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Postup : 2012/2570(RSP)
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Rozpravy :

PV 15/03/2012 - 16.2
CRE 15/03/2012 - 16.2

Hlasování :

PV 15/03/2012 - 17.2

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Doslovný záznam ze zasedání
Čtvrtek, 15. března 2012 - Štrasburk

16.2. Palestina: razie izraelské armády v palestinských televizních stanicích
Videozáznamy vystoupení

  La Présidente. - L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur la Palestine, et en particulier les perquisitions de chaînes de télévision palestiniennes par les forces israéliennes.


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, author. − Madam President, like many others I am deeply shocked and that is why I condemned the raids that the Israeli troops carried out on the two Palestinian TV stations in the West Bank on 29 February, seizing equipment and thereby forcing the station to close. As many others have also said, this can only be considered to be an arbitrary and illegal operation, again serving to intimidate the Palestinian media and journalists.

These are the usual victims of repeated attacks by the Israeli defence forces. That is why we have to urge – and that is what I hope we are going to do, when we vote the resolution – the Israeli military to return the confiscated equipment and allow the two stations to resume broadcasting. Let us remember these raids were carried out by the IDF, accompanied by intelligence officers, on Al-Watan in Ramallah and Al-Quds Educational TV in Al-Bireh about two kilometres outside Ramallah. Both stations have been working with the European Union for many years.

There are no excuses any more. Baroness Ashton, the Council and the Commission should put the issue of the Israeli intimidation of the Palestinian media on the agenda of the EU-Israel dialogue and take this into consideration in the EU-Israel bilateral relations. In this context, it is the EU’s obligation to ensure consistency between the different areas of its external action and between this and each other’s policies, as mentioned in Article 21 of Treaty on the European Union.

Finally, I have to remind you as well that this is not the first time that it has happened. It happened before, on 20 November 2011, when the Israel Ministry of Telecommunications ordered the closure of All For Peace, the radio station based in East Jerusalem. It is again a moment to react.


  Véronique De Keyser, auteur. − Madame la Présidente, mon discours ne va pas être très différent de celui de mon collègue. Je pense que ce qui s'est passé est absolument inacceptable. Et nous ne l'acceptons pas et, je le dis, nous ne l'acceptons pas à travers les groupes.

Il y a donc eu effectivement ce raid israélien contre Watan TV et Al-Quds educational TV. Ce n'est pas la Radio des mille collines; ce n'est pas le Rwanda ici. Ce ne sont pas des appels à la haine. Ce sont des télévisions avec lesquelles nous avons travaillé.

L'argument invoqué par Israël – alors que la juridiction est une juridiction palestinienne, Ramallah –, c'est que cela interfère avec l'aéroport de Ben Gourion. Bon. On veut bien croire qu'il y a un argument technique et qu'il y aurait eu des annonces auparavant. Mais ça ne justifie pas l'attitude de cow-boy avec laquelle ils sont arrivés, la saisie des équipements, etc.

Madame Reding, nous demandons une clarification de cela. Mes collègues ont été extrêmement mesurés dans cette résolution, puisque nous n'avons pas la nature des équipements; nous ne savons pas si techniquement il y a des interférences, etc. Nous demandons si c'est vrai. Et si ce n'est pas vrai, à ce moment-là, c'est une violation importante de la liberté d'opinion et d'expression. Il faudra donc que le gouvernement israélien – je ne parle pas du peuple israélien mais du gouvernement israélien – nous en rende compte puisque nous sommes effectivement des alliés de ce gouvernement. Voilà.

Donc, clarification, et surtout ne jamais laisser passer ici des atteintes à la liberté d'expression. Je pense que tous les collègues étaient d'accord et je remercie d'ailleurs mes collègues du PPE d'avoir accepté de signer avec nous cette résolution, qui est tout de même lourde de sens.


  Bernd Posselt, Verfasser. − Frau Präsidentin! Unsere Fraktion war nicht der Meinung, dass dies das Dringendste ist, was derzeit ansteht. Die über 200 Raketen etwa, die in den letzten Tagen von Seiten der Palästinenser über Israel niedergegangen sind, wären ein viel dringlicheres Thema gewesen, so wie auch die Problematik in vielen anderen Bereichen der Welt.

Aber dennoch haben wir uns in dieser Entschließung auf diese konkrete Thematik konzentriert, was vernünftig und richtig war, weil wir der Meinung sind, dass wir eine enge Partnerschaft mit Israel wollen – wie das Kollegin De Keyser gesagt hat. Ich bin auch für den raschen und erfolgreichen Abschluss eines Abkommens.

Wir bekennen uns in der Entschließung auch ausdrücklich zur Zweistaatenlösung und zur friedenserhaltenden Funktion dieser Zweistaatenlösung. Aber wir sagen auch klar, dass das, was der Schließung der Sender vorausgegangen ist, aufgeklärt werden muss. Es gibt zwei verschiedene Versionen, die einander widersprechen. Wir nennen sie in der Entschließung, aber wir wollen, dass diese Frage im strukturierten Dialog mit Israel angesprochen und aufgeklärt wird. Darum bitten wir die Kommission und die israelische Regierung, gerade weil – wie Frau De Keyser gesagt hat – Israel für uns ein wichtiger Partner ist.


  Paul Murphy, author. − Mr President, I agree that the raids on Al-Watan TV and Al-Quds should be condemned very clearly by this Parliament. They highlight the attack by the Israeli establishment on the freedom of the media. This is not an accidental policy or a one-off incident; it is a conscious policy to undermine the freedom of the media to prevent the reporting of the real situation facing the Palestinians on the ground. I personally am still awaiting the return of a laptop which is the property of this Parliament, and of my own mobile phone, which the Israeli security forces have now had for over four months.

It also illustrates the conscious strategy of the Israeli elite in relation to the West Bank, which is to undermine any prospect of real self-rule by the Palestinians, even within Area A. It is part of the same strategy of which the settlements are part: to undermine any capacity for self-rule. It is also completely in breach of the Oslo Accords.

I have to take the opportunity to speak about the murderous assault on Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu proudly proclaimed that the Israeli establishment has exacted a very high price. Let us look at that price. It is the murder of Ayub Asaliya, a 12-year-old boy who lived in Jabaliya refugee camp, and the killing of at least 22 other Palestinians and the injuring of around 100 Palestinians, including children. This was a barbaric, murderous assault on the people of Gaza. It has nothing to do with stopping terrorism and everything to do with the continuation of the military and psychological warfare and collective punishment against the Palestinians living within the Gaza Strip. And what was the response of the so-called international community? Again, unfortunately very predictable: an underscoring of the complicity that imperialism has with the oppression of the Palestinians.

From the US we had the usual blaming of the Palestinians for their own oppression, and simply a condemnation of the rocket fire from Gaza, ignoring the murderous bombing raids by the Israeli forces. From the EU we had the striking of the usual even-handed pose (supposedly), an incredible statement by Catherine Ashton deploring the loss of civilian lives – essential to avoid further escalation – and urging all sides to re-establish calm: incredible in the context of a murderous assault on the people of Gaza. There must be a condemnation from the EU of this assault. It should go beyond words. The EU-Israel Association Agreement should be suspended.

It is clear that international imperialism will not provide a just solution here. The only solution will be found on the basis of a joint struggle of the Palestinian masses together with the Arab masses generally, and ordinary Israeli workers and poor who share the same enemy of the Israeli capitalist elite and the right-wing establishment in a joint struggle for a secular, socialist Palestine with a capital in East Jerusalem, alongside a secular, socialist Israel, part of a socialist confederation of the region.


  Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Auteur. − Het zal u niet verbazen dat ik de ideologische vooringenomenheid van vorige spreker geenszins deel. Dit gezegd zijnde, ben ook ik zoals mijn collega's bijzonder bekommerd om wat er gebeurt in de Gazastrook en zijn wij zeer bekommerd over de grote risico's op escalatie, maar hebben ons voorgenomen dat wij daar tijdens de volgende minisessie uitgebreid op terug zullen komen.

Daarnaast is dit Parlement van meet af aan erg bekommerd om de vrijheid van mening en de mediavrijheid, zowel binnen de eigen grenzen, binnen de eigen lidstaten, als in landen waarmee wij associatie- en samenwerkingsakkoorden hebben. In dat kader kan mijn fractie de manier waarop het Israëlische leger op 29 februari twee televisiestations in Ramallah, een stad die onder Palestijnse jurisdictie valt, tot zwijgen heeft gebracht, nauwelijks of niet aanvaarden.

Omdat de technische aspecten van de zaak niet helemaal duidelijk zijn denken wij dat er alle reden toe is om bij de eerstvolgende ontmoeting met Israël om verduidelijking te vragen. Israël moet er in elk geval voor zorgen dat deze stations binnen de kortste keren hun uitzendingen kunnen hervatten.


  Elena Băsescu, în numele grupului PPE. – Consider că acest subiect nu-și avea locul pe agenda dezbaterilor de urgență de astăzi. De altfel, Grupul PPE nu a fost de acord cu discutarea subiectului în acest cadru, în acest cadru am subliniat. Este vorba despre o dispută legată de telecomunicații. Nu este oportun și nici corect ca ea să fie așezată pe același nivel cu violări grave ale drepturilor omului. Prin astfel de abordări, nu facem decât să creștem tensiunile din regiune, în condițiile în care dialogul israelo-palestinian întâmpină deja destule dificultăți.

Parlamentul European ar trebui să aibă o atitudine constructivă, care să sprijine găsirea unei soluții în Orientul Mijlociu. În plus, subliniez că, în acest mod, riscăm să ne punem în pericol propria credibilitate. Este ca și cum nu am mai avea niciun alt subiect de urgență de dezbătut.


  Ana Gomes, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, who is afraid of free media broadcasting? It looks like Israel is, considering the assault the Israeli defence forces and Ministry of Communication carried out at the end of February on the Palestinian Al-Watan TV and Al-Quds Educational TV, confiscating equipment and documents and holding journalists and employees for hours, on whatever pretext.

In doing so Israeli forces not only violated Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, which includes the right to impart information and ideas through any media, but Israel also committed a gross and glaring breach of the Oslo Accords.

Israel must be urged to immediately return the confiscated equipment, allow the resumption of work of those Palestinian TV stations and compensate them for the losses suffered. As this European Parliament resolution demands, this matter must be put on the agenda of the EU-Israeli Association Council.


  Alexandra Thein, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Als Mitglied sowohl der Palästina-, als auch der Israeldelegation begrüße ich, dass sich das Parlament zu diesen inakzeptablen israelischen Razzien auf zwei Fernsehstationen in Ramallah äußert. Ramallah, möchte ich noch einmal in Erinnerung rufen, befindet sich in der Zone A des Westjordanlandes, das heißt in dem kleinen Gebiet, das überhaupt von den Palästinensern selbst verwaltet werden darf. Das heißt, es gibt keine rechtliche Grundlage in irgendeinem Abkommen für eine solche Aktion, noch dazu ohne Ankündigung der israelischen Behörden. Neben der Tatsache, dass diese Aktion gegen die freie Meinungsäußerung und gegen die Informationsfreiheit gerichtet war, haben wir es hier mit illegaler Zerstörung palästinensischen Vermögens durch die israelische Besatzungsmacht zu tun, die von Israel zwar stereotyp als sicherheitstechnisch notwendig verteidigt wird, was sie aber nach internationalem Recht nicht minder illegal macht: Zerstörung von Trinkwasserbrunnen und Energiequellen, fast wöchentliche Zerstörung von landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen und Olivenbäumen, und nicht zu vergessen der andauernde Abriss Hunderter palästinensischer Wohnhäuser, unter anderem auch in Jerusalem.

Besonders ärgerlich: Die israelischen Behörden machen auch keinen Halt vor der Zerstörung von Infrastrukturprojekten, die von der EU oder deren Mitgliedstaaten finanziert worden sind. Unter anderem war bei uns zuletzt im „Spiegel“ zu lesen, dass gerade wieder mit deutschen Steuergeldern finanzierte Solaranlagen abgerissen werden.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, the events reported last week in which Israeli soldiers raided the Palestinian television stations of Al-Watan TV and Al-Quds Educational TV, confiscating administrative files and broadcasting equipment, do indeed show that tension between the two communities is high.

Palestinians are using approximately 100 unauthorised transmitters on various frequencies and we urge the PA Government’s Communications Ministry to work more closely with the Israeli authorities to ensure that the facilities that they are using are within the law. While we recognise the fact that the PA has jurisdiction in the West Bank, where the raids took place, we must also recognise the right of Israeli authorities to safeguard their own nation’s security to be paramount.

This most recent incident highlights the need for improved communications and cooperation between the various parties. The ECR believes that ultimately a two-state solution is the only way forward. We call upon the authorities of both territories to re-enter peaceful negotiations so that a sustainable solution to the conflict can be found for the future.


  Jaroslav Paška, za skupinu EFD. – Ozbrojený vojenský prepad palestínskej vzdelávacej televízie al-Quds jednotkami izraelských obranných síl koncom februára tohto roka treba klasifikovať ako nezmyselný a zbytočný akt nepriateľstva a násilia izraelskej štátnej moci voči palestínskemu obyvateľstvu. Dodatočná argumentácia, ktorá mala pred širokou verejnosťou odôvodniť tento prepad televízneho štúdia a vykradnutia televíznej techniky, sa ukázala ako falošná. Oficiálne izraelské orgány totiž pred prepadom televízneho štúdia nikdy palestínske orgány neupozornili na to, že by im využívanie frekvencií na prenos televízneho signálu spôsobovalo nejaké technické problémy. Neinformovali o tom ani spoločný technický výbor zriadený dohodami z Osla.

Európska únia podporuje úsilie Palestíny budovať civilné štruktúry a inštitúcie napomáhajúce stabilizácii politického prostredia na Blízkom východe. A preto treba odsúdiť každú zbytočnú provokáciu, ktorá narušuje súžitie národov v pásme Gazy.


  Franz Obermayr (NI). - Frau Präsidentin! Am 29. Februar wurden im Rahmen einer Razzia zwei palästinensische Fernsehsender geschlossen. Die Geräte wurden beschlagnahmt, und laut Aussage des israelischen Kommunikationsministeriums seien wiederholt Warnungen gegen diese Sender ausgesprochen worden, sie hätten angeblich ohne Lizenz auf Frequenzen gesendet, die den Ben-Gurion-Fughafen stören.

Auf der anderen Seite behaupten die Palästinenser, dass es keine Warnungen gegeben habe, und dass deshalb alle Vorwürfe zurückzuweisen seien. Die Hohe Vertreterin muss daher beide Seiten auffordern, diese Streitpunkte dringend zu klären, und die EU könnte hier als neutraler Schlichter fungieren. Auch eine gemeinsame israelische und palästinensische Kommission für Technik könnte hier helfen, Klarheit zu schaffen.

Auf dem ständigen Weg zu einem gerechten und dauerhaften Frieden im Nahen Osten ist es daher wichtig, dass in der gesamten Region und für alle Gruppen die Grundrechte der Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit gewahrt werden, auch wenn eine Kollegin der Europäischen Volkspartei das leider Gottes nur als reines Kommunikationsproblem betrachtet, und auch eine blaue Karte bedauerlicherweise dazu nicht akzeptiert hat.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, kuten kollegani ovat sanoneet, ryhmämme epäröi tämän aiheen kiireellisyyttä, mutta pidämme silti tätä tasapainoisena tekstinä ja tuemme sisältöä. Vahvistamme myös kantamme tukea kahden valtion ratkaisua.

Helmikuun lopussa tapahtunut sotilaiden ja virkamiesten isku palestiinalaisille tv-asemille herättää paljon kysymyksiä, etenkin kun kyseessä ovat asemat, joiden kanssa EU on tehnyt yhteistyötä. Israel toteaa varoittaneensa molempia asemia toistuvasti siitä, että nämä rikkovat sopimuksia ja toimivat taajuuksilla, jotka häiritsevät viestintä- ja lähetysjärjestelmiä Israelissa. Palestiinalaishallinto kiistää syytökset. Nämä ristiriitaisuudet lausuntojen välillä on voitava puolueettomasti selvittää ja teknisesti se lienee mahdollista.

Kaikki alueen televiestintään liittyvät kysymykset tulisi käsitellä Oslon sopimuksella perustetussa Israelin ja Palestiinan yhteisessä teknisessä komiteassa, jotta televisiokanavien lähetystoimintaa koskevat ongelmat saadaan pikaisesti ratkaistua. Emme me voi kuin edelleen vedota, että rauhanomaiset ja väkivallattomat menetelmät ovat ainoa tapa saavuttaa kestävä ratkaisu Israelin ja Palestiinan konfliktiin.


  Emer Costello (S&D). - Madam President, the raids on the Palestinian stations in Ramallah Al-Watan TV and Al-Quds Educational TV by Israeli defence forces on 29 February were unwarranted attacks on the freedom of the Palestinian media. The fact that the IDF confiscated computer equipment, including hard drives and other files, seems to contradict the claim that the reason for the raid was that the station’s transmitters interfered with air traffic signals at Ben Gurion airport.

Both televisions were reputable, they had been broadcasting for many years and indeed the EU has worked with both stations in the past. Moreover, the raids took place in Area A, which is under the control of the Palestinian authority. Israeli incursions into this area serve only to undermine the nation-building efforts of the Palestinian authorities and hinder the peace process in the region that we are all striving towards. The EU must act to ensure that the Israelis return all of the equipment and we must support the TV stations in their efforts to continue broadcasting.

Finally, strong words and resolutions are not sufficient. We have an obligation to ensure consistency between our policy resolutions on the one hand and our external actions and bilateral arrangements on the other. I commend the resolution.


  Cristian Silviu Buşoi (ALDE). - Madam President, I strongly believe that this conflict has lasted for too long now and we desperately need a long-term solution to solve it, with two states that should respect each other and live in peace. Unfortunately, there are always incidents that permanently endanger the peace process.

I agree with the fact that the Israeli military operations in Palestinian territory were a radical solution and there should have been further efforts to solve the problem in a peaceful manner. However, I think we should also be reminded of the fact that there is a 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement, which lays down the conditions in which Palestine should operate in the independent telecommunications market in some areas, namely prior authorisation by a telecommunications staff officer. In this case, prior to these operations, Israel has requested Palestinians to close down the unapproved television stations which interfered with Israeli communications. I think we should be fair and ask both parties to respect the rules they agreed on, and to cooperate in a loyal manner in the peace process in order to stabilise the region.


  Michał Tomasz Kamiński (ECR). - Pani Przewodnicząca! Ja też mam wrażenie, że Parlament Europejski miałby dzisiaj ważniejsze sprawy, którymi mógłby się zajmować, a nie kolejny niefortunny incydent, który ma miejsce w stosunkach między Izraelem a Autonomią Palestyńską.

Ja chcę powiedzieć, że brzmią dla mnie zupełnie niewiarygodnie ubolewania nad kwestią przestrzegania wolności mediów. Otóż ja chcę Państwu powiedzieć, że w Izraelu panuje wolność mediów, Izrael jest krajem, w którym nie tylko media mogą dowolnie krytykować rząd i czynią to bardzo często, ale w parlamencie izraelskim zasiadają posłowie, którzy zwalczają rząd, są wobec niego w opozycji, ale zasiadają także posłowie palestyńscy, posłowie arabscy, którzy są w ogóle przeciwni istnieniu państwa Izrael. Izrael wyznacza standardy demokratyczne, które bylibyśmy wszyscy szczęśliwi, żeby obowiązywały w całym świecie arabskim, a niestety nie obowiązują.

Ja muszę zresztą powiedzieć, że jeden z dzisiejszych wnioskodawców, pan poseł Murphy, który używał języka przemocy w tej Izbie, w jakimś sensie kompromituje przynajmniej część wnioskodawców tej rezolucji. Chcę powiedzieć, że ten język, w którym wzywa się masy do obalenia kapitalistycznego porządku, to jest język, który sprowadził bezbrzeżne cierpienia na naród, który reprezentuję, czyli na naród polski, na naród rosyjski, na całą Europę Środkowo-Wschodnią. To jest język, który do dziś sprowadza cierpienia na naród kubański i naród Północnej Korei. Chcę powiedzieć „nie” komunizmowi!


Procédure catch the eye


  Sari Essayah (PPE). - Madam President, peaceful and non-violent means are the only way to achieve a sustainable solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is vitally important that both Israel and the Palestinian Authority make the best possible use of the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Technical Committee established by the Oslo Accords, in order to address any issue arising in the telecommunications field.

This controversial technical issue should be resolved in that Committee as well, and between those parties. The EU as a member of the Quartet should always support peaceful solutions, and the parties should reach mutual understanding on this issue as well.


  Mitro Repo (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, nuo helmikuun kahdennenkymmenennenyhdeksännen päivän iskut palestiinalaisille tv-asemille ja niissä suoritetut takavarikot ovat kiistatta ylilyöntejä Israelin taholta. Kyseiset tv-asemat sijaitsevat Palestiinan hallinnoimalla alueella. Tällaiset yksipuoliset toimet ovat omiaan vaarantamaan niitä edistysaskeleita, joita Lähi-idän konfliktissa on jo saatu aikaan.

Rauhanomaiset ja väkivallattomat toimet ovat lopulta ainoa keino avoimen vuoropuhelun rinnalla kestävän rauhan ja oikeuden toteutumiselle israelilaisten ja palestiinalaisten välillä. Euroopan komission ja ulkosuhdehallinnon tuleekin nostaa Palestiinan mediaan kohdistuneet iskut EU–Israel-vuoropuhelun aiheeksi, sekä seurata tilanteen kehittymistä tarkasti.

Euroopan unioni on sitoutunut kahden valtion ratkaisuun Lähi-idässä. Nykytilanne on riittämätön. Ainoa tapa aikaansaada kestävä rauha alueelle tapahtuu poliittisella vuoropuhelulla, neuvotteluosapuolet on saatava istumaan yhteisen pöydän ääreen keskustelemaan.


  Norica Nicolai (ALDE). - Chiar dacă, din 1993, discutăm de Acordul de la Oslo, chiar dacă declarațiile recente ale quartetului sunt foarte clare, chiar dacă liderii israelieni și palestinieni - și mă refer la președintele Peres și la președintele Abbas - sunt convinși că viitorul în această zonă aparține celor două state, cred că trebuie să facem mai mult ca membri ai quartetului pentru a clarifica lucrurile și pentru a determina părțile să înceteze cu aceste situații care sunt discutabile, care pot incita la dezacord.

Este nevoie, după opinia mea, de un raport al comisiei tehnice înființate conform Acordului de la Oslo și, în cadrul acordului nostru de asociere cu Israelul, va trebui să cerem o concluzie a acestui raport pentru incidentul care a avut loc. Pentru că adevărul poate fi de partea fiecărei părți, dar mi-e greu să accept că au dreptate ambele părți.


  Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (S&D). - Izraelski atak na palestyńskie stacje telewizyjne, który miał miejsce w dniu 7 marca, to kolejny niepotrzebny akt agresji i niefortunny epizod w nieustającym konflikcie w tym regionie. Izraelskie władze twierdzą, iż sygnał nadawany przez telewizje palestyńskie zakłócał komunikację na międzynarodowym lotnisku Ben Gurion, zaś interwencja nastąpiła po braku odpowiedzi ze strony stacji na przesłane wcześniej ostrzeżenia. Palestyńczycy odebrali nalot jako akt tłumienia wolności słowa i naruszenie ich rządów na Zachodnim Brzegu. Stacje telewizyjne nadawały już od dawna i wcześniej jakoś ich sygnał nie przeszkadzał.

Izrael musi uszanować istniejące porozumienia z Autonomią Palestyńską ustanowione w Oslo. Tylko pokojowe, nie brutalne, sposoby rozwiązywania konfliktu mogą przynieść wymierne rezultaty i zapewnić długotrwały pokój i stabilność w tym regionie. Każdy naród ma prawo do samostanowienia, a obywatele – do życia w pokoju. Dwa rozdzielne państwa dla dwóch odmiennych narodów to jedyny sposób dla rozwiązanie długotrwałego konfliktu. Dlatego apeluję do obu stron o natychmiastowe wznowienie rozmów pokojowych zgodnie z ustalonymi przez oba państwa wytycznymi.


  Hannu Takkula (ALDE). - Arvoisa puhemies, mielestäni tämä asia ei ole niin kiireellinen ja oikea paikka tämän asian käsittelylle olisi Israelin ja Palestiinan autonominen ja tekninen komitea. Mutta ymmärrän, että tuohon tekniseen komiteaan sitä on vaikea laittaa, koska palestiinalaishallinnon hallituksessa on Hamas, joka ei ole vieläkään täyttänyt kansainvälisen yhteisön sille asettamia vaatimuksia eli terrorismista luopumista, aikaisempien Israelin ja Palestiinan autonomisten sopimusten hyväksymistä ja Israelin valtion tunnustamista.

Ja näin ollen, kun lähtökohtaisesti tilanne on tämä, on vain valitettavasti todettava, että Palestiina edelleen jatkuvasti jatkaa erilaista terroria Israelia vastaan, muun muassa nyt radioliikenteen kautta. Viime päivien esimerkit kertovat meille, kaikki kansainväliset tarkkailijat kertovat, että Palestiinan puolelta on tullut yli 200 rakettia. Palestiinan autonomia on aloittanut nämä iskut Israelia vastaan taas.

On selvää, ettei tämä ole hedelmällinen maaperä rakentaa tulevaisuutta, ja sen vuoksi pitää saada osapuolet keskustelupöytään. Ilman muuta vapaata joukkotiedotusta tarvittaisiin tuolla alueella, ja Israel on ainut, joka vapaata joukkotiedotusta tällä hetkellä harjoittaa, mutta osapuolten pitää palata neuvottelupöytään. Vain sitä kautta voidaan saada asiat ratkaistua ja vietyä niitä eteenpäin.


(Fin procédure catch the eye)


  Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. − Madam President, Honourable Members, the High Representative is concerned by the incursion into Ramallah by Israeli security forces to seize equipment from the Palestinian television stations.

Incursions by Israeli forces into Palestinian cities where the Palestinian Authority, under the Oslo Accords, assumes the powers and responsibilities for internal security and public order are a breach of those accords and puts in jeopardy the internationally-recognised success of Palestinian institution-building efforts.

The European Union has worked with both stations, which have been broadcasting for many years. The Oslo Accords established an Israeli-Palestinian Joint Technical Committee to address any issues arising in the telecommunications field. In the light of this incident, the High Representative has called on Israel and on the Palestinian Authority to use this mechanism to urgently resolve any issues concerning broadcasts by these companies. A statement along these lines was issued by the High Representative on 2 March.

We continue to urge both sides to exercise maximum transparency and cooperation in the context of the framework provided by the Joint Technical Committee, in order to ensure that appropriate action can be taken in the appropriate timeframe. Furthermore, the EU believes that the best possible use should be made of the Joint Technical Committee, in particular to seek upstream solutions to emerging disputes in this area.

The EU Delegation in Tel Aviv is seeking further clarification from the Israeli Government on this incident, and the EU Delegation in Jerusalem remains in contact with the relevant Palestinian authorities and the two broadcasters affected by the seizure of equipment.

The European Union attaches the greatest importance to the principle of freedom of expression, and we support a vibrant and diverse Palestinian media sector operating in a clearly-defined and secure regulatory environment, as provided for in the Oslo Accords.

The EU urges both sides to seek a rapid resolution to this matter through consultation and encourages the Israeli authorities to return all the equipment seized during the raids so that the television channels can resume broadcasting on agreed frequencies as soon as possible.


  La Présidente. - J'ai reçu, conformément à l'article 122 du règlement, six propositions de résolution(1).

Le débat est clos.

Le vote aura lieu à la fin des débats.

(1) Voir procès-verbal.

Déclarations écrites (article 149)


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE), în scris. Ca și alți colegi ce au intervenit în dezbatere, aș vrea să subliniez că incidentul survenit pe 29 februarie la Ramallah este regretabil. Este regretabil în primul rând pentru că există reguli clare în acordurile israelo-palestiniene ce leagă ambele părți, în privința posturilor de televiziune. Acestea impun ambelor părți să se abțină de la orice acțiuni ce reprezintă o interferență în sistemele de comunicare și transmisie sau infrastructurile celeilalte părți. Autoritatea palestiniană are obligația de a se asigura că posturile de televiziune funcționează conform legii și sunt sigure. Este regretabil, apoi, pentru că există mecanisme de cooperare pe care cele două părți ar putea să le utilizeze pentru a adresa aceste chestiuni, ca de exemplu Comitetul tehnic israelo-palestinian stabilit prin acordurile de la Oslo. Este regretabil, în fine, pentru că acest incident ne arată, încă o dată, care este de fapt fondul problemei și anume incapacitatea părților de a ajunge la o pace durabilă, bazată pe soluția celor două state. Nu pot decât să mă alătur apelului lansat luni de Cvartet ambelor părți de a rămâne angajate și de a se abține de la provocări.

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