EP resolutions

EU-NATO Relations (13 June 2018)

Cooperation between the Union and NATO should be complementary and respectful of the specificities and roles of each of the two organisations.

NATOs rapid reinforcement capabilities will improve through removing bureaucratic and infrastructural barriers. More Union staff is required and the exchange and sharing of information in the field of cybersecurity should be intensified. CSDP and NATO missions should be reviewed with regard to relations with women and children in conflict zones.

EU Member States that are also members of NATO should redouble their efforts to achieve the defence 2 % of GDP target, and to allocate 20% of this spending to the acquisition of major new equipment.

The EU should ensure a close security and defence relationship with the after Brexit, United Kingdom acknowledging that the UK will remain a lead contributor to European defence as both a NATO member and European nation, while no longer being a member of the EU.

European Defence Fund 2021–2027 (18 April 2019)

Between 2021 and 2027, the European Defence Fund (EDF) shall cover both defence research and capabilities, on the basis of respectively the Preparatory Action on Defence Research and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme.

Its aim is to boost the performance of European defence through innovation in collaborative research and development projects of defence products and technologies.

Parliament proposed that the financial envelope should be set at EUR 11.5 billion at 2018 prices, indicatively: EUR 3.6 billion to directly finance competitive and collaborative research projects, including grants; EUR 7.8 billion for prototype development and related certification and testing requirements.

Members asked the Commission to keep administrative procedures simple and economic.

Parliament wants coherent work programmes throughout the life cycle management of defence products and technologies. This should encourage cross-border participation of SMEs and mid-caps.

Decision for establishing a European Peace Facility (28 March 2019)

The EPF is a financial instrument for peacebuilding. It finances EU military missions, strengthens the military and defence capabilities of third countries and regional or international organisations, and helps financing peace support operations by a regional or international organisation or by third countries.

Parliament urged to:

- ensure that projects funded by the Facility will not violate Article 21 of the TEU or international law, in particular international humanitarian and human rights law;

- plan the establishment of a Facility Committee;

- implement Parliament's views when preparing proposals for multi-year 'action programmes' or ad hoc assistance measures, including by withdrawing proposals that are opposed by Parliament;

- submit draft Council decisions relating to the European Peace Facility to Parliament for consultation;

- ensure the consistency of the European Peace Facility with all other aspects of the EU's external action;

- provide regular feedback to Parliament.

Implementation of the common security and defence policy (12 December 2018)

The Union should engage with one voice with its allies and partners and other international organisations.

Further integration of European defence capabilities and transatlantic cooperation are pivotal for the security and defence of the European and North American democracies.

Member States shall strive to achieve the target of 2% of GDP for defence, and spend 20% of their defence budgets on equipment identified as necessary by the European Defence Agency (EDA), including related research and development.

The Union and NATO need to ensure that multinational initiatives to develop the Union's and NATO's capabilities are complementary and mutually reinforcing. The two organisations have very distinct features and their cooperation should be conducted in accordance with the autonomy and decision-making procedures of the other, based on the principles of reciprocity, without prejudice to the specific nature of the Member States' security and defence policy.