MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Interpretation of the Rules of Procedure : see Minutes
 3.Composition of committees and delegations: see Minutes
 4.Debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see Minutes
 5.Preparations for the European Council meeting (22 May 2013) - Fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax havens - Annual tax report: how to free the EU potential for economic growth (debate)
 6.Voting time
  6.1.EU-Sri Lanka Agreement on certain aspects of air services (A7-0169/2013 - Petri Sarvamaa) (vote)
  6.2.Enhanced cooperation between the European Union and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (A7-0157/2013 - Jaromír Kohlíček) (vote)
  6.3.Amendment of Regulation (EEC/Euratom) No 354/83, as regards the deposit of the historical archives of the institutions at the European University Institute in Florence (A7-0156/2013 - Doris Pack) (vote)
  6.4.Period for the eighth election of representatives to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (A7-0138/2013 - Carlo Casini) (vote)
  6.5.Request for defence of the immunity of Gabriele Albertini (A7-0149/2013 - Bernhard Rapkay) (vote)
  6.6.Request for waiver of the parliamentary immunity of Spyros Danellis (I) (A7-0159/2013 - Eva Lichtenberger) (vote)
  6.7.Request for waiver of the parliamentary immunity of Spyros Danellis (II) (A7-0160/2013 - Eva Lichtenberger) (vote)
  6.8.Takeover bids (A7-0089/2013 - Klaus-Heiner Lehne) (vote)
  6.9.Regional strategies for industrial areas in the European Union (A7-0145/2013 - Jens Geier) (vote)
  6.10.Offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities (A7-0121/2013 - Ivo Belet) (vote)
  6.11.Renewable energy in the European internal energy market (A7-0135/2013 - Herbert Reul) (vote)
  6.12.Women's rights in the Balkan accession countries (A7-0136/2013 - Marije Cornelissen) (vote)
  6.13.EU Charter: standard settings for media freedom across the EU (A7-0117/2013 - Renate Weber) (vote)
  6.14.Adequate, safe and sustainable pensions (A7-0137/2013 - Ria Oomen-Ruijten) (vote)
  6.15.Fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax havens (A7-0162/2013 - Mojca Kleva Kekuš) (vote)
  6.16.Annual tax report: how to free the EU potential for economic growth (A7-0154/2013 - Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz) (vote)
 7.Explanations of vote
  7.1.EU-Sri Lanka Agreement on certain aspects of air services (A7-0169/2013 - Petri Sarvamaa)
  7.2.Enhanced cooperation between the European Union and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (A7-0157/2013 - Jaromír Kohlíček)
  7.3.Amendment of Regulation (EEC/Euratom) No 354/83, as regards the deposit of the historical archives of the institutions at the European University Institute in Florence (A7-0156/2013 - Doris Pack)
  7.4.Period for the eighth election of representatives to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage (A7-0138/2013 - Carlo Casini)
  7.5.Request for defence of the immunity of Gabriele Albertini (A7-0149/2013 - Bernhard Rapkay)
  7.6.Request for waiver of the parliamentary immunity of Spyros Danellis (I) (A7-0159/2013 - Eva Lichtenberger)
  7.7.Request for waiver of the parliamentary immunity of Spyros Danellis (II) (A7-0160/2013 - Eva Lichtenberger)
  7.8.Takeover bids (A7-0089/2013 - Klaus-Heiner Lehne)
  7.9.Regional strategies for industrial areas in the European Union (A7-0145/2013 - Jens Geier)
  7.10.Offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities (A7-0121/2013 - Ivo Belet)
  7.11.Renewable energy in the European internal energy market (A7-0135/2013 - Herbert Reul)
  7.12.Women's rights in the Balkan accession countries (A7-0136/2013 - Marije Cornelissen)
  7.13.EU Charter: standard settings for media freedom across the EU (A7-0117/2013 - Renate Weber)
  7.14.Adequate, safe and sustainable pensions (A7-0137/2013 - Ria Oomen-Ruijten)
 8.Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes
 9.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes
 10.Specific tasks for the European Central Bank concerning policies relating to the prudential supervision of credit institutions - European Banking Authority and prudential supervision of credit institutions (debate)
 11.Corrigendum (Rule 216): see Minutes
 12.Delegated acts and implementing measures (Rules 87a(6) and 88(4)(d)): see Minutes
 13.Draft WIPO Treaty on copyright exceptions for the visually impaired (debate)
 14.Implementation of the Stockholm Programme and establishment of the area of freedom, security and justice (debate)
 15.Addressing the issue of inheritance tax following the adoption of the Successions Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 (debate)
 16.Deadlock on the revision of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 (debate)
 17.Agenda of the next sitting : see Minutes
 18.Closure of the sitting
Verbatim report of proceedings (2044 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings (7059 kb)
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