REPORT  on the joint text on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023 approved by the Conciliation Committee under the budgetary procedure

18.11.2022 - (00000/2022 – C9‑0000/2022 – 2022/0212(BUD))

European Parliament delegation to the Conciliation Committee
Rapporteurs:  Nicolae Ştefănuță (Section III – Commission)
 Niclas Herbst (other sections)

Procedure : 2022/0212(BUD)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :  


on the joint text on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023 approved by the Conciliation Committee under the budgetary procedure

(00000/2022 – C9‑0000/2022 – 2022/0212(BUD))

The European Parliament,

 having regard to the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee and the relevant Parliament, Council and Commission statements (00000/2022 – C9‑0000/2022),

 having regard to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023, which the Commission adopted on 1 July 2022 (COM(2022)0400),

 having regard to the position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023, which the Council adopted on 6 September 2022 and forwarded to Parliament on 9 September 2022 (12108/2022 – C9‑0306/2022),

 having regard to Letter of amendment No 1/2023 to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023, which the Commission presented on 5 October 2022 (COM(2022)0670),

 having regard to its resolution of 19 October 2022 on the Council position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023[1] and to the budget amendments contained therein,

 having regard to Article 314 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

 having regard to Article 106a of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community,

 having regard to Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 EU of 14 December 2020 on the system of own resources of the European Union and repealing Decision 2014/335/EU, Euratom[2],

 having regard to Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014 and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012[3],

 having regard to Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093 of 17 December 2020 laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021-2027[4],

 having regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 16 December 2020 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management, as well as on new own resources, including a roadmap towards the introduction of new own resources[5],

 having regard to Rule 95 and Rule 96 of its Rules of Procedure,

 having regard to the report of its delegation to the Conciliation Committee (A9-0278/2022),

1. Approves the joint text;

2. Confirms the joint statements annexed to this resolution;

3. Takes note of the Commission statement annexed to this resolution;

4. Instructs its President to declare that the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023 has been definitively adopted and to arrange for its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union;

5. Instructs its President to forward this legislative resolution to the Council, the Commission, the other institutions and bodies concerned and the national parliaments.


Budget 2023 – Elements for joint conclusions



These joint conclusions cover the following sections:

1. Budget 2023

2. Budget 2022 – Draft Amending Budget No. 5/2022

3. Statements


Summary overview

A. Budget 2023


According to the elements for joint conclusions:

- The overall level of commitment appropriations in the 2023 budget is set at EUR 186 616,7 million. Overall, this leaves a margin below the MFF ceilings for 2023 of EUR 421,2 million in commitment appropriations.

- The overall level of payment appropriations in the 2023 budget is set at EUR 168 648,7 million. Overall, this leaves a margin below the MFF ceiling for 2023 of EUR 3 554,2 million in payment appropriations.

- The Flexibility Instrument for 2023 is mobilised in commitment appropriations for an amount of EUR 1 235,7 million, of which EUR 182,2 million for sub-heading 2b Resilience and Values, EUR 170,6 million for heading 5 Security and Defence and EUR 882,9 million for heading 6 Neighbourhood and the World.

The 2023 payment appropriations related to the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument in the years 2019 to 2023 are estimated by the Commission at EUR 948,1 million. The estimated payment schedule of the related outstanding amounts for these years is detailed in the following table:

Flexibility Instrument - payment profile (in EUR million)

Mobilisation year



































1 235,7






1 992,3

- In accordance with Article 11(1) a of the MFF Regulation, the Single Margin Instrument is mobilised in commitment appropriations for an amount of EUR 280 million in sub-heading 2b Resilience and Values.

B. Budget 2022

Draft Amending Budget (DAB) 5/2022 is approved, with one amendment compared to the Commission proposal: due to the late adoption of the legal base for the European Defence Industry Reinforcement through Common Procurement Act (EDIRPA), the amount of EUR 82 972 301 in commitment appropriations placed in the reserve for this purpose is not accepted, and the corresponding budget line 13 06 01 is not created for the financial year 2022.

1. Budget 2023

1.1. 'Closed' lines

Unless stated otherwise below in these conclusions, all budget lines are confirmed as proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget for 2023 as amended in Amending Letter No. 1/2023.

For the other budget lines, the Conciliation Committee has agreed on the conclusions included in sections 1.2 to 1.7 below.

1.2. Horizontal issues

Decentralised agencies

The EU contribution (in commitment and payment appropriations) and the number of establishment plan posts for all decentralised agencies are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget for 2023 as amended in Amending Letter No. 1/2023, with the following exceptions:

 Under sub-heading 2b:

 The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO, budget article 07 10 08), for which the 2023 budget includes an increase of EUR 2,5 million and the transformation of twenty contract agent positions into temporary agents posts in the establishment plan, assuming recruitment on average mid-year.

 Under heading 4:

 The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA, budget article 11 10 02), for which six posts are added to the establishment plan and the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 0,5 million, assuming recruitment on average mid-year.

 The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA, budget article 10 10 01) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 3 million.

 The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex, budget article 11 10 01), for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is reduced by EUR 50 million as proposed by the Council and agreed by the European Parliament in their readings.

Executive agencies

The EU contribution (in commitment and payment appropriations) and the number of establishment plan posts for executive agencies are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget.

Pilot Projects/Preparatory Actions

A comprehensive package of 39 pilot projects/preparatory actions (PP/PA), of which 29 new, for a total amount of EUR 80,1 million in commitment appropriations is agreed as proposed by the Parliament.

The level of appropriations for the continuation of the pilot project implemented by the European External Action Service (EEAS) (Pilot Project – Towards the creation of a European Diplomatic Academy, budget item 2 2 5 0) is set at the level requested by the EEAS and proposed by the Commission in the 2023 Draft Budget.

This package respects the ceilings for pilot projects and preparatory actions set out in the Financial Regulation.

1.3. Expenditure headings of the financial framework - commitment appropriations

After taking into account the above conclusions on agencies and pilot projects and preparatory actions, the Conciliation Committee has agreed on the following:

Heading 1 – Single Market, Innovation and Digital

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Horizon Europe

12 342 890 425

12 352 890 425

10 000 000

01 02 01 02

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

864 130 546

874 130 546

10 000 000


International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

1 019 848 352

839 848 352

-180 000 000

01 04 01

Construction, operation and exploitation of the ITER facilities — European Joint Undertaking for ITER — and the Development of Fusion Energy

1 012 128 572

832 128 572

-180 000 000


CEF Transport

1 792 540 197

1 852 540 197

60 000 000

02 03 01

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Transport

1 782 813 707

1 842 813 707

60 000 000


CEF Energy

815 673 939

859 173 939

43 500 000

02 03 02

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Energy

810 644 269

854 144 269

43 500 000


Single Market Programme (incl. SMEs)

592 820 090

602 820 090

10 000 000

03 02 02

Improving the competitiveness of enterprises, particularly SMEs, and supporting their access to markets

126 384 000

136 384 000

10 000 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



37 325 000





-19 175 000

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 21 548,4 million, leaving a margin of EUR 178,6 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1.

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation[6], the Conciliation Committee agrees to make commitment appropriations available again on the research budget lines for a total amount of EUR 148,8 million in commitment appropriations. These appropriations are part of the overall amount of up to EUR 0,5 billion (in 2018 prices) for the 2021-2027 period as agreed upon in the framework of the MFF agreement. This leaves up to EUR 238,0 million in 2018 prices available for the 2024-2027 period. A possible further activation of Article 15.3 will be discussed in the framework of the legislative procedure on the European Chips Act and its financing.

The following budget line is reinforced and its budget remarks revised accordingly:



(in EUR)

Budget line


Commitment appropriations

01 02 02 20

Cluster ‘Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society’

29 762 369

01 02 02 40

Cluster ‘Digital, Industry and Space’

89 287 105

01 02 02 50

Cluster ‘Climate, Energy and Mobility’

29 762 369



148 811 843


Sub-heading 2a – Economic, social and territorial Cohesion

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Pilot projects and preparatory actions



3 500 000





3 500 000

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 62 926,5 million, leaving a margin of EUR 12,5 million under the expenditure ceiling of sub-heading 2a.

Sub-heading 2b – Resilience and Values

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Financing cost of the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI)

1 485 775 000

1 315 775 000

-170 000 000

06 04 01

European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) – Payment of periodic coupon and redemption at maturity

1 479 775 000

1 309 775 000

-170 000 000



731 750 309

739 250 309

7 500 000

06 06 01

EU4Health Programme

707 621 072

715 121 072

7 500 000



3 648 525 437

3 668 525 437

20 000 000

07 03 01 01

Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training — Indirect management

2 382 120 171

2 400 120 171

18 000 000

07 03 03

Promoting learning mobility of sport coaches and staff, as well as cooperation, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies

67 664 711

69 664 711

2 000 000


European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

141 196 320

144 196 320

3 000 000

07 04 01

European Solidarity Corps

134 298 196

137 298 196

3 000 000


Creative Europe

325 290 321

332 790 321

7 500 000

07 05 01


100 040 879

102 540 879

2 500 000

07 05 02


175 661 827

180 661 827

5 000 000


Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values

212 282 092

215 282 092

3 000 000

07 06 02

Promote citizens engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union

32 154 085

33 154 085

1 000 000

07 06 03


25 257 735

26 757 735

1 500 000

07 06 04

Protection and promotion of Union values

108 683 873

109 183 873

500 000


Decentralised Agencies

268 478 848

270 978 848

2 500 000

07 10 08

European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO)

62 101 095

64 601 095

2 500 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



31 590 500





-94 909 500

In the light of the interest rates and the volume of the NGEU financing operations until the end of 2022, the appropriations for budget line 06 04 01 can be reduced by EUR 170,0 million, while fully preserving the capacity to finance the non-repayable component of NGEU in 2023.

For Erasmus+, the reinforcement for budget Article 07 03 03 Promoting learning mobility of sport coaches and staff, as well as cooperation, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies would allow a contribution to the financing of actions related to the next special Olympics.

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 7 660,2 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of sub-heading 2b and the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for an amount of EUR 182,2 million in accordance with Article 12 of the MFF Regulation as well as the mobilisation of the Single Margin Instrument for an amount of EUR 280,0 million in accordance with Article 11(1)(a) of the MFF Regulation.

Heading 3 – Natural Resources and Environment

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)

725 521 280

755 521 280

30 000 000

09 02 01

Nature and biodiversity

272 761 676

279 011 676

6 250 000

09 02 02

Circular economy and quality of life

173 862 556

179 112 556

5 250 000

09 02 03

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

122 358 139

128 608 139

6 250 000

09 02 04

Clean energy transition

130 752 568

143 002 568

12 250 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



6 700 000





36 700 000

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 57 259,3 million, leaving a margin of EUR 35,7 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 3.

Heading 4 – Migration and Border Management

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

1 418 121 253

1 454 621 253

36 500 000

10 02 01

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

1 414 824 860

1 451 324 860

36 500 000


Decentralised Agencies

169 169 287

172 169 287

3 000 000

10 10 01

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)

169 169 287

172 169 287

3 000 000


Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF) - Instrument for border management and visa (BMVI)

946 798 303

956 798 303

10 000 000

11 02 01

Instrument for financial support for border management and visa

944 798 303

954 798 303

10 000 000


Decentralised Agencies

1 052 269 675

1 002 769 675

-49 500 000

11 10 01

European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)

793 614 137

743 614 137

-50 000 000

11 10 02

European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (‘eu-LISA’)

258 655 538

259 155 538

500 000






As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 3 727,3 million, leaving a margin of EUR 86,7 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 4.

Heading 5 – Security and Defence

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Military Mobility

236 685 681

295 185 681

58 500 000

13 04 01

Military mobility

234 970 661

293 470 661

58 500 000





58 500 000

Additionally, pending the agreement on the Space secure connectivity programme, the amounts proposed in the Draft Budget for this purpose will be put in reserve, to be be released or amended in line with the financing solution finally agreed by the European Parliament and the Council. The details are set out in section 1.5 below.

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 2 116,6 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 5 and the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for an amount of EUR 170,6 million.

Heading 6 – Neighbourhood and the World

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 but with the following adjustments, agreed by the Conciliation Committee, set out in the table below:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023



Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe (NDICI - Global Europe)

11 970 770 313

12 250 770 313

280 000 000

14 02 01 10

Southern neighbourhood

1 657 209 546

1 727 209 546

70 000 000

14 02 01 11

Eastern neighbourhood

618 890 238

828 890 238

210 000 000





280 000 000


For the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument — Global Europe, the increase of EUR 210 million in commitment appropriations for the Eastern neighbourhood (budget item 14 02 01 11) will be dedicated to measures in Ukraine and Moldova in response to the Russian aggression. The increase of EUR 70 million in commitment appropriations for the Southern neighbourhood (budget item 14 02 01 10) is intended to finance migration-related actions, in particular actions supporting the management and governance of migration and forced displacement and UNRWA.

As a consequence, the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 17 211,9 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 6 and the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for an amount of EUR 882,9 million.

Heading 7 – European Public Administration

The number of posts in the establishment plans of the institutions and the appropriations proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 are agreed by the Conciliation Committee with the following exceptions:

 The section of the Court of Justice of the European Union for which four posts are added to the establishment plan and the level of commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 634 903 considering recruitment on average mid-year;

 The section of the European Court of Auditors for which nine posts are added to the establishment plan and the level of commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 1 005 422 considering recruitment on average mid-year. The corresponding posts are temporary allowed, until 2027;

 The section of the European Economic and Social Committee for which two posts are added to the establishment plan and the level of commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 115 497 considering recruitment on average mid-year;

 The section of the European Ombudsman for which two posts are added to the establishment plan and the level of commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 101 388 considering recruitment on average mid-year;

 The section of the European Data Protection Supervisor for which five posts are added of which three posts to the establishment plan of the European Data Protection Supervisor and two posts to the establishment plan of the European Data Protection Board. The level of commitment and payment appropriations is therefore increased by EUR 388 202 considering recruitment on average mid-year;

 The section of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for which staff resources are increased by 11 Contract Agents and the level of commitment and payment appropriations increased by EUR 420 239 considering recruitment on average mid-year.

The adjustments, resulting in an increase of EUR 2,7 million of heading 7, are detailed in the following tables:

Section 4 – Court of Justice

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


1 2 0 0

Remuneration and allowances

304 868 000

305 502 903

634 903





634 903

Section 5 – European Court of Auditors

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


1 2 0 0

Remunerations and allowances

129 600 000

130 605 422

1 005 422





1 005 422

Section 6 – European Econcomic and Social Committee

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


1 2 0 0

Remunerations and allowances

82 849 505

82 965 001

115 496





115 496

Section 8 – European Ombudsman

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


1 2 0 0

Remuneration and allowances

9 002 978

9 104 366

101 388





101 388

Section 9 – European data-protection Supervisor

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


1 1 0 0

Remuneration and allowances

7 491 500

7 724 420

232 920

3 0 1 0

Remuneration and allowances

2 123 500

2 278 782

155 282





388 202

Section 10 – European External Action Service

Budget line / Programme


Variation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


1 2 0 0

Contract staff

20 967 900

21 388 139

420 239





420 239

As a consequence the agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 11 311,3 million, leaving a margin of EUR 107,7 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 7, of which EUR 28,2 million under the sub-margin for ‘Administrative expenditure of the institutions’.

Thematic special instruments: EGF, SEAR and BAR

Commitment appropriations for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF), the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR) and the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget.

1.4. Payment appropriations

The overall level of payment appropriations in the 2023 budget is set at the level of the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 with the following adjustments agreed by the Conciliation Committee:

1. The agreed level of commitment appropriations for non-differentiated expenditure (headings 1 to 6), for which the level of payment appropriations is equal to the level of commitment appropriations, is taken into account. This applies also to the reduction of the financing cost of the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) by EUR 170,0 million. Taking into account also the adjustment to the Union contribution to decentralised agencies, the combined effect is a decrease of EUR 214,0 million;

2. The adjustment under heading 7 resulting in an increase of EUR 2,7 million;

3. The payment appropriations for all new pilot projects and preparatory actions proposed by the Parliament are set at 25% of the corresponding commitment appropriations, or at the level proposed by Parliament, if lower. In the case of extension of existing pilot projects and preparatory actions, the level of payment appropriations is the level defined in the Draft Budget as amended by the Amending letter 1/2023 plus 25% of the corresponding new commitment appropriations, or at the level proposed by Parliament, if lower. The combined effect is an increase of EUR 19,8 million;

4. The adjustments to differentiated expenditure budget lines, for which the combined effect is an increase of EUR 177,0 million.

The adjustments, resulting in an overall decrease of EUR 14,5 million, are set out in the following table:

Budget line / Programme


Variation in payment appropriations (in EUR)

DB 2023 (incl. AL1)

Budget 2023


Heading 1


Horizon Europe

11 903 569 694

11 908 569 694

5 000 000

01 02 01 02

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

602 437 939

607 437 939

5 000 000


International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

721 228 782

671 228 782

-50 000 000

01 04 01

Construction, operation and exploitation of the ITER facilities — European Joint Undertaking for ITER — and the Development of Fusion Energy

563 509 002

513 509 002

-50 000 000


CEF Transport

1 922 486 490

1 943 486 490

21 000 000

02 03 01

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Transport

973 760 000

994 760 000

21 000 000


CEF Energy

713 629 670

723 629 670

10 000 000

02 03 02

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Energy

246 000 000

256 000 000

10 000 000


Single Market Programme (incl. SMEs)

610 260 036

615 260 036

5 000 000

03 02 02

Improving the competitiveness of enterprises, particularly SMEs, and supporting their access to markets

132 069 500

137 069 500

5 000 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



9 331 250


Total Heading 1



331 250

Sub-heading 2a


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



875 000


Total Sub-heading 2a



875 000

Sub-heading 2b


Financing cost of the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI)

1 485 775 000

1 315 775 000

-170 000 000

06 04 01

European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) – Payment of periodic coupon and redemption at maturity

1 479 775 000

1 309 775 000

-170 000 000



619 341 615

626 841 615

7 500 000

06 06 01

EU4Health Programme

570 712 378

578 212 378

7 500 000



3 274 197 196

3 291 597 196

17 400 000

07 03 01 01

Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training — Indirect management

2 280 250 000

2 296 250 000

16 000 000

07 03 03

Promoting learning mobility of sport coaches and staff, as well as cooperation, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies

55 000 000

56 400 000

1 400 000


European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

122 118 124

124 118 124

2 000 000

07 04 01

European Solidarity Corps

104 000 000

106 000 000

2 000 000


Creative Europe

306 962 192

312 462 192

5 500 000

07 05 01


89 452 597

91 452 597

2 000 000

07 05 02


137 922 353

141 422 353

3 500 000


Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values

155 069 755

156 569 755

1 500 000

07 06 02

Promote citizens engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union

18 510 511

19 010 511

500 000

07 06 03


26 078 886

26 828 886

750 000

07 06 04

Protection and promotion of Union values

54 381 753

54 631 753

250 000


Decentralised Agencies

263 290 848

265 790 848

2 500 000

07 10 08

European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO)

62 101 095

64 601 095

2 500 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



7 897 625


Total sub-heading 2b



-125 702 375

Heading 3


Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)

513 989 167

522 689 167

8 700 000

09 02 01

Nature and biodiversity

97 698 396

99 323 396

1 625 000

09 02 02

Circular economy and quality of life

69 504 430

71 129 430

1 625 000

09 02 03

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

47 000 000

48 625 000

1 625 000

09 02 04

Clean energy transition

53 000 000

56 825 000

3 825 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions



1 675 000


Total Heading 3



10 375 000

Heading 4


Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

1 314 919 500

1 329 919 500

15 000 000

10 02 01

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

710 919 500

725 919 500

15 000 000


Decentralised Agencies

169 169 287

172 169 287

3 000 000

10 10 01

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)

169 169 287

172 169 287

3 000 000


Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF) - Instrument for border management and visa (BMVI)

394 492 752

396 992 752

2 500 000

11 02 01

Instrument for financial support for border management and visa

276 492 752

278 992 752

2 500 000


Decentralised Agencies

1 117 019 143

1 067 519 143

-49 500 000

11 10 01

European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)

793 614 137

743 614 137

-50 000 000

11 10 02

European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (‘eu-LISA’)

323 405 006

323 905 006

500 000


Pilot projects and preparatory actions





Total Heading 4



-29 000 000

Heading 5


Military Mobility

106 715 020

131 715 020

25 000 000

13 04 01

Military mobility

105 000 000

130 000 000

25 000 000


Total Heading 5



25 000 000

Heading 6


Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe (NDICI - Global Europe)

8 842 716 018

8 943 716 018

101 000 000

14 02 01 10

Southern neighbourhood

423 893 255

444 893 255

21 000 000

14 02 01 11

Eastern neighbourhood

185 608 958

265 608 958

80 000 000


Total Heading 6



101 000 000

Heading 7


Court of Justice of the European Union

485 342 893

485 977 796

634 903


European Court of Auditors

174 054 500

175 059 922

1 005 422


European Economic and Social Committee

158 652 474

158 767 970

115 496


European Ombudsman

12 943 383

13 044 771

101 388


European Data Protection Supervisor

21 941 500

22 329 702

388 202


European External Action Service

819 647 241

820 067 480

420 239


Total Heading 7

2 665 650


-14 455 475

Overall, this results in a level of payment appropriations of EUR 168 648,7 million, which represents a decrease of EUR 14,5 million in comparison with the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023.

1.5. Reserves

There are no reserves in addition to those of the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023.

1.6. Budget remarks

The text of budget remarks corresponds to the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023 with the following adjustments proposed in the letter of executability and agreed by the Conciliation Committee:

 Budget lines for which amendments have been introduced by the European Parliament to its own section are approved without modifications. This includes the following amendment:

- Item 1 2 0 0 — Remuneration and allowances

Add text as follows:

98 additional establishment plan posts for the year 2023. These posts are intended for one budget year and will be removed from the establishment plan in the 2024 draft budget. These posts are intended to facilitate the continuity of employment of temporary staff in the light of the application of article 29(4) of the Staff Regulation. No additional appropriations are necessary.

 The Conciliation Committee also agrees that the number of establishment plan posts of the ‘Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations and the Committee of Independent Eminent Persons’ should be clearly marked within the European Parliament's establishment plan by introducing a new line below the grand total of the European Parliament, showing “of which for the Authority”.

 Budget lines for which the amendments introduced by the European Parliament are approved without modifications:

- Article 14 04 02 — European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound)

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation covers expenditure on the salaries of EUSRs and on setting up their teams and/or support structures, including travel costs and staff costs other than those relating to staff seconded by Member States or Union institutions. It also covers the costs of any projects implemented under the direct responsibility of an EUSR.

 Budget lines for which the respective budget remark as proposed in the Draft Budget as amended by the Amending Letter, are approved with the following modifications:

- Item 13 03 01 — Defence research

Amend the paragraph as follows:

studies, such as feasibility studies to explore the feasibility of new or improved technologies, products, processes, services and solutions, including in the field of cyber defence and cyber security,

 New budget lines following the adoption of the Commission proposal for a Regulation establishing an Instrument for providing support to Ukraine for 2023 (macro-financial assistance +) on 9 November 2022 for which the respective budget remark are approved with the text as follows:

- Article 14 01 06 — Support expenditure for Ukraine Macro-Financial Assistance Plus (MFA+)

Add text as follows:

Besides the expenditure described in this chapter, this appropriation is also and more specifically intended to cover support expenditure for the implementation of the Instrument and for the achievement of its objectives, including administrative support associated with the achievement of its objectives, including administrative support associated with the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities necessary for such implementation, as well as expenditure at headquarters and Union delegations for the administrative and coordination support needed for the Instrument, and to manage operations financed under the Instrument, including information and communication actions, and corporate information technology systems.

- Chapter 14 07 — Ukraine Macro-Financial Assistance Plus (MFA+)

Add text as follows:

Appropriations under this chapter are intended to cover operational expenditure related to actions carried out under the Instrument for providing support to Ukraine for 2023 (macro-financial assistance +). The general objective of the Instrument is to provide short term financial relief in a predictable, continuous, orderly and timely manner, financing of rehabilitation and initial support towards post-war reconstruction, where appropriate, with a view to supporting Ukraine on its path towards European integration.

To reach the general objective, the main specific objectives shall in particular be to support:

 macro-financial stability, and to ease the Country’s external and internal financing constraints;

 a reform agenda gearing towards the early preparatory phase of the pre-accession process, as appropriate, including strengthening Ukraine’s institutions, reforming and reinforcing the effectiveness of public administration as well as transparency, structural reforms and good governance at all levels;

 rehabilitation of critical functions and infrastructure and relief for people in need.

In accordance with Articles 21, 22 and 24 of the Financial Regulation, contributions received from third countries (EFTA States pursuant to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, candidate countries and, if applicable, the Western Balkan potential candidates, or other third countries) for participating in Union programmes and any other assigned revenue entered in the statement of revenue give rise to the provision of corresponding appropriations and to implementation under this chapter.

The related estimated amounts as well as the corresponding article or item of the statement of revenue are indicated, wherever possible, in the relevant budget lines.

- Article 14 07 01 — Ukraine MFA+ interest rate subsidy

Add text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover activities aiming at granting an interest rate subsidy related to the borrowing and lending, with the exception of costs related to early repayment of the loan, in respect of the loans under this Regulation.

These contributions shall constitute external assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(2), point (d) and (e) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046.

- Article 14 07 02 — Ukraine MFA+ non-repayable support

Add text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover additional amounts made available by Member States and interested third countries and parties, implemented as non-repayable support where provided for in the Memorandum of Understanding to be concluded under Article 7 of the proposed Regulation, or in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/947 and Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 to finance measures achieving the objectives referred to in Article 2(2)(b) to(c) of the proposed Regulation.

This appropriation shall in particular relate to

 a reform agenda gearing towards the early preparatory phase of the pre-accession process, as appropriate, including strengthening Ukraine’s institutions, reforming and reinforcing the effectiveness of public administration as well as transparency, structural reforms and good governance at all levels;

 rehabilitation of critical functions and infrastructure and relief for people in need.

These contributions shall constitute external assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(2), point (d) and (e) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046.

 The Conciliation Committee agrees to include the following footnote in the establishment plan of the European Court of Auditors.

Add text as follows:

 “Additional posts (2023) (29 auditors, linked to NGEU and granted until 2027)”.

 In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, the Conciliation Committee agrees to make commitment appropriations available again on the budget line 01 02 02 20. Budget remarks will be adjusted accordingly:

Budget line


01 02 02 20

Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 29 762 369 in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2020 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.

 In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, the Conciliation Committee agrees to make commitment appropriations available again on the budget line 01 02 02 40. Budget remarks will be adjusted accordingly:

Budget line


01 02 02 40

Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 89 287 105 in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2020 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.

 In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, the Conciliation Committee agrees to make commitment appropriations available again on the budget line 01 02 02 50. Budget remarks will be adjusted accordingly:

Budget line


01 02 02 50

Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 29 762 369 in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2020 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.

This is with the understanding that amendments introduced by the European Parliament or the Council cannot modify or extend the scope of an existing basic act, or impinge on the administrative autonomy of the institutions, and that the action can be covered by available resources.

1.7. Budget nomenclature

The budget nomenclature proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2023, is agreed, with the inclusion of the new pilot projects and preparatory actions. The Conciliation Committee also agrees on the creation of one new budget line in the section of the European Parliament (Article 5 0 2 — Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations – Remunerations and allowances). Finally, in line with the Legislative Financial Statement accompanying the Commission proposal for a Regulation establishing an Instrument for providing support to Ukraine for 2023 (macro-financial assistance +) adopted on 9 November 2022, the Conciliation Committee agrees on the creation of three new budget lines in the section of the European Commission as follows:

 Article 14 01 06 Support expenditure for Ukraine Macro-Financial Assistance Plus (MFA+)

 Article 14 07 01 Ukraine MFA+ interest rate subsidy

 Article 14 07 02 Ukraine MFA+ non-repayable support



2. Budget 2022

Draft Amending Budget (DAB) 5/2022 is approved, with one amendment compared to the Commission proposal: due to the late adoption of the legal base for the European Defence Industry Reinforcement through Common Procurement Act (EDIRPA), the amount of EUR 82 972 301 in commitment appropriations placed in the reserve for this purpose is not accepted, and the corresponding budget line 13 06 01 is not created for the financial year 2022.


3. Statements

3.1. Joint statement by the European Parliament and the Council on payment appropriations

The European Parliament and the Council call on the Commission to continue closely and actively monitoring during the year 2023 the implementation of the programmes of the current and previous MFFs (particularly in sub-heading 2a and Rural Development). To that end, the European Parliament and the Council invite the Commission to present, in a timely manner, updated figures concerning the state of affairs and estimates regarding 2023 payment appropriations (taking into account the improved forecasts accuracy of the Member States where applicable). If the figures show that the appropriations entered in the 2023 budget are insufficient to cover the needs, the European Parliament and the Council invite the Commission to present as soon as possible an appropriate solution, inter alia a draft amending budget, with a view to allowing the European Parliament and the Council to take any necessary decisions as soon as possible without undue delay for justified needs. Where applicable, the European Parliament and the Council will take into account the urgency of the matter, shortening the eight-week period for a decision if deemed necessary. The same applies mutatis mutandis if the figures show that the appropriations entered in the 2023 budget are higher than needed.

3.2. Joint statement by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on the financing of the European Chips Act and the Secure space connectivity programme

The three institutions acknowledge that the financing of the European Chips Act and the Secure space connectivity programme will depend on the final outcome of the ongoing legislative negotiations. In view of the final text of the approved Regulations and the accompanying Legislative Financial Statements, the European Parliament and the Council invite the Commission to submit to the budgetary authority the necessary transfers or a draft amending budget without delay, in order to ensure that an adequate amount of appropriations is made available for use in the financial year 2023.

Should agreement on the financing of the European Chips Act be reached between the European Parliament and the Council including the use of appropriations to be made available again based on Article 15(3) of the Financial Regulation for Horizon Europe, such a modification will be included in a Draft Amending Budget.

3.3. Joint statement by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on cybersecurity

Robust and coordinated cybersecurity is of critical importance to the business continuity of the EU institutions and bodies, particularly in the run up to the European Parliament elections in 2024. The three institutions recognise the necessity of a central capacity to address cybersecurity threats and incidents. A co-ordinated approach is the most cost effective and can offer a high level of protection to all, including the most vulnerable.

The three institutions acknowledge the need for adequate cybersecurity resources, within each institution and, particularly, in the interinstitutional Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (CERT-EU).

The Commission, in close cooperation with CERT-EU and the other institutions, is asked to draw up an assessment, by mid-2023, of the needs for cybersecurity posts within CERT-EU and across all the institutions as well as of the mandate of CERT-EU.

The budgetary authority invites the EU Institutions to collaborate to strengthen cybersecurity across all EU institutions. Following the Commission’s assessment, the resources for cybersecurity foreseen in the 2023 budget for all EU institutions should be made available in a co-ordinated manner to maximise the protection of the Institutions, notably but not exclusively through a reinforcement of the central cybersecurity capacity.

This is without prejudice to any use of human and budgetary resources by CERT-EU from the participating institutions resulting from the agreement on the Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union (COM(2022) 122 final).

3.4. Statement by the European Commission on the Review of the Multiannual Financial Framework

The Commission will assess the sustainability of the expenditure ceilings and sub-ceilings of all headings of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 2021-2027 in the context of the midterm review of the MFF Regulation, which it plans to carry out by mid-2023, as set out in the Commission work programme for 2023.





General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2023


00000/2022 – C9‑0000/2022 – 2022/0212(BUD)

Delegation Chair: President

Roberta Metsola

Committee responsible

Johan Van Overtveldt


Nicolae Ştefănuță

Niclas Herbst

Draft acts considered

COM(2022)0400, COM(2022)0670

Council position
 Date adopted

 Date announced in plenary

12108/2022 – C9-0306/2022


Date of Parliament’s position



Date of Council letter on non-approval of Parliament amendments


Conciliation Committee meetings





Date of adoption by Parliament’s delegation under Article 314(5) TFEU


Members present

Rasmus Andresen, José Manuel Fernandes, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Alexandra Geese, Francisco Guerreiro, Valérie Hayer, Eero Heinäluoma, Niclas Herbst, Monika Hohlmeier, Fabienne Keller, Janusz Lewandowski, Margarida Marques, Siegfried Mureşan, Victor Negrescu, Andrey Novakov, Jan Olbrycht, Eva Maria Poptcheva, Karlo Ressler, Bogdan Rzońca, Nils Ušakovs, Johan Van Overtveldt, Nicolae Ştefănuță

Date of agreement in Conciliation Committee


Date on which the co-Chairs established that the joint text had been approved and forwarded it to Parliament and the Council


Date tabled





Last updated: 18 November 2022
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