
Kaikkia asiakirjoja ei välttämättä ole saatavilla kielelläsi. Tällöin tarjotaan automaattisesti toista kieliversiota. Kieliversiot on merkitty kyseisen kielen kuvakkeella. (e.g.: FR ).

On Tuesday, Parliament backed Teresa Anjinho (Portugal) as the European Ombudsman for a five-year mandate, with the support of 344 MEPs in a secret plenary vote.

The European Parliament praises Emily O'Reilly’s work in 2023 on access to documents, fundamental rights, ethical issues and accountability in EU institutions.

The six candidates running for the post of European Ombudsman will present their priorities in a hearing organised by the Petitions Committee on Tuesday.

Taking place from 2-6 December, Disability Rights Week will advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, and for their voices to be heard.

The Petitions Committee commends the EU Ombudsman’s work in 2023 on access to documents, fundamental rights, ethical issues and accountability in EU institutions.

All of Parliament’s 20 standing committees and four subcommittees held their constitutive meetings on Tuesday to elect their Chair and Vice-Chairs.

In Tuesday’s constitutive meeting, the Committee on Petitions elected its new Bureau, consisting of a Chair and four Vice-Chairs.