Priekšsēdētājs. – Nākamais darba kārtības punkts ir debates par Komisijas paziņojumu par sieviešu politiķu stāvokli ES kandidātvalstīs un kaimiņvalstīs un vajāšanu un kibervardarbību pret viņām (2024/2989(RSP)).
Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, as you know, gender equality and women's empowerment is a fundamental value of the European Union, and as such, it is at the core of the work that the European Commission carries out across the world, including the enlargement region in the Eastern Neighbourhood. Women's participation in democratic life is a key element of a healthy democracy, and that is why it is also addressed as part of the European Commission's work supporting gender equality in partner countries, including through policy dialogue and financial assistance.
On 25 November, we marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Violence against women is one of the gravest violations of human rights, and yet it is still widespread, with women across the world continuing to endure violence of a physical, sexual, psychological and economic nature, both online and offline. Sadly, increased visibility and participation has sometimes been accompanied by a corresponding rise in violence against women in public life. We have witnessed an increased use of derogatory terms or hate speech targeting women politicians, journalists and human rights defenders in public discourse, including in the EU candidate countries and in our Eastern Neighbourhood.
Now, gender is increasingly used in disinformation campaigns, often generated by foreign interference and relying on the anonymity and reach provided by digital media. The impact of these attacks extends beyond the individual attacking and are affecting the broad political landscape. When women are targeted, it can discourage others from entering politics, leading to a lack of diversity and representation in decision‑making roles, and this in turn undermines democratic processes and hinders progress on key issues such as gender equality.
Now, the situation, of course, varies by country, but such types of offences remain widespread. For instance, in Moldova, President Sandu faced direct attacks of online harassment and cyberbullying in the run‑up to the elections in October. There have also been instances of verbal abuse and harassment against women in the Georgian Parliament, where several politicians have indeed been subject to sexist and misogynist comments. In the Western Balkans, there have been numerous cases of gender hate speech targeting women politicians, including in recent election campaigns, for example in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The OSCE/ODIHR mission report on the recent local elections noted the prominence of misogyny, language, and gender‑specific attacks and threats in public discourse.
The European Commission has been actively working to address these challenges, tackling disinformation, foreign information and manipulation and interference, and supporting women in political life in candidate and neighbouring countries. Our work on gender equality and countering violence against women in partner countries is notably guided by the Council of Europe's Istanbul Convention.
When it comes to enlargement, human rights and gender equality are at the heart of the accession process, as part of the so-called 'fundamentals' for EU accession, which determine the overall pace of negotiations. In time, negotiating countries will need to align with the EU acquis on gender equality, including the EU Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, which criminalises the most widespread forms of violence and provides for aggravating circumstances if the offence is committed against a public representative, a journalist or a human rights defender.
Beyond aligning and enforcing legislation in line with the EU acquis, candidate countries also need to establish institutional frameworks for the enforcement of human rights. Through our financial assistance, we support activities combating gender stereotypes and providing support to victims of gender‑based violence, as well as capacity‑building to strengthen digital, media and information literacy and to empower civil society.
Now, in this context, allow me to highlight the Gender Equality Action Plan III, which commits the Commission to making gender equality a cross-cutting priority of EU external action. The GAP III establishes the freedom for all forms of gender‑based violence and equal participation and leadership.
Finally, in the Western Balkans, the reporting diversity network programme provided support to a regional level of CSOs to improve media messages affecting perceptions of ethnicity, religion and gender to enhance tolerance. A component of the EU for social inclusion programme is focused on increasing access to digital essential services for women and girls, victims of online violence, and to promote a legal and policy framework which addresses digital violence.
So the combination of such targeted interventions and broader cultural shifts is crucial for ensuring safe, equitable participation of women in politics across the two regions.
Sunčana Glavak, u ime kluba PPE. – Poštovani predsjedavajući, poštovani povjereniče, spomenuli ste Bosnu i Hercegovinu, ali ja ću dodati i Srbiju, i Kosovo, i Crnu Goru, i Albaniju. Dakle, u brojnim drugim zemljama nailazimo na ovakve primjere. Činjenica je da se žene u tim zemljama suočavaju s kombinacijom političke polarizacije, rodne diskriminacije i slabih mehanizama zaštite od online nasilja. Političarke su često meta seksističkih uvreda koje nemaju veze s njihovim političkim stavovima, već su usmjerene uglavnom na izgled, osobni život ili tradicionalne rodne uloge. Uvriježene fraze poput „vrati se u kuhinju” ili aluzije na njihov izgled i odijevanje redovito se pojavljuju na društvenim mrežama. Prijetnje seksualnim nasiljem i fizičkim napadima česte su metode zastrašivanja.
Žene političarke koje se javno suprotstavljaju tradicionalnim vrijednostima ili često nacionalističkoj retorici suočavaju se s intenzivnim prijetnjama. Diskreditacija kroz dezinformacije, pa tako i organizirane kampanje, često plasiraju lažne vijesti o političarkama, uključujući optužbe za korupciju ili lojalnost stranim interesima, lažne tvrdnje o njihovom privatnom životu, uključujući izmišljene skandale ili takozvane aferične priče. Cilj je, naravno, uništiti njihovu reputaciju i povjerenje birača. Ne zaboravimo i kontinuirane, već poznate koordinirane napade putem društvenih mreža, uz podršku botova i organiziranih trolova.
Međutim, moramo progovoriti o još nečemu, a to je patrijarhalni mentalitet. Rodne uloge u zemljama kandidatkinjama često su duboko ukorijenjene u patrijarhalne vrijednosti, što ženama daje dodatni teret da se dokazuju. Političarke koje se protive dominantnim narativima ili zagovaraju liberalne politike često postaju mete napada. Kolegice i kolege, u mnogim zemljama kandidatkinjama zakoni protiv internetskog nasilja postoje, ali nisu dovoljni ili se ne provode učinkovito. I slažem se, naša je uloga da u procesu proširenja vodimo računa o njima.
Heléne Fritzon, för S&D gruppen. – Herr talman! I demokratins hjärta ska hot och våld aldrig få tysta kvinnor. Men i vårt grannskap och i kandidatländer ser vi hur kvinnliga politiker utsätts för trakasserier och cybervåld. Detta är ingenting annat än ett demokratiskt misslyckande. Parlamenten ska vara förebilder för jämställdhet, inte arenor för sexism. Det gäller också här i Europaparlamentet.
Vi socialdemokrater, vi kräver omedelbara åtgärder från kommissionen. En förstärkt handlingsplan för att förebygga trakasserier och för att skapa trygga arbetsplatser. Och vi kräver en nolltolerans mot våld och sexism.
Demokratin måste bygga på jämlik representation, och det kräver att kvinnor kan delta på samma villkor som män, det vill säga fritt, säkert och fullt ut i samhället. Det krävs handling nu, från kommissionen.
Mathilde Androuët, au nom du groupe PfE. – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, nul besoin de franchir les frontières de l’Europe pour constater le harcèlement dont sont victimes les femmes politiques. Mon parti a comme candidate à la présidence de la France l’une des femmes politiques les plus harcelées et menacées d’Europe. Marine Le Pen est constamment harcelée: sur sa famille, sur ses idées, par les médias, par des enragés des réseaux sociaux qui vident leur haine ou la menacent de mort, par les banques, qui refusent de financer la vie démocratique, et même par l’administration européenne et par la justice quant à la manière qu’elle a d’administrer son cabinet et ses assistants. Cette violence, elle la subit chaque jour depuis son enfance, au point que, depuis de nombreuses années, elle ne peut plus faire un pas sans gardes du corps ni policiers.
Votre dénonciation des violences et menaces faites aux femmes politiques ne vaudrait que si elle s’appliquait à toutes les femmes. Notre collègue Marie Dauchy, qui est aussi votre collègue, a été agressée alors qu’elle était en campagne électorale. Son agresseur l’a insultée, bousculée, fait tomber et menacée de mort. Pourtant, la semaine dernière, dans l’enceinte même du tribunal, sous les diatribes d’un avocat militant et les huées de manifestants d’extrême gauche, Marie Dauchy est presque passée du statut de victime à celui d’accusée. Qui, sur ces bancs, a apporté son soutien à Marie Dauchy? Personne. Pas un mot, pas une indignation. Pis: vous étiez avec les manifestants qui revendiquaient son agression. Alors, par pitié, cessez vos leçons de morale.
La lutte contre la violence doit être universelle, sans exception ni calcul politique. Car, en démocratie, aucune femme, qu’elle soit patriote ou non, ne devrait subir de telles attaques sans une condamnation claire, unanime et sans ambiguïté.
Abir Al-Sahlani, on behalf of the Renew Group. – Mr President, dear Commissioner, as a woman working on gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and rights, I am too aware that the political environment can be very toxic, full of harassment and hate.
Today I met Georgian parliamentarian who is also attending the debate tonight, Ana Natsvlishvili. She spoke to me about the horrifying reality of being a woman in politics in Georgia since the democratic crackdown in the country. She told me about how she and female members of the parliament, when debating the Russian law, they went to work with pepper spray in their handbags because they were worried for their own safety.
Imagine going to work in a house of democracy, not feeling safe. Imagine, during a plenary debate, your male colleagues shouting at you filthy names and calling you filthy things. Imagine security dragging you out from a meeting inside the parliament where you are elected.
Of course, the people of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, they are fighting for Europe. The people of Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Western Balkans, they belong to our common European future, and we have to do everything to ensure that they will become part of this future.
But that future means also that everyone, each of these countries have to fully embrace the fundamental rights that we have in common. They have to also fully agree to and embrace that their accession means that everyone is equal and free, because if not, we are not free until everyone is free.
Alexandra Geese, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, Commissioner, colleagues, around the world, women leaders face horrific levels of gender disinformation and online abuse, with dramatic consequences on their freedom of expression and on democracy, on the quality of democracy as a whole. Moldova is a case in point. President Maia Sandu was depicted as a foreigner, as a foreign agent, as too weak to lead the country, as a pro-Western agent promoting foreigners over her own citizens. And who was doing that? The top malign actors were actually agents of a foreign power of Putin. They were pro-Putin puppets, among them the condemned criminal, Ilan Shor, stole USD 1 billion from the Moldovan banking system and now is funnelling dark intransparent funds back into the country to attack President Sandu.
In Georgia, pictures of President Zourabichvili were even posted on a porn site. Have you ever seen that done to a male leader? This happens systematically. But why are these attacks so successful? Because social media algorithms amplify hateful content against women and incentivise fake content. It's a toxic mixture. It's a political business model that builds on misogynist stereotypes and toxic algorithms. And these toxic algorithms, we can stop them because this needs to stop and we can do it. And the DSA gives us the opportunity to do it, to change these toxic algorithms in order to reduce online violence against women and to protect our public discourse and elections at the same time. And if we do this in the European Union, it shows that it can be done everywhere, that we can have a better internet that gives everybody freedom of expression and real democracy. Let's do it.
Έλενα Κουντουρά, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας The Left. – Kύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε. Σε πολλές χώρες, τόσο εντός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης όσο και σε γειτονικά κράτη, οι γυναίκες πολιτικοί αποτελούν συχνά στόχο επιθέσεων και εκφοβισμού. Οι απειλές, οι επιθέσεις και η συκοφάντηση, ιδιαίτερα μέσα από τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα, έχουν γίνει καθημερινότητα για πολλές γυναίκες που επιλέγουν να υπηρετήσουν το δημόσιο συμφέρον και σύμφωνα με το Ευρωπαϊκό Ινστιτούτο για την Ισότητα των Φύλων, μία στις τρεις γυναίκες πολιτικούς στην Ευρώπη λαμβάνει απειλητικά μηνύματα μέσω του διαδικτύου.
Πρόκειται για μία πραγματικότητα που όχι μόνο υπονομεύει την ισότητα των φύλων, αλλά απειλεί την ίδια τη δημοκρατία, την ελευθερία της έκφρασης και τη συμμετοχή των γυναικών στα κοινά. Η φύση των επιθέσεων συχνά στοχεύει στην υποβάθμιση της συμμετοχής των γυναικών στη δημόσια ζωή, προκαλώντας φαινόμενα αυτολογοκρισίας και απόσυρση από το δημόσιο χώρο. Στην προηγούμενη θητεία μας κυρώσαμε τη Σύμβαση της Κωνσταντινούπολης και ψηφίσαμε την πρώτη οδηγία, την πρώτη ευρωπαϊκή οδηγία για την καταπολέμηση της έμφυλης και διαδικτυακής βίας.
Σε αυτή τη θητεία είναι υποχρέωσή μας, ώστε να επιταχύνουμε τις προσπάθειες και να υιοθετηθούν αυστηρότεροι κανόνες και οι ψηφιακές πλατφόρμες να αναλαμβάνουν μεγαλύτερη ευθύνη για την πρόληψη και την καταπολέμηση της διαδικτυακής βίας. Να αναπτυχθούν στοχευμένα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα και καμπάνιες σε τοπικό και διεθνές επίπεδο για την κοινωνική ευαισθητοποίηση και την καταπολέμηση του σεξισμού και των έμφυλων στερεοτύπων. Να αυστηροποιηθεί το νομοθετικό πλαίσιο για την προστασία των θυμάτων διαδικτυακής παρενόχλησης και τέλος να ενισχύσουμε τη συνεργασία με τις γειτονικές και υπό ένταξη χώρες και να χρησιμοποιήσουμε όλα τα διαθέσιμα εργαλεία εξωτερικής και ενταξιακής πολιτικής, ώστε να διασφαλιστεί ένα ασφαλές πολιτικό περιβάλλον για τις γυναίκες.
Giusi Princi (PPE). – Signor Presidente, signor Commissario, onorevoli colleghi, è incomprensibile e offensivo per il nostro popolo che il governo non pensi al rispetto e alla dignità dei suoi cittadini.
Queste non sono le parole di Giusi Princi o di qualsiasi altro europarlamentare sicuro tra queste mura; sono il grido democratico della presidente georgiana, una donna che ogni giorno rischia la propria sicurezza e libertà per difendere il suo paese.
Salomé Zourabichvili non è sola. Nei paesi candidati all'UE e nei paesi confinanti troppe attiviste politiche subiscono diffamazione, violenza e minacce di morte. Lo dimostrano anche dati allarmanti: quattro donne parlamentari su cinque nel mondo sono vittime di violenza psicologica, intimidazioni e abusi verbali; due su cinque ricevono addirittura minacce di violenza fisica o sessuale.
Colleghi, non possiamo parlare di allargamento e partenariato senza affrontare queste ingiustizie sistemiche. La partecipazione politica delle donne non è una concessione da difendere a intermittenza: è un pilastro della democrazia.
Da Bruxelles a Tbilisi, da Kiev a Reggio Calabria, dobbiamo rafforzare le nostre azioni contro chi usa la misoginia come strumento politico.
A Salomé e a tutte le donne che sfidano il silenzio dobbiamo più di un applauso: dobbiamo l'impegno concreto per garantire che in ogni paese, nell'UE e fuori dall'UE, il coraggio di una donna in politica sia la normalità e non l'eccezione.
Evin Incir (S&D). – Mr President, dear colleagues, dear Commissioner, acts of gender‑based violence, hate speech and disinformation are not only attacks on women; they are also a direct assault on democracy. The far right and their cronies stand as central culprits in this cynical trend, and pro-Kremlin groups attack women, journalists, politicians and anyone who supports women's rights.
These acts of violence and disinformation frame feminism as a conspiracy meant to destroy traditional values. But let us say it like it is: these heinous attacks are committed by men that fear progress, gender equality and the fall of the patriarchy that has kept them all too comfortable. And obviously also women who hate women on the far‑right side.
I had the honour of being a rapporteur for the directive on gender‑based violence, which addresses this issue. We must call out the actors responsible and ensure the swift and strict implementation of this directive, and intensify the work in candidate countries to align their legislations with ours.
Attacks on women in politics must be seen as gender‑based violence, and must be seen as an aggravated circumstance.
Viktória Ferenc (PfE). – Elnök Úr! Elfogadhatatlan, hogy egyes uniós tagjelölt országokban a politikusokat, akik a saját közösségük jogaiért és érdekeiért állnak ki, megfélemlítés és nyomásgyakorlás éri. Sajnos ez tapasztalható Ukrajnában is, ahol évek óta a hatóságok tudtával, zavartalanul működik egy honlap, a Myrotvorets. A honlapon közzétett, úgynevezett halál- vagy ellenséglistára számos olyan személy, közöttük politikusnő is felkerült, aki a kárpátaljai magyar közösség jogainak helyreállításáért tett lépéseket. A weboldal jogtalanul tette közzé a személyek bizalmas adatait, ezzel veszélybe sodorta biztonságukat. A nemzeti kisebbségek jogaiért való kiállásáért tette listájára a honlap Bocskor Andreát, kárpátaljai származású, az előző ciklusban tevékenykedő európai parlamenti képviselőnőt is. Ezzel ellehetetlenítve számára a hazatérés lehetőségét saját otthonába.
Annak ellenére, hogy az internetes oldal működését az Európai Unió egyes vezető tisztségviselői is elítélték, és a tartalom eltávolítására szólítottak fel, az ukrán hatóságok mindeddig nem tették meg a szükséges lépéseket. Az Európai Uniónak fokozottan oda kell figyelnie, hogy a demokratikus értékek mellett elkötelezett tagjelölt országokban ilyen jellegű oldalak ne működhessenek. Egy tagjelölt országnak biztosítania kell a megfélemlítéstől mentes politikai környezetet, a személyes adatok védelméhez való jogot, s kötelessége megakadályoznia a gyűlöletbeszéd minden formáját.
Cynthia Ní Mhurchú (Renew). – A Chathoirligh, a Choimisinéir. D'eagraigh mo ghrúpa Renew Europe feachtas ar na meáin shóisialta le déanaí, inar bailíodh le chéile roinnt teachtaireachtaí gránna maslacha in aghaidh ban ar líne, polaiteoirí a bhformhór. Bhí na torthaí scanrúil.
Léirigh an feachtas fuath, gnéasaíochas agus bagairtí foréigin atá ar siúl díreach anseo san Aontas Eorpach. Ní gá dúinn féachaint lasmuigh den Aontas chun teacht ar pholaiteoirí mná atá ag fulaingt de dheasca ciaptha agus drochíde digiteach.
Tá sé ag tarlúint díreach anseo. Cén fáth nach bhfuil na daoine atá taobh thiar de seo á dtabhairt chun cuntais? Nuair nach ndéantar amhlaidh, cuirimid ar chumas na ndaoine seo leanacht ar aghaidh agus imrítear cos ar bholg ar mhná dá bharr. Ach nuair a thugtar na daoine atá i mbun foréigean ciaptha agus foréigean gnéis chun cuntais, bainimid a gcumhacht díobh.
Ní mór dúinn tosú leis na comhlachtaí móra meáin shóisialta a dhéanamh freagrach as an ábhar díobhálach drochídeach agus uaireanta mídhleathach ar an ardán, ábhar a dtugann siad féin neamhaird air. Tugaimis iad chun cuntais a chairde le mná atá ag rith d'oifig phoiblí a chosaint.
Anna Strolenberg (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, the freedom fighters of the 21st century are women. Take Moldovan President Maia Sandu and Georgia's president Salome Zourabichvili. Both leaders stand strong despite Russian disinformation attacks against them. And listen to the women of Afghanistan who refuse to be silent, risking imprisonment, violence and even death.
Around the world, women are challenging authoritarian regimes and fighting for democracy. However, female leaders, journalists and activists, they face attacks based on their gender. And in Moldova, this information was used to undermine the presidency, the leadership of President Sandu, claiming she is too weak to lead and protect her country.
These gendered attacks are often spread by pro-Kremlin actors. They argue that feminism oppresses men and destroys families. It is used to convince citizens to reject a Western European future, and to pull countries back into Russia's influence. This information against female politicians has become a weapon used to destroy the democratic process, and combating this is not just a women's issue, it is a fight for democracy itself.
This fight requires action both online and offline. Social media platforms need to take responsibility, and we must protect and support all those female freedom fighters standing up for democracy.
Maria Walsh (PPE). – Mr President, in 2020, a University of Galway study found that 96 % of Irish female politicians received threatening messages, while three quarters faced online threats of physical violence. Deepfake technology has escalated the threat of online harassment of all female politicians. Deepfakes are being weaponised to spread fake news, political misinformation and, most alarmingly, to perpetrate sexual harassment. These manipulated videos violate a woman's privacy and endanger her career and her personal life, and the impact is deeper than this, sadly. It threatens to silence women in public life overall. Fears of such attacks discourage women from running for office or speaking out on key issues. Image‑based sexual abuse increasingly undermines their ability to participate in politics.
The AI Act and the DSA mandate transparency for AI‑generated media and content moderation, including clear rules and notice and take‑down procedures for deepfakes. And our Commission and Member States need to do more to implement the safeguards to detect and prevent harmful deepfakes and to address gender‑specific digital threats within AI regulations.
Legislation without implementation is failing female politicians. How can we expect women to lead and speak out if we fail to protect them from these attacks?
Maria Noichl (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen! Es gab es immer schon. Früher hatte es ein anderes Gesicht – früher waren es die sogenannten Hexenverbrennungen. Eine Frau wurde herausgegriffen aus der Masse der Frauen, sie wurde meist entblößt, nackt auf einen Karren gezogen, durch die Stadt gezogen, zum Scheiterhaufen und unter Grölen von vielen Menschen verbrannt. Das waren die Scheiterhaufen früher.
Heute gibt es Scheiterhaufen im Internet. Eine Frau wird herausgezogen, die Frau wird entblößt, oftmals auch nackt dargestellt, sie wird verleumdet, und sie wird öffentlich verbrannt. Und was macht es mit den anderen? Es macht mit den anderen Frauen genau das, was es auch schon vor vielen hundert Jahren machen sollte, nämlich: Die anderen Frauen schweigen.
Was wir tun müssen: Wir müssen einerseits natürlich auf die Länder außerhalb der EU schauen. Wir müssen aber andererseits auch schauen, dass innerhalb der EU, wenn Mitgliedsländer ihre Frauen nicht ausreichend beschützen vor diesem Hass, dann müssen diese Mitgliedsländer auch die Gelder eingefroren bekommen – Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Menschenrechte, Pressefreiheit ist ein Teil. Aber wer seine Frauen nicht schützt, kann keine Gelder aus der EU bekommen. Das ist der Blick nach innen.
Marie Dauchy (PfE). – Monsieur le Président, nous débattons de la situation des femmes politiques dans les pays autour de l’Union européenne et des violences qui visent à réduire les femmes au silence. Mais comment pouvons-nous exiger l’exemplarité des autres quand, en France, nous sommes confrontés à la montée de l’islamisme et à la radicalisation de la gauche?
J’ai été lâchement agressée sur un marché. Agressée par deux hommes, dont l’un était déjà coupable de quinze condamnations pour violences. À cette agression est venue s’ajouter une violence tout aussi insupportable: celle de l’extrême gauche, qui n’a pas hésité à soutenir et à applaudir mon agresseur. Ces militants qui se prétendent défenseurs des opprimés se révèlent en réalité être les ennemis de la démocratie et des femmes lorsqu’elles refusent de se taire.
L’extrême gauche est aujourd’hui le visage de la haine, de la lâcheté et de l’intimidation. Ses sympathisants applaudissent les violences lorsqu’elles servent leur idéologie et inversent les rôles, faisant des agresseurs des héros et des victimes des coupables. Ce sont eux, les vrais ennemis des femmes, ceux qui veulent nous chasser de l’espace public par la peur, par la violence, par le mépris.
Aucune femme ne doit être réduite au silence. Se taire face à cette violence, c’est capituler, et nous ne capitulerons jamais!
Annamária Vicsek (PfE). – Elnök Úr! Az Európai Parlamentben ma a nemi egyenjogúságról és a női politikusok ellen elkövetett erőszakról tanácskozunk, és egyetértően elítéljük az erőszak minden formáját. De miért nem beszélünk a női politikusok által elkövetett erőszakról is? Tudnak-e arról, hogy van itt közöttünk olyan képviselőnő, aki egy tagország fővárosában fényes nappal az utcán csoportos, brutális erőszakot követett el? Ilaria Salis szégyenteljes, az Európai Parlamenthez nem méltó, nőhöz nem méltó viselkedéséről miért nem beszélünk?
Egyáltalán hogyan jutottunk el a nemi egyenjogúságtól egészen oda, hogy egy nő brutalitásában is egyenrangúvá válik a férfiakkal? Mindeközben az Európai Parlament védelmét élvezi. Az Európai Parlamentben és a tagjelölt országokban is zéró toleranciára van szükség a női politikusokkal szembeni és a női politikusok által elkövetett erőszakkal szemben is. Hogyan várjuk el a tagjelölt országoktól, hogy többet tegyenek a nemi egyenjogúságért és az emberi jogokért, ha az Európai Parlament nem mutat erre jó példát?
Brīvais mikrofons
Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, la ciberviolencia y el ciberacoso contra las mujeres y la difusión de contenidos discriminatorios, difamatorios y machistas contra las mujeres, particularmente cuando concurren en procesos electorales por cargos representativos o responsabilidad política, no son exclusivos de los países vecinos ni de los candidatos a la integración europea. Sucede también en la propia Unión Europea.
Por eso es especialmente relevante el informe de Irene Khan, relatora especial sobre la promoción y protección del derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión, cuando señala que existe un problema sistémico que forma parte de una estrategia de intimidación y de amenaza a las mujeres que participan en política y, con carácter general, contra la igualdad. Y la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, aunque no se subraya nunca lo bastante, es también un valor fundacional de la Unión Europea consagrado en el artículo 2 del Tratado de la Unión Europea.
Por tanto, hay que decir con toda claridad que la Unión Europea tiene que tomar iniciativas porque la discriminación contra las mujeres, la discriminación en todas sus formas, es un problema de democracia y es contraria al Derecho europeo.
(Brīvā mikrofona uzstāšanos beigas.)
Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, honourable Members, violence against women in politics constitutes a serious violation of human rights. And of course, as you all noted, an obstacle to achieving true gender equality. It is not only it has a part on the victims, but on society as a whole. Such violence directly impacts women's political ambitions, in turn leading to the under-representation of women in politics and in public life.
Violence against women in politics stems from harmful stereotypes, but recent instances have shown us that women can also be the target of the interference by foreign actors seeking to harm our democratic systems. Such violence can take many forms, from misogynistic and sexist verbal attacks amounting to hate speech, to the most commonplace acts of harassment and threats, much of it increasingly online.
It is multifaceted in nature, in perpetrators and in its context. It may be carried out by state and non-state actors, including members of political parties, parliamentarians, voters or media representatives, just to name a few, and may take place in public or in private. In line with our core values and commitment to supporting healthy democratic societies, advancing gender equality and human rights, and countering gender balance violence, the European Commission will continue to work to prevent such violence, to provide support to survivors, to overcome gender stereotypes, and to ensure the effective implementation of relevant policies and legislation in these areas. We will do so through policy dialogues, as well as the provision of funding and technical assistance to strengthen democratic institutions, fight disinformation, and combat violence against women both in the enlargement region and in the eastern neighbourhood.
Such commitment requires collective action and cooperation with a wide variety of stakeholders. Such commitment is indeed important today. This is why, besides governments, we work and we will continue to do so with civil society, women's rights organisations and human rights defenders to build support networks and create safer and more inclusive environments for all women, including women in politics, ensuring their full participation in shaping the future of their countries. This is crucial to foster pluralistic, inclusive, participatory and representative democracy.
Thank you for your attention and, of course, for this very interesting debate. I have taken notes of your interventions and I will pass them to my dear colleague, Commissioner Kos.