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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on human rights situation in Kyrgyzstan, in particular the case of Temirlan Sultanbekov
17.12.2024 - (2024/2993(RSP))
pursuant to Rule 150 of the Rules of Procedure
Merja Kyllönen
on behalf of The Left Group
See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B10-0222/2024
NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Procedura : 2024/2993(RSP)
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Dokument w ramach procedury :
Motion for a European Parliament resolution on human rights situation in Kyrgyzstan, in particular the case of Temirlan Sultanbekov
The European Parliament,
- having regard to Rule 150 of its Rules of Procedure,
- whereas the human rights situation in Kyrgyzstan has significantly deteriorated in 2024, with the crackdown on critical voices and the restrictions on media freedom and freedom of expression;
- whereas Temirlan Sultanbekov, leader of the Social Democrats party, campaign manager Irina Karamushkina and party member Roza Tyurksever were arrested on 13 November, a few days before local elections were held in Bishkek; whereas, following the arrests, the Bishkek Territorial Election Commission disqualified all the party's municipal candidates; whereas the three detainees were remanded in custody until 13 January 2025; whereas Sultanbekov has started a hunger strike in protest and his health is deteriorating;
- whereas Sultanbekov's case is part of a larger pattern of human rights violations in Kyrgyzstan; whereas several journalists, bloggers, and human rights defenders (HRD) including women rights defenders, have been detained and some media have been closed;
- whereas the Kyrgyzstani authorities have adopted in the last year repressive legislations, including a law against so-called foreign representatives that criminalizes HRDs and a law that criminalizes the “non-traditional sexual relations", stigmatizing LGBTQI people; whereas the authorities have continued to abuse security laws on so-called “incitement of mass civic unrest,” to crackdown on HRDs and journalists;
- Condemns the shrinking of civic space in Kyrgyzstan and the attacks on dissenting voices;
- Urges the Kyrgyz authorities to immediately release arbitrarily detained members of the opposition, human rights defenders, journalists and bloggers, in particular Temirlan Sultanbekov, Irina Karamushkina, and Roza Tyurksever;
- Urges the authorities to abide by their international human rights obligations and respect freedom of expression, of association and of peaceful assembly, the independence of the judiciary and the right to a fair trial and to a due process for all ;
- Calls on Kyrgyzstan authorities to create and maintain, in law and in practice, a safe environment for civil society organisations, journalists and media workers, and politicians, enabling them to carry out their legitimate and useful work without undue interference, criminalisation, censorship or persecution;
- Urges the authorities to ensure the full enjoyment of electoral rights by everyone, and that all political parties can conduct an equal, free and transparent electoral campaign and enable the organisation of free and fair election;
- Strongly calls on the Kyrgyz authorities to withdraw or repeal repressive laws that limit freedom of expression, political freedoms, and the legitimate activities of civil society and those that criminalize the expression of dissent;
- Underlines the need for a EU-Central Asia strategy based on mutually beneficial cooperation and also designed, implemented and monitored in line with human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals, and in cooperation with local civil society organisations, including women rights organisations, environmental activists and trade unions;
- Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the EU institutions, Member States, and the Government and Parliament of Kyrgyzstan.
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17 grudnia 2024