
O comisie poate organiza o audiere cu experți atunci când acest lucru este considerat esențial pentru activitatea sa cu privire la o anumită chestiune. Audierile pot fi organizate și în comun, de două sau mai multe comisii. Majoritatea comisiilor organizează audieri regulate, deoarece acest lucru le permite să intre în contact cu experții și să aibă discuții cu privire la chestiunile-cheie. Această pagină vă pune la dispoziție toate informațiile disponibile privind audierile comisiilor, inclusiv programele și intervențiile vorbitorilor.

FISC Hearing on “A Coherent Tax Framework for the EU’s Financial Sector” - 6 February
Audieri FISC

On 6 February 2025, from 08:45 to 10:00, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on ‘A coherent tax framework for the EU’s financial sector’. The hearing will feed into the work on an own-initiative report by the FISC Subcommittee on the same topic.

Public hearing on “The Impact of Taxation on Gender Equality in the EU”
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On 13 January 2025, from 16:00 to 17:15, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on the impact of taxation on gender equality in the European Union. The hearing is organized in the context of the European Parliament’s Gender Equality Week 2024, which took place from 2 to 5 December 2025.

FISC Public hearing on “National Tax Measures to Support People with Disabilities in the EU”
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On 3 December 2024, from 15:30 to 16:45, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on 'National Tax Measures to Support People with Disabilities in the EU'. It is organized in the context of the European Parliament’s Disability Rights Week 2024.

FISC Public hearing on “Simplification and transparency: Role of simplified tax policy to encourage growth, job creation, competitiveness and cross-border business within the EU27”
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On 17 October 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30, the FISC Subcommittee will host a public hearing on “Simplification and transparency: Role of simplified tax policy to encourage growth, job creation, competitiveness and cross-border business within the EU”.