
Tanzanian flag
Desplazamientos DEVE

7 Committee on Development MEPs, led by chair Barry Andrews, will travel to Tanzania to gather first-hand information on Global Gateway initiatives and other development cooperation projects on the ground and to assess their impact on the local economy and population.

Desplazamientos DEVE

A delegation of 6 Members, led by MEP Lukas MANDL (EPP, AT), traveled to Guatemala from 28 to 30 October. The purpose of the mission was to review the EU development portfolio in the country, especially in the context of the current programming period.

Desplazamientos DEVE

The EP President Metsola and a delegation of 13 MEPs from five Parliament committees were in New York on 20-24 September to meet with representatives of several UN and international organisations in the framework of the UN Summit of the Future and Action Days