Resolutsiooni ettepanek - B7-0175/2012Resolutsiooni ettepanek
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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on human rights violations in Bahrain


with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure

Willy Meyer, Inês Cristina Zuber, Jacky Hénin, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Patrick Le Hyaric, Marisa Matias, Paul Murphy, Younous Omarjee on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Menetlus : 2012/2571(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on human rights violations in Bahrain

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to the Charter of the UN,

–   having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

– having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,


– having regard to Rule 122(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas one year ago the peaceful mobilization in Bahrain asking for democracy, social and labour rights, respect of human rights and for better living conditions started; whereas this turmoil lead to a violent repression and the invasion by Saudi Arabian troops; whereas so at least several dozen people were killed, around 100 disappeared and thousands injured;

B. whereas one year after repression still continues, and United Nations reports around 100 people are still disappeared after the hard repression that followed the Saudi intervention in Bahrain;

C. whereas according to UNHCR the authorities cut the telephone lines of those who try to explain what the situation is in the country,

D. whereas emergency law was declared in the country on the 17th of February 2012

E. whereas according to UN reports Bahraini people are detained if they talk to mass media; whereas human rights defenders, doctors, journalists and nurses are taken to prison or attacked; whereas according to human rights organizations they have been tortured, ill-treated and harassed;

F. whereas Bahrain is a country rich in oil, and whereas only foreign companies and ruling circles profit from the exploitation of the rich oil resources, leaving the broad masses struggling to live a dignified life,

G. whereas at least 1,000 workers have been sacked and 52 trade union leaders are under arrest, among them the leader of the Bahrain Teachers Association (BTA), Mahdi Abu Dheeb;


H. whereas the conflict has been depicted as one being between Shias and Sunni in an attempt to deviate from the true reasons of it,

I. whereas protestors still call for the resignation of King Hamad Ben Issa Al-Khalifa,

J. whereas on 2 July 2011 the Bahraini King Hamad said he was launching a National Dialogue to address the concerns of Bahraini citizens in the wake of the events, but so far with no official or public results,

K. whereas the US 5th Fleet is stationed in Bahrain, facing Iran; whereas Bahraini riot police is trained and armed by British trainers and weapons; whereas despite the violence by the Bahraini authorities United States and United Kingdom have signed weapon contracts with Bahrain; whereas the Bahraini government is using these weapons, including the massive use of tear gas, against its population;

L. whereas Bahrain is delaying the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur of Torture as well as some NGOs observers,

1.  Condemns the persisting repression in Bahrain that had lead to 30 dead people and thousands of injured ones, and urges the immediate and unconditional release of all peaceful demonstrators and expresses its solidarity with the families of all the victims;

2.  Calls on King Hamad and his government to stop violence, repression and detention of peaceful demonstrators; urges the authorities to act in strict accordance with their international and national obligations; stresses the need for a negotiated political solution that brings a proper answer to the legitimate demands of Bahraini people;

3. Condemns the military invasion of Saudi and United Arab Emirates forces in Bahrain;

4. Reaffirms its support to the struggle of the Bahrain working people and the demonstrators for better living conditions, for the end of corruption and for attaining democracy; insists that the future of Bahrain must firmly rest in the hands of the Bahraini people, without any external interference;

5. Is strongly concerned about the situation in Bahrain, especially the means used to silence the opposition, the allegations of tortures and treatment of the wounded; is concerned about the role played by the Gulf Cooperation Council and mainly of Saudi Arabia;

6.  Reiterates its point of view that demonstrators have expressed legitimate democratic aspirations and that the government of Bahrain should engage in a meaningful and constructive dialogue with the opposition without delay or preconditions;

7.  Condemns the use of Special military courts to try civilians; stress that civilians must be tried in civilian courts and that every detained person must be charged with a recognizable criminal offence, with adequate access to a lawyer and enough time to prepare a defence and calls on Bahraini authorities to put an end to these trials; expresses its strong concern on the life sentences of the opposition activists; 

8. Is strongly concerned about the massive dismissals and arrests of trade union activists and trade union leaders;

9.  Reiterates its call the for the full respect of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms, with special regard to the freedom of assembly and expression, freedom of religion, women’s rights and gender equality, fight against discrimination;


10. Calls all on the Bahraini authorities to immediately accept the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture as well as the international NGOs;


11.  Calls on the Bahraini authorities to commute all death sentences in Bahrain; reiterates its strong opposition against the use of the death penalty and urges the Bahraini authorities to declare an immediate moratorium;


12. Calls for an independent and impartial committee of inquiry to be set up to investigate committed breaches of human rights, including the cases of extrajudicial execution and arbitrary arrest, identify those responsible and where appropriate bring them to justice, with compensation for the victims and their families;


13. Calls for the 5th US Fleet stationed in Bahrain to leave the area; calls for the dismantling of all foreign military bases;


14.  Strongly criticises the intensive arms trade of some EU Member States with various countries in the region; calls in this respect on the Council to verify whether there have been breaches in the EU Code of Conduct on arms export and to adopt stringent measures so that this code is fully respected by all the Member States;

15.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Government and Parliament of the Kingdom of Bahrain.