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Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the Council.

On Tuesday night, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new measures to prevent and reduce waste from food and textiles across the EU.

Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Climate Change and Food Safety today adopted its position on the EU’s proposed ‘one substance, one assessment' package.

Companies will have one more year to comply with new EU rules to prevent deforestation that will ban the sale in the EU of products sourced from deforested land.

Companies will have one more year to adapt to new EU rules to prevent deforestation, which will ban the sale of products sourced from deforested land in the EU.

Following the end of the 2024 climate negotiations, the MEPs leading Parliament’s delegation reacted to the outcome of the COP29.

Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council.

A Parliament delegation arrives in Baku today to participate in the COP29 climate change conference, which aims to define a new collective goal for financing climate action.

Parliament adopted its demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP29, which aims to define a new collective goal for financing climate action.

EU deforestation obligations will be postponed one year so that companies can comply with the law that ensures products sold in the EU are not sourced from deforested land.