MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia
11.3.2014 - (2014/2627(RSP))
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of Procedure
Guy Verhofstadt, Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, Marielle de Sarnez, Louis Michel, Marietje Schaake, Graham Watson, Leonidas Donskis, Ivo Vajgl, Sarah Ludford, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Jan Mulder, Robert Rochefort, Olle Schmidt, Nathalie Griesbeck on behalf of the ALDE Group
See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0263/2014
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its resolutions on Ukraine, in particular those of 6 February 2014[1] and of 27 February 2014[2],
– having regard to the UN Charter, the OSCE Helsinki Final Act and the obligations of members of the Council of Europe,
– having regard to the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 and the Partition Treaty of 1997,
– having regard to the constitution of Ukraine, and in particular to the provisions concerning the Autonomous Republic of Crimea,
– having regard to the statement by the leaders of the G7 countries on 3 March 2014,
– having regard to the European Council conclusions of 19-20 December 2013 and the conclusions of the extraordinary European Council of 6 March 2014,
– having regard to the conclusions of the extraordinary meetings of the Foreign Affairs Council of 20 February 2014 and 3 March 2014,
– having regard to the decision by the Russian State Duma and Federation Council to authorise President Putin to use Russian armed forces in Ukraine,
– having regard to the plans to organise a referendum in Crimea on 16 March 2014 on whether to secede from Ukraine and accede to the Russian Federation,
– having regard to the legal changes being discussed by the Russian State Duma and Federation Council to simplify the procedure for new entities to accede to the Russian Federation,
– having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the Russian military aggression in Crimea is against international law and in breach of Russia’s obligations as a signatory to the Budapest Memorandum;
B. whereas the arguments presented by the Russian leadership to support this aggression are utterly unjustified and out of touch with the realities on the ground;
C. whereas Russian troops and armed forces, whether in identifiable military uniforms or not, should return to their bases, and the Russian military presence in Crimea should be reduced according to the stipulations in the Partition Treaty;
D. whereas any referendum in Crimea on increased autonomy or on secession must be in line with the Ukrainian constitution and legislation in order to be legitimate;
E. whereas a negotiation process should be established to ease tensions and secure a peaceful outcome which fully respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine;
1. Firmly condemns the Russian military aggression and invasion of Crimea, which is an undeniable part of Ukraine and recognised as such by the Russian Federation and by the international community;
2. Condemns also the plans to hold a referendum and the vote in the Crimean Parliament to secede from Ukraine and accede to the Russian Federation; stresses that this decision is in breach of Ukraine’s constitution and legislation and cannot be regarded as legitimate or democratic, and calls for the decision to hold a referendum to be revoked;
3. Holds Russia and the Russian leadership responsible and accountable for the dangerous situation their reckless action has created; stresses that this is in flagrant breach of international law and contrary to the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, to which the Russian Federation is a signatory, as well as representing a dangerous escalation and the risk of a return to a Cold War-type division of Europe;
4. Deplores the fact that Russia has chosen military action, and stresses that the stated objective of protecting the Russian-speaking population in Crimea is completely unfounded , as it has faced no danger whatsoever since the fall of the Yanukovych regime;
5. Expresses its full solidarity with the Ukrainian people and government and reiterates its view that the new government is fully legal and legitimate and that the Verkhovna Rada has acted in full constitutional and legal continuity since the removal of President Yanukovych; emphasises that the new government deserves full support in its efforts to unite and stabilise the country and to deal with the economic and financial crisis caused by the previous regime;
6. Welcomes the fact that the acting President of Ukraine did not sign into law the new language provisions, thus safeguarding the position of Russian as an official language in Ukraine; stresses that Ukraine must fully safeguard the rights of all communities and minorities in the country;
7. Expresses its concern that the precarious situation of the Crimean Tatars, who represent around 12 % of the Crimean population, has received only marginal international attention; calls on the EU and the new Ukrainian government to actively follow up the call made by the High Representative / Vice-President on 3 March 2014 to ensure an ‘adequate level of protection of national minorities’ in Ukraine;
8. Stresses in particular that the decision to hold presidential elections on 25 May 2014 deserves full support, as these elections will allow the citizens of Ukraine to confer democratic legitimacy on the leadership of their country; believes they should therefore be supported by all parties, including the Russian Federation;
9. Welcomes the initiative taken to establish a Contact Group under the auspices of the OSCE, but regrets the fact that unidentified armed groups hindered the entry into Crimea of the OSCE observer mission on 6 March 2014; calls on the Russian and Crimean authorities to cooperate with the OSCE observer mission and grant its members full and safe access to the region;
10. Deplores the fact that the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Crimea was forced to cut his mission short following violent threats against him;
11. Endorses the strong condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine expressed by the extraordinary European Council of 6 March 2014;
12. Supports the decisions to suspend the bilateral talks with the Russian Federation on visa matters, the negotiations on a new agreement and the preparations for the G8 summit; fully endorses the European Council’s call for a rapid start to negotiations and any decisions made by the EU regarding travel bans, asset freezes and the cancellation of the EU-Russia summit if no progress is made;
13. Stresses that the parliamentary cooperation established between the European Parliament and the Russian State Duma and Federation Council cannot continue under the present circumstances, that all meetings should be cancelled, and that meetings should only resume once the current crisis has been resolved;
14. Regrets, however, the fact that the European Council has made economic sanctions conditional on further escalation of the situation on the part of Russia, and stresses that the deep economic and business links existing between the EU and Russia would allow for targeted economic sanctions to be gradually introduced; calls on the European Council to continue its preparations for the above-mentioned sanctions and draw up plans for targeted economic restrictions, and to coordinate closely with the USA;
15. Stresses the urgent need to make further progress towards achieving a common energy policy with a robust internal market and diversified energy supply, thus making the EU less dependent on Russian oil and gas;
16. Welcomes the Comprehensive Assistance Package presented by the Commission and the work of the IMF regarding restoring macroeconomic stability; reiterates the fact of the EU’s commitment to supporting Ukraine in the structural reforms needed;
17. Welcomes the decision to sign the political chapters of the Association Agreement and to adopt unilateral measures allowing Ukraine to benefit from the provisions of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement;
18. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments of the Member States, the acting President, Government and Parliament of Ukraine, the Council of Europe, and the President, Government and Parliament of the Russian Federation.
- [1] Texts adopted, P7_TA(2014)0098.
- [2] Texts adopted, P7_TA(2014)0170.