Misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms, such as TikTok, and related risks to the integrity of elections in Europe (debate)
Susanna Ceccardi (PfE). – (start of speech off mic) ... represents a threat to European democracies? Is it the sovereign peoples who freely choose their representatives through the ballot box or those self-proclaimed enlightened elites who consider themselves the sole bearers of truth?
From Brussels, regulations like the Digital Services Act are presented as tools to defend democracy, yet they risk stifling freedom of expression and silencing dissenting voices. The plurality of ideas – the cornerstone of any democracy – is being undermined in the name of a so-called greater good.
Today, in the digital age, social networks are the new public squares where free citizens engage in debate. Yet these platforms are under attack by those who seek to control information and silence dissent. A clear example example is Elon Musk, who has become a target for defending free speech.
And yet these platforms give a voice to millions, promoting the plurality of ideas, essential to a free society. Freedom of expression is non-negotiable. Limiting it means suppressing citizens' right to participate in public life.
The peoples of Europe are not an ignorant mass. Tick tock, tick tock, the time for hypocrisy is running out. It's time to defend truth, pluralism and authentic democracy.