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Two new EU laws will offer quick EU funding for recovery measures following natural disasters that have occurred after 1 January 2024.

Taking place from 2-6 December, Disability Rights Week will advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, and for their voices to be heard.

Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council.

Two European Parliament committees questioned Olivér Várhelyi, Hungarian candidate for the Health and Animal Welfare portfolio, on Wednesday evening.

The Agriculture and Rural Development Committee questioned Christophe Hansen, Luxembourgish candidate for the Agriculture and Food portfolio, on Monday.

On Monday, Agriculture Committee MEPs will hear from Peter Strohschneider, Chair, and participants of the Strategic Dialogue about their recommendations for the future of EU agriculture.

All of Parliament’s 20 standing committees and four subcommittees held their constitutive meetings on Tuesday to elect their Chair and Vice-Chairs.

On Tuesday, the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) elected Veronika Vrecionová (ECR, CZ) as committee Chair for the first half of the legislature.