Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development


Photo representing a forest with of lot of big fir trees
18-03-2025 - 16:01

The Joint ENVI-AGRI Committee (Committee on the Environment, Climate and Food Safety and the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development) will discuss the amendments to two legislative proposals about forests on 20 March. The proposals concern the monitoring framework for resilient European forests and the amending act on the Standing Forestry Committee.

Cows on a truck for transport
18-03-2025 - 16:01

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and the Committee on Transport and Tourism will jointly discuss the draft report on protection of animals during transport and related operations, on 19 March.

A woman with a spike of a wheat plant in her hands, checking the quality of the seeds
12-03-2025 - 15:50

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will vote on the draft report on the equivalence of seeds with EU requirements from Moldova and Ukraine, on 19 March. The Committee will also vote on the 9th report on economic and social cohesion and on the pilot projects and preparatory actions - PPPAs - for the 2026 budget.

Gelsomina Vigliotti, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), seating at a desk
12-03-2025 - 15:46

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will discuss the European Investment Bank (EIB) financing package for agriculture, forestry and fisheries with Gelsomina Vigliotti, Vice-President of the EIB, on 19 March.

Christophe Hansen, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, standing in front of the European flag
12-03-2025 - 12:47

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will discuss the Vision for Agriculture and Food with Christophe Hansen, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, on 19 March.

Photo describing a young man in the night with the two hands showing the word "budget" in a transparent screen
12-02-2025 - 11:15

On 17-18 February, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will adopt its opinion on the 2026 Budget. It will also consider two draft opinions on, respectively, the Water Resilience Strategy and a revamped long-term EU budget.

Activity report

The AGRI Activity Report lists all of the legislative and non-legislative activities and initiatives carried out by the committee during the 9th term.

Fact Sheets on the EU

The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.

Supporting Analyses

prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies


Panel for the Future of Science and Technology