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Research for the AGRI committee: The role of commodity traders in shaping agricultural markets. EN

07-11-2024 747.277 AGRI
Mad-Daqqa t'Għajn
Sommarju : This study provides an overview of the impact of commodity traders on agricultural markets. It examines the ramifications of financialisation, explores prevailing trends, and confronts the challenges that characterise the industry's landscape. Moreover, after analysing the regulatory state of play at the international level, it provides suggestions towards bolstering the sector's accountability and transparency, essential for fostering trust and sustainability. By scrutinising these aspects, this study offers insights into the intricate dynamics of agricultural trading and its broader socioeconomic implications.
Dokumenti marbuta


Research for the AGRI committee: The role of commodity traders in shaping agricultural markets EN

29-09-2024 747.276 AGRI
Sommarju : This study provides an overview of the impact of commodity traders on agricultural markets. It examines the ramifications of financialisation, explores prevailing trends, and confronts the challenges that characterise the industry's landscape. Moreover, after analysing the regulatory state of play at the international level, it provides suggestions towards bolstering the sector's accountability and transparency, essential for fostering trust and sustainability. By scrutinising these aspects, this study offers insights into the intricate dynamics of agricultural trading and its broader socioeconomic implications.
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Mad-Daqqa t'Għajn