O comisie poate decide să organizeze misiuni într-un stat membru, într-o țară din afara UE sau la conferințe internaționale. Misiunile sunt organizate în contextul exercitării competențelor conferite comisiei și sunt compuse dintr-un număr limitat de membri ai comisiei. De asemenea, comisiile pot trimite o delegație compusă din trei membri, pentru o perioadă de maximum trei zile, la agențiile care intră în domeniul lor principal de competență. Pe această pagină veți găsi toate informațiile disponibile cu privire la misiunile specifice.
DROI delegation of six MEPs travelled to The Hague on 29-30 October to hold meetings with top International Criminal Court (ICC) and Eurojust officials, International Court of Justice (ICJ) judges, representatives of the civil society and diplomats.
A delegation of six Members of the Committee on International Trade (INTA), accompanied by the Chair of the Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly, traveled to London (UK) from 28 to 30 October 2024. The delegation, led by the INTA Chair, Bernd Lange (S&D, DE), exchanged with the UK government, parliamentarians and stakeholders on the trade aspects of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, including the Windsor Framework, and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
SANT subcommittee travelled to Stockholm from 28 to 29 October 2024 to visit the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The delegation was composed of three Members: Elena NEVADO DEL CAMPO (EPP, Spain), András Tivadar KULJA (EPP, Hungary), Marta TEMIDO (S&D, Portugal).
A seven-member strong delegation of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) travelled to the United Kingdom from 28 to 30 October 2024. This was the first official visit of the Committee abroad in this parliamentary term. The delegation discussed possibilities for strengthening of the EU-UK partnership, in particular in foreign and security affairs.
A delegation of 6 Members, led by MEP Lukas MANDL (EPP, AT), traveled to Guatemala from 28 to 30 October. The purpose of the mission was to review the EU development portfolio in the country, especially in the context of the current programming period.
The EP President Metsola and a delegation of 13 MEPs from five Parliament committees were in New York on 20-24 September to meet with representatives of several UN and international organisations in the framework of the UN Summit of the Future and Action Days
A delegation of seven INTA Members traveled to Geneva to participate to the WTO Public Forum between 10 and 12 September. INTA Members met with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the WTO to discuss the state of world trade and the prospects for trade policy in the aftermath of the 13th Ministerial Conference which took place earlier this year (MC13).