg til drøftelse af sager af fælles interesse.
På denne side kan du finde alle de tilgængelige oplysninger om disse møder.
Upcoming Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on “Strengthening cooperation for a timely and correct enforcement of EU law benefitting EU citizens” (PETI ICM), 28 January 2025, Brussels, from 15.00 to 18.30 in the European Parliament in Brussels (Room Antall 6Q2), in physical presence only.
On 12 December 2024, members from EU national parliaments will join the LIBE Committee to address key issues surrounding the Rule of Law across Europe, in the context of the Inter-parliamentary meeting on the Situation of the Rule of Law in the EU.
5th Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on the Evaluation of Eurojust's activities
In accordance with Article 67(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1727 on the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust), the President of Eurojust shall appear once a year for the joint evaluation of Eurojust's activities by the European Parliament and national Parliaments, within the framework of an interparliamentary committee meeting.