
Uma comissão é autorizada a organizar uma audição de peritos se entender que a mesma é indispensável para o seu trabalho sobre uma determinada questão. As audições também podem ser realizadas conjuntamente por duas ou mais comissões. A maioria das comissões organiza audições com regularidade, uma vez que as mesmas lhes permitem ouvir a opinião de peritos e debater questões fulcrais. Esta página contém todas as informações disponíveis relacionadas com as audições organizadas pelas comissões, incluindo os programas e as contribuições dos oradores.

Two piles of coins from which small plants grow
Audições AGRI

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development holds a hearing on “The actors in the agricultural supply chain and their role in price formation: problems and perspectives”.

Audições ECON

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs held a hearing to assess the adequacy of the macroprudential framework for non-bank financial institutions in the EU, on 19 March 2025.

Image of houses on a street with trees
Audições REGI

The Committees on Regional Development and Employment and Social Affairs held a joint public hearing on the subject of Towards a European Plan for Housing: Perspectives on urban and rural areas on Wednesday 19 March 2025.

Adult hand extended and open to hold a child's smaller hand, palm facing palm
Audições JURI EMPL

On 18 March 2025, JURI and EMPL Members held a public hearing on the protection and promotion of the rights of children placed in alternative care

A hand holding a digital circle. It's an abstract image
Audições IMCO

On 18 March, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) hosted a public hearing about the enforcement and implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA). The aim of the hearing is to discuss the effective implementation and enforcement of the DSA.

Audições PETI

The PETI public hearing "Suspension of procedures for evictions and squatting", based on Petitions 1535/2020, 1124/2021, 0503/2022 and 0112/2023.

Audições PETI LIBE

The Joint LIBE-PETI public hearing ‘Border checks and the future of the Schengen area’, based on Petitions 0585/2023 and 0509/2024, focuses on the evolution of the Schengen Area, recent amendments to the Schengen Borders Code and the impact of the reintroduction of internal border controls.

Audições IMCO

On 18 February, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) hosted a public hearing about housing rentals in the internal market and consumer protection. This event aimed to bring together different perspectives and gather feedback on housing rental challenges, with a particular emphasis on consumer protection.

SEDE undersea cables
Audições SEDE

SEDE organises a public hearing on 'Hybrid War: protection of undersea cables in the Baltic Sea' on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 from 11.15 to 12.45hrs in Brussels (room SPINELLI 3G2). Subsea infrastructure, such as communication cables and energy pipelines, serves as the global nervous system, simultaneously transporting critical energy resources across continents and enabling communication across the world.

online shopping
Audições IMCO

On February 17 IMCO hosted a public hearing on the safety of products in the single market, focusing on e-commerce and imports from non-EU countries. The goal of this hearing was to gather input from the Commission, businesses, consumer groups, and national authorities.

FISC Hearing on “A Coherent Tax Framework for the EU’s Financial Sector” - 6 February
Audições FISC

On 6 February 2025, from 08:45 to 10:00, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on ‘A coherent tax framework for the EU’s financial sector’. The hearing will feed into the work on an own-initiative report by the FISC Subcommittee on the same topic.

A man faces a computer generated figure with programming language in the background
Audições JURI

On 30 January 2025, the Committee on Legal Affairs held a public hearing on the Commission proposal for a Directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AILD - 2022/303(COD)).