Gerard Batten (EFD). - Mr President, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that the first amendment on this report does not seem to have appeared on the Séance en Direct website this morning. It would normally appear there where it can easily be seen by all the assistants preparing the voting list.
I am reliably informed that this is the first time this appears to have happened in the experience of our assistants in five years of preparing voting lists. Not all Members may be aware of its existence, and I wish to draw your attention to it. If you vote for this, then the whole of the rest of the motion falls. It is in support of the Hungarians being free to determine their own constitution without pressure from the EU. I would like to say that, but also I would be very grateful if you could conduct an investigation and let us know why it did not appear properly this morning.
Der Präsident. − Herr Batten! Welcher Änderungsantrag 1 zu welchem Entschließungsantrag?
Gerard Batten (EFD). - Mr President, it is the first one. It is the EPP amendment, the first thing that we are voting on.
Der Präsident. − Herr Batten! Sie sprachen von der Entschließung der EVP. Das ist damit klar. Ich rufe also in der Reihenfolge der eingegangenen Entschließungsanträge auf. Das ist der Grund, warum ich zuerst über den Entschließungsantrag der EVP abstimmen lasse.