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El pleno ha aprobado los cambios propuestos por la Conferencia de Presidentes para crear dos nuevas comisiones permanentes y dos comisiones especiales.

El Parlamento Europeo dio el miércoles su aprobación al Colegio de Comisarios en su conjunto, en una votación nominal, tras un debate en el pleno con la presidenta Ursula von der Leyen.

Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council.

On Monday, the International Trade and Constitutional Affairs committees questioned Šefčovič, Slovak candidate for Trade and Economic Security/ Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency.

All of Parliament’s 20 standing committees and four subcommittees held their constitutive meetings on Tuesday to elect their Chair and Vice-Chairs.

During its constitutive meeting on Tuesday, the Committee on Constitutional Affairs elected Sven Simon (EPP, DE) as its Chair, as well as four Vice-Chairs to complete the committee bureau.