Projekt rezolucji - B10-0226/2024Projekt rezolucji
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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the Continued repression of civil society and independent media in Azerbaijan and the cases of Dr Gubad Ibadoghlu, Anar Mammadli, Kamran Mammadli, Rufat Safarov and Meydan TV

17.12.2024 - (2024/2994(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 150 of the Rules of Procedure

Petras Auštrevičius, Malik Azmani, Dan Barna, Helmut Brandstätter, Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová, Ľubica Karvašová, Nathalie Loiseau, Jan‑Christoph Oetjen, Marie‑Agnes Strack‑Zimmermann, Hilde Vautmans, Lucia Yar
on behalf of the Renew Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B10-0218/2024

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Procedura : 2024/2994(RSP)
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Motion for a European Parliament resolution on the Continued repression of civil society and independent media in Azerbaijan and the cases of Dr Gubad Ibadoghlu, Anar Mammadli, Kamran Mammadli, Rufat Safarov and Meydan TV


The European Parliament,

 - having regard to the Rule 144 of its Rules of Procedure,


  1. whereas since 2023 Azerbaijani authorities have engaged in a systemic crackdown against civil society, political opposition, human rights defenders and independent media, which has intensified around the COP29;
  2. whereas civil society organisations list over 300 political prisoners in Azerbaijan, as well as 23 Armenian POWs including leaders of former self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh republic; 
  3. whereas political prisoner and finalist of the 2024 Sakharov Prize Gubad Ibadoghlu was refused to travel to receive the award; whereas his life is in danger due to refusal of adequate medical care; 
  4. whereas civil society leader Anar Mammadli has been in pre-trial detention since April 2024 on bogus charges and his health has deteriorated significantly due to refusal of healthcare;
  5. whereas on 15 November environmental activist Kamran Mammadli was violently attacked by security guards for raising a poster at the COP29 and has been placed under the travel ban;
  6. whereas on 3 December human rights defender Rufat Safarov was arrested on bogus charges;
  7. whereas on 6 December five Meydan TV journalists, journalist Ramin Jabrayilzade, and  Ulvi Tahirov of the Baku Journalism School were arrested on smuggling charges, and photojournalist Ahmad Mukhtar was sentenced for hooliganism;
  8. whereas on 8 December political leader Azer Gasimli was detained on extortion charges and faces a prison sentence of 5-10 years;
  9. whereas the West should not give-in to Aliyev regime when it bargains the freedom of political prisoners in exchange of such concessions as participation in Azerbaijan organized events;


  1. Strongly condemns the repression by Azerbaijani regime against activists, human rights defenders, LGBTIQ+ community, independent media and political opposition; urges the Azerbaijani authorities to release all persons arbitrarily detained or imprisoned for their political views, drop all politically motivated charges and cease all forms of repression against them, including political prisoners Gubad Ibadoghlu, Tofig Yagublu, Akif Gurbanov, Bakhtiyar Hajiyev, human rights defenders and journalists Rufat Safarov, Aynur Ganbarova, Aytaj Ahmadova, Khayala Agayeva, Natig Javadli, Aysel Umudova, Ramin Jabrayilzade, Ulvi Tahirov, Ahmad Mukhtar, Ulvi Hasanli, Sevinj Vagifgizi, Nargiz Absalamova, Hafiz Babali, Elnara Gasimova, Aziz Orujov, Rufat Muradli, Avaz Zeynalli, Elnur Shukurov, Alasgar Mammadli, Ilhamiz Guliyev, Farid Ismayilov, civil society activists Anar Mammadli, Kamran Mammadli, Azer Gasimli, Farid Mehralizade, Igbal Abilov, Bahruz Samadov, Emin Ibrahimov, Famil Khalilov and Afiaddin Mammadov;


  1. Demands to end repressions of MeydanTV, ToplumTV, Abaz Media and Kanal13, and to uphold freedom of opinion and expression, and fundamental rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;


  1. Reiterates its call for EU sanctions to be imposed under EU Magnitsky Act on Azerbaijani officials responsible for serious human rights violations and for energy agreements with Azerbaijan to be suspended; 


  1. Insists that the human rights conditions in the current and any future EU-Azerbaijan agreements be fully implemented, including the release of political prisoners;


  1. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, Commission, the VP/HR, Member States and the President, Government and Parliament of Azerbaijan.


Ostatnia aktualizacja: 17 grudnia 2024
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