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Investigación para la Comisión CULT - Política de educación, juventud y deporte de la UE: visión general y perspectivas futuras

11-09-2024 752.454 CULT
Resumen : El presente documento es el resumen del estudio titulado « Política de educación, juventud y deporte de la UE: visión general y perspectivas futuras ». El estudio completo, que está disponible en inglés, se puede descargar en: https://bit.ly/3AVQcCp
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Research for CULT Committee - EU education, youth and sport policy - overview and future perspectives EN

11-09-2024 752.455 CULT
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Resumen : This at a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive overview of the situation to date and forward-looking insights in the areas of European Union education and training, youth, and sport policy. It highlights the existing and potential future challenges and opportunities within each policy field and makes recommendations for addressing them.
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Research for CULT Committee - EU culture and creative sectors policy - overview and future perspectives EN

22-08-2024 752.456 CULT
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Resumen : This At a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive overview and understanding of the main current and future issues to be expected in the area of EU culture and creative sectors policy in the 2024-2029 term of the European Parliament.
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Investigación para la Comisión CULT - La política de la UE en los sectores cultural y creativo: visión general y perspectivas futuras

22-08-2024 752.453 CULT
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