Misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms, such as TikTok, and related risks to the integrity of elections in Europe (debate)
Fidias Panayiotou (NI), blue-card answer. – By the way, thank you – it's my first blue card, I'm very excited to answer it. Social media, I think like every evolution, it takes some adaption. So we need to adapt to the new current system. This is what I'm doing, adapting to the new system. But I think yes there are some problems, we need to find different tools. Labelling everything as disinformation - where do you draw the line on disinformation and truth? Because a lot of the times in the past, we assumed something was disinformation, it was wrong. But maybe some new techniques of AI advancements and all this stuff to use on social media to, in a way, explore all the content and label something as wrong, but not to be able not to say something. But thank you, I love you all.