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Europos Parlamentas suteikė verslui papildomus metus pasiruošti draudimui alinti miškus
Antradienį europarlamentarai metams atidėjo ES taisyklių, įpareigojančių įmones užtikrinti, kad ES parduodamų produktų gamybai nebuvo naikinami miškai, taikymą.
Companies will have one more year to adapt to new EU rules to prevent deforestation, which will ban the sale of products sourced from deforested land in the EU.
Following the end of the 2024 climate negotiations, the MEPs leading Parliament’s delegation reacted to the outcome of the COP29.
A Parliament delegation arrives in Baku today to participate in the COP29 climate change conference, which aims to define a new collective goal for financing climate action.
Parliament adopted its demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP29, which aims to define a new collective goal for financing climate action.
Europos Parlamentas siekia suteikti verslui papildomus metus pasiruošti draudimui alinti miškus
Ketvirtadienį europarlamentarai pasiūlė metams atidėti ES taisyklių, įpareigojančių įmones užtikrinti, kad ES parduodamų produktų gamybai nebuvo naikinami miškai, taikymą.
Three committees questioned Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, Spanish candidate for Commission Executive Vice-President for the Clean, Just and Competitive Transition.
On Tuesday, four parliamentary committees questioned Stéphane Séjourné, French candidate for the Prosperity and Industrial Strategy portfolio.
Wopke Hoekstra from the Netherlands, Commissioner-designate for Climate, Net-Zero and Clean Growth, was questioned by three committees on Thursday morning.