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Torek, 22. oktober 2024 - Strasbourg

17. Čas za vprašanja komisarjem – Stanje na področju zdravja živali v Evropi: kako preprečiti prihodnje sanitarne krize v kmetijstvu in se pripraviti nanje (nadaljevanje) (nadaljevanje)
Video posnetki govorov

  Presidente. – Cari colleghi e colleghe, possiamo riprendere il tempo delle interrogazioni alla Commissione dopo questa esercitazione.

Darei la parola all'onorevole Crespo Díaz, che è stata interrotta dall'esercitazione appena effettuata.


  Carmen Crespo Díaz (PPE). – Para finalizar, porque el principio creo que lo han escuchado ustedes, hablábamos de que teníamos una crisis, y especialmente en algunos países. Les comentaba que teníamos una crisis en España especialmente, con la lengua azul o con la enfermedad hemorrágica epizoótica, y que, además, había una crisis en toda Europa.

Las medidas que está poniendo la Unión Europea en marcha son medidas normalizadas, pero con esas crisis necesitamos aumentar los recursos, poner más recursos en investigación pero que también cohabiten con las inversiones de las vacunas. Además, hay que contar con administraciones que están poniendo los protocolos en marcha y que no son necesariamente los Estados miembros: en mi país, las comunidades autónomas están moviendo más recursos que el propio Estado miembro, y además están estableciendo todos los protocolos; por tanto, hay que contar con ello.

Somos conscientes de que hemos perdido cabaña ganadera en Europa de forma dramática. Además, tenemos que tener un protocolo más ambicioso. La PAC es un instrumento, pero la PAC no es interminable, por lo que creemos que hay que contar con más recursos adicionales a la PAC y, por supuesto, hace falta un control más estricto de las fronteras. Creo que esto es un tema fundamental para el asunto que nos trae hoy aquí.


  Stella Kyriakides, Member of the Commission. – I would agree, as you have said, that we are facing a situation where the EU is affected more frequently and more severely by animal diseases than in the past. This is why we have put together a number of measures in order to help Member States, and support the Member States, to fight animal diseases. One of these includes, of course, the CAP strategic plans, but also the exceptional measures that can be put in place under the Common Market Organisation Regulation which can be adopted to cover losses incurred by farmers located in an area where there are restrictions in place. These measures can be activated at a Member State's request, which is responsible for 50 % of the co-financing of the measures, but the conditions are strict. Other than this, there is also budget for financial support for emergency measures for eradication programmes. But these co-financing rates for these emergency measures had to be reduced from 2023 onwards.

A number of animal diseases have already been mentioned, and again I would emphasise the importance of having harmonised ways of tackling it, but also of supporting Member States. And unless we are able to invest, as we are doing, in supporting Member States to build up their laboratory capacity, their diagnostic capacity, and – not only Member States – support others outside the EU, we will not be able to regulate the situation effectively. But what we have seen is, in the case, for example, of Belgium and Sweden, who have managed to eradicate African swine fever by concerted efforts at national and at EU level. And we can do this with other animal diseases as well, always keeping within the framework of the priority of our 'one health' approach in dealing with health.


  Valérie Deloge (PfE). – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, les épidémies sont devenues un sujet d’une telle importance que je m’étonne que les autres groupes de ce Parlement n’aient pas vu émerger d’autre demande d’un vrai débat sur le sujet.

Vous parlez aujourd’hui de prévenir ces crises, et c’est bien. Pourtant, en même temps, les vétérinaires disparaissent en Europe, surtout dans les zones rurales, surtout pour les animaux de ferme. Et même lorsque les éleveurs ont la chance d’avoir un vétérinaire disponible, le prix des médicaments a tellement flambé que la question de laisser mourir l’animal se pose malheureusement.

D’où ma question: si l’Europe n’est pas capable de produire les médicaments et les vaccins vétérinaires dont elle a besoin à des prix abordables, si elle n’a plus de vétérinaires pour les prescrire et pour les administrer, comment espérez-vous empêcher la propagation des futures épidémies?


  Stella Kyriakides, Member of the Commission. – What you mentioned in terms of the veterinarians, I would just say again that we offer support via the EU Veterinary Emergency Team, so in cases where the Member States ask for support to fight animal diseases, an EU VET team is able to go. And in 2024 alone, seven missions were organised in several Member States in the EU and some neighbouring countries to combat African swine fever and highly pathogenic avian influenza, and also peste des petits ruminants, PPR. So this is the way that we, at the EU level, can support Member States in the level of expertise they may need in order to fight animal diseases.


  Presidente. – Dichiaro chiuso il tempo delle interrogazioni alla Commissione.



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