Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die Aussprache über sechs Entschließungsanträge zur Lage in Sri Lanka(1).
Carl Schlyter, författare. − Herr talman! Det är inte ofta vi kan stå här i kammaren och glädjas över att ett krig faktiskt har tagit slut, men 2009 tog kriget slut.
Andra positiva förändringar är att det tillsattes en kommission 2010 för lärdomar och försoning, att minröjning har pågått under denna tid, att det i augusti tillsattes en undersökningskommission om försvinnanden, och att det i september hölls ett val i norra delen av landet.
Allt det här är en positiv utveckling. Tyvärr så mörknar bilden när vi samtidigt ser markstölder och konflikter, fortsatta sexuella övergrepp, hot mot rättsväsendet, och mitt i allt detta de skyddslösa krigsänkor som drabbas särskilt hårt.
Därför är det viktigt att Sri Lanka nu tar itu med problemen och omedelbart inför en kommission som ser till att de som var ansvariga för krigsbrott på båda sidor i konflikten ställs inför domstol, och att rättvisa skipas.
De behöver införa vittnesskydd och, precis som Navi Pillay, som ska leverera sin rapport till FN i mars, sa: Gör det här innan dess, annars kan FN tvingas att tillsätta sin egen undersökningskommission.
Vi måste ställa de ansvariga till svars för krigsbrotten. Har man blivit utsatt för övergrepp så är det lättare att glömma, förlåta och gå vidare om rättvisa skipas. Jag uppmanar Sri Lanka: Gör detta nu! Det kommer att underlätta er väg mot en ljusare framtid.
Ana Gomes, Autora. − Senhor Presidente, o Parlamento Europeu já adotou várias resoluções sobre a situação no Sri Lanca, apontando problemas no processo de reconciliação nacional. Eu visitei o Sri Lanca em 2011, integrada numa delegação do meu grupo. Nessa altura, havia muitas dúvidas mas ainda havia esperança que a comissão de reconciliação, criada pelo governo para investigar crimes de guerra e contra a humanidade cometidos durante o período da guerra e, em particular, no fim, funcionasse. Infelizmente, chegamos à conclusão que isto não está a acontecer. Os requisitos internacionais de independência dessa comissão não se têm verificado, não há justiça ainda para as vítimas, não há punição para os responsáveis pelos horrores cometidos, em especial no fim da guerra. E, em vez de colaborar com as instâncias internacionais, o governo opta por denunciar e caluniar os críticos, contestando as investigações realizadas por organizações independentes e silenciando os que se batem pela verdade e pelas mais elementares liberdades democráticas no Sri Lanca.
É por isso que este Parlamento pede ao governo que apoie, e apoia as recomendações da Alta Comissária da ONU, Navi Pillay, e se empenhará, se isso não acontecer, para que o Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU crie um mecanismo internacional independente que realize uma investigação séria. É uma questão essencial para a paz no Sri Lanca. A reconciliação tem que assentar na justiça, sem ela a paz pode estar...
Geoffrey Van Orden, author. − Mr President, there are those, particularly within the Tamil diaspora, that have not come to terms with the defeat of the LTTE, a most brutal terrorist organisation that inflicted 30 years of misery, not least on the northern Tamils in Sri Lanka. But now should be the opportunity to look ahead, to overcome the divisions of the past and make sure that mistakes are not repeated, to rebuild the Sri Lankan economy and create a more prosperous, secure and democratic future for all Sri Lankans, regardless of ethnicity or religion.
Much has been done and I give credit to the Sri Lankan Government and authorities for this, but much more needs to be done. This week we mourn the death of Nelson Mandela, who has been elevated to heroic status because, after 27 years of imprisonment, he emerged without bitterness and with a great message of reconciliation which he turned into reality. It is not for us to preach, but I would like to see the Sri Lankan Government go that extra step to address the concerns of reasonable Tamils and, most importantly, I want to see the Tamil diaspora that keep the LTTE...
(The President cut off the speaker)
Paul Murphy, author. − Mr President, let us not accept the line of the right wing in this Parliament that wants to blame the Tamil-speaking people around the world for the ongoing and very serious human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. It is correct that they are back at the centre of world attention. Human rights groups were correct to raise concerns about the authority the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting would give to the Rajapaksa regime, because government leaders – like Cameron in Britain – are ready to turn a blind eye to the human rights situation in order to defend and advance their own economic interests.
It is more than four years since the end of a bloody and brutal civil war, it is more than four years since the genocidal slaughtering of up to 70 000 Tamil-speaking people at the end of that war, and there has still been no credible, transparent and full investigation into the war crimes of the Sri Lankan Government. Impunity prevails, in particular when it comes to the government and military officials. The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Committee (LLRC) is as much of a whitewash as the government could get away with, and even the limited recommendations of the LLRC have still not been implemented.
An independent, international inquiry is long overdue and should be set up as speedily as possible. It should be accountable to the victims and their families. The Tamil-speaking community has already been failed by the UN. It cannot rely on the so-called international community to bring peace or to bring justice. They need to continue to organise themselves in the struggle for justice in groups like Tamil Solidarity.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8)).
Nirj Deva (ECR), blue-card question. – May I ask Mr Murphy, who clearly has set himself out as an expert on Sri Lanka, to tell me the following: how many Tamil people are there in Sri Lanka? How many live in the south, and how many live in the north? What is the Tamil population of Colombo, the capital city?
Paul Murphy (GUE/NGL), blue-card answer. – I do not set myself out as an expert on Sri Lanka. Of course, like yourself, I would have liked to have had the opportunity of visiting Sri Lanka but I was denied visas repeatedly by the Sri Lankan Government because of my criticisms of the oppression of the Tamils.
I cannot give you precise figures in terms of the numbers of Tamils and where they live. In the north and the north-east, obviously, but also yes, there are lots of Tamils in Colombo, but there they also suffer discrimination. The point that I have always made is that I stand for a united struggle of Sinhala- and Tamil-speaking people, to fight for justice in Sri Lanka.
(Interjection from Mr Deva)
(In Beantwortung der von Nirj Deva ohne Mikrofon gestellten Frage an Paul Murphy)
Der Präsident. − Herr Deva! Es tut mir sehr leid. Ich glaube, das müssen Sie im persönlichen Gespräch tun.
Phil Bennion, author. − Mr President, we are now four years down the line from the end of the conflict between the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and there are still widespread claims, backed by human rights groups, that impunity persists for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. But I will say now that the resolution we have today is a balanced resolution and it gives due credit for the progress made, particularly in reconstruction, demining, and the successful provincial election we have just seen in the Northern Province.
However, people of Sri Lanka from all backgrounds deserve the right to know what happened to friends, family and fellow citizens during the civil war. An independent inquiry into the violations of international law committed by both sides – and, I repeat, both sides – in this conflict is needed urgently. We are calling on the Government of Sri Lanka to commission an independent inquiry as soon as possible.
If the Sri Lankan Government does not initiate a credible inquiry by March 2014, the United Nations has a legitimate right to commission an independent inquiry of its own. I therefore call on the EU High Representative to engage, proactively, with the Sri Lankan Government to ensure justice is found. I call on President Rajapaksa to set up the inquiry that we are calling for on a similar basis to the one that he has already set up to look into the disappeared. Hopefully this process of reconciliation can then be concluded.
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))
Jo Leinen (S&D), blue-card question. – After 30 years of civil war there was a lot of chaos in Sri Lanka and colleagues have said that there are improvements but not enough. But you are speaking about a balanced resolution and you are calling for a comprehensive investigation by March 2014 – that is three months from now. Do you think that is realistic? Why do you impose such an ultimatum, rather than stating ‘in due time’, as you yourself said? March 2014 is completely unrealistic – do you not agree?
Phil Bennion (ALDE), blue-card answer. – Certainly I agree that it would be unrealistic to complete an inquiry by March 2014. We are only asking for that inquiry to be initiated, and the timing is related to the United Nations meetings in March 2014. All we are asking is for this process to be initiated by March 2014. The initiation process is simply a question of the President sending out the notification and calling on justices to actually start the inquiry. I think that is perfectly reasonable.
Krzysztof Lisek, autor. − Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Bardzo dobrze, że rozmawiamy – mimo że po raz kolejny rozmawiamy – o Sri Lance. To jest kraj, który – tak jak wszyscy tutaj wiemy – doświadczył straszliwych rzeczy: wieloletniej wojny, zbrodni, morderstw, gwałtów, wysiedleń, no można by tu mnożyć te straszne rzeczy, które się tam wydarzyły. Na szczęście mamy wreszcie kilka lat pokoju.
W czym możemy pomóc Sri Lance? Oczywiście musimy pomóc Sri Lance w budowaniu państwa, w budowaniu instytucji państwa. My jako Unia Europejska, jako państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej, szczególnie te, które, jak np. Wielka Brytania, mają długoletnią historię relacji ze Sri Lanką, powinniśmy pomóc Sri Lance i finansowo, i organizacyjnie, i przekazując im nasze know-how, jak budować państwo, bo to państwo musi powstać od podstaw, państwo, które – mamy nadzieję – będzie funkcjonować już pokojowo. Ten narody, te grupy, które walczyły, będą mogły funkcjonować pokojowo. Ale oczywiście potrzebna jest prawda, potrzebne jest dochodzenie. Ja mam nadzieję – kończąc już – że naród Sri Lanki będzie sam umiał rozwiązać te sprawy.
Bernd Posselt, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! In Sri Lanka handelt es sich um einen ethnischen Konflikt, der aus einer postkolonialen Situation entstanden ist.
Wir als Europäische Union sollten hier nicht den Fehler machen, den vielleicht frühere Kolonialmächte gemacht haben, sondern wir sollten versuchen, vom Waffenstillstand, der dort herrscht, oder von Nicht-Krieg, zu einem echten Frieden zu kommen.
Einen echten Frieden kann es nur auf der Basis von Gerechtigkeit geben. Einen echten Frieden kann es nur geben, wenn es einen inneren Frieden gibt. Deshalb ist natürlich zum einen die Gewährung von Rechten für Mehrheit und Minderheit wichtig. Aber auch der innere Ausgleich ist wichtig, und die Erforschung der Wahrheit ist wichtig.
Ich persönlich halte das Datum schon für wichtig – ohne Illusion, dass bis dorthin etwas geschehen kann. Aber ich bin der Meinung, dass man ansonsten das Ganze womöglich auf den Sankt Nimmerleins-Tag verschleppt, wie wir es im Moment auch in Serbien und anderswo erleben.
Im Interesse beider Seiten müssen solche Verbrechen aufgearbeitet werden. Ich appelliere an die Mehrheit, dies zu erkennen.
Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, w imieniu grupy S&D. – Panie Przewodniczący! Wybór Sri Lanki na gospodarza listopadowego szczytu Wspólnoty Narodów spotkał się z krytyką społeczności międzynarodowej zarzucającej władzom kraju, iż nie rozliczyły nadal zbrodni z okresu trwającej tam przez 30 lat wojny domowej.
Bilans konfliktu to od 80 do 100 tysięcy zabitych, 6 tys. zaginionych i 400 tys. przesiedlonych. Doceniając wysiłki, jakie dotąd poczyniono w kwestii normalizacji warunków życia na północy kraju, stopniowego likwidowania obozów uchodźców i zasiedleń na odminowanych terenach, oczekujemy kontynuacji wysiłków w celu przeprowadzenia dogłębnego śledztwa i przedstawienia ONZ szczegółowego raportu na temat przestępstw wojennych popełnionych w miesiącach poprzedzających zakończenie wojny domowej w 2009 r. Rozliczenie ponad ćwierćwiecza wojny nie jest łatwe, tym niemniej stanowi nieodzowny krok w kierunku dalszej demokratyzacji i procesów pojednania krajów.
Adam Bielan, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Lankijczycy przez wiele lat doświadczali terroru ze strony Tamilskich Tygrysów. W końcowym okresie konfliktu według raportu ONZ zbrodni dopuszczała się również armia. Wzajemnie dokonywano krwawych pacyfikacji. Władze tego wielowyznaniowego kraju muszą dołożyć wszelkich starań w dążeniu do pojednania obywateli reprezentujących rozmaite grupy etniczne.
Apeluję do rządzących o kontynuowanie działań na rzecz rozwiązania problemów politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych. Podstawą jest decentralizacja, dzięki której poszczególne grupy uzyskają kontrolę nad administracją lokalną w ramach zjednoczonego państwa. Nieodzowne jest wyjaśnienie zbrodni, podjęcie niezależnego dochodzenia i osądzenie winnych. Poważne zaniedbania w dziedzinie praw człowieka potęguje wciąż wszechobecna przestępczość, której efektem są tajemnicze zaginięcia i szalejąca korupcja. Liczę na pomoc Wspólnoty w budowaniu demokracji w Sri Lance.
Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, cette résolution n'est pas à la hauteur de ce qui se passe au Sri Lanka. Pour s'en convaincre, il suffit de lire le rapport du Conseil des droits de l'homme de l'ONU. Navi Pillay, sa haute commissaire, a notamment déclaré en août dernier que le régime sri-lankais montrait des signes dans un sens de plus en plus autoritaire. Les rapports des ONG dénoncent une nouvelle aggravation de la répression dans ce pays, principalement contre les Tamouls.
Compte tenu de cette situation, comment admettre que ceux qui cherchent refuge en Europe soient renvoyés à Colombo au risque d'y perdre la vie? J'ai en mémoire le cas d'un jeune homme de trente ans, Elanchelvan Rajendram, réfugié ici même à Strasbourg et renvoyé au Sri Lanka après avoir été débouté du droit d'asile malgré la mobilisation citoyenne qu'avait suscitée son expulsion. Six mois plus tard, il était mort, criblé de balles. Deux de ses frères avaient été assassinés, son oncle torturé. Mais cela n'avait pas suffi à convaincre l'OFPRA.
C'est insupportable. Nous devrions nous mobiliser pour que de tels drames ne se reproduisent pas.
(L orateur accepte de repondre a une question "carton bleu" (article 149, paragraphe 8 du reglement))
Nirj Deva (ECR), blue-card question. – Does Ms Vergiat know that Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka, where I was born, is a minority city where 64% of the population of the city speaks Tamil and not Sinhalese? What is she talking about?
Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL), réponse "carton bleu". – Excusez-moi, mais je ne vois pas où est le problème. La question n'est pas de savoir qui parle tamoul ou cinghalais, la question est de savoir s'il y a des violations des droits de l'homme au Sri Lanka ou pas. Et les rapports des ONG sont formels: la situation s'aggrave. Il y a effectivement eu un espoir de réconciliation, mais il est derrière nous. Il faut aujourd'hui appréhender les choses autrement, comme le demande l'ONU, et nous serons derrière la haute commissaire aux droits de l'homme de l'ONU.
Franz Obermayr (NI). - Herr Präsident! Im 26 Jahre dauernden Bürgerkrieg fanden schwerste Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Verstöße gegen die Genfer Konvention statt.
Dies auf beiden Seiten. Doch seit 2009 sollte die Situation in Sri Lanka wieder stabil sein. Die De-facto-Herrschaft des separatistischen tamilischen Nordens ist beendet. Der Regierung wirft man gegenwärtig zahlreiche Verstöße gegen Menschenrechte vor – man spricht von 30 000 Personen, darunter zahlreiche Journalisten, die ermordet wurden oder verschwunden sind.
Zudem spricht man auch von ca. 80 000 Bewohnern des Nordens, die während des Bürgerkrieges geflohen sind und nicht zurückkönnen. Natürlich muss die Europäische Union die Regierung auffordern, das zu klären und Menschenrechtsverstöße zu unterlassen.
Das wird man auch seitens der Union tun. Es ist ja auch viel einfacher, gegen das kleine Sri Lanka auf den Tisch zu schlagen als z. B. gegen die Großmacht China. Ich persönlich allerdings werde mir ein Bild vor Ort machen. Ich werde nach Sri Lanka reisen, mit offenen Augen das Land bereisen, mir ein eigenes Bild machen. Ich bin sehr optimistisch für die Zukunft dieses Landes.
Nirj Deva (ECR). - Mr President, I have to declare an interest, obviously. I was born in Sri Lanka. My grandfather was a senator and he was a founder member of the main opposition party.
It is pathetic that a vicious 30-year terrorist insurrection, claiming 60 000 lives, has all but been forgotten by this House and replaced with international judgments about how the war ended. For 30 years, state actors defended the rule of law against non-state actors which terrorised an innocent population, using them at times as human shields.
Sri Lanka is a 2 600-year-old unitary state, proud and undivided, invaded 14 times by armed forces from mainland India and repelled 14 times by her ancient kings. Uniquely, Sri Lanka is also the most Europeanised of any Asian state. She had 500 years of European civilisation: first from Portugal, then Holland, and then from Britain. She became a universally-franchised democratic state in 1928 – far, far earlier than 19 out of the 28 EU Member States which now think it wholly appropriate to lecture her on democracy.
It is laughable. That laughter becomes risible when states that once subjugated her now – and as this House has done – issue dated ultimatums for her to do this or that, by this date or that date, on pain of serious sanctions. Are we still back in the imperial age here? This is utterly counterproductive and only makes the current government even more popular. Instead we must build lasting peace with her people …
(The President cut off the speaker)
(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))
Paul Murphy (GUE/NGL), blue-card question. – I noticed that Mr Deva drew a distinction between state violence and non-state violence. In his opinion, is it acceptable for the state to engage in the massacre of people? Is it acceptable for the state to have forced disappearances of people? Is it acceptable to have crackdowns on media just because it is the state? Is there somehow less of a burden on the state when it engages in violence than when non-state actors engage in violence?
Nirj Deva (ECR), blue-card answer. – If Mr Murphy had heard me correctly, he would know that I did not excuse state violence. I said ‘defended the rule of law’. For 30 years, state actors defended the rule of law. If you look at how this war was conducted, for 30 years the south fed the north. They fed the population that was trying to blow them up. We have sent food up there. This is an act of terrorism by a small group of people! It has nothing to do with the Tamil population.
Peter Skinner (S&D). - Mr President, this resolution is as important as it is timely. Progress in Sri Lanka has been slow and in many areas there is still a long path to be trod in order to establish a credible reputation for this regime against the allegations of human rights violations in the past and present. You only have to look at the work of Navi Pillay from the UN to know that there are still some outstanding issues to be resolved.
Some of those questions relate to the murder of aid workers and the thousands of disappeared who have been mentioned here already. It is not just Sri Lanka of course. It is the United Nations and the international community which need to answer their own questions as to what they have been credibly able to do anything about. Unless there is pressure from within and pressure from outside, no progress will be made.
Mitro Repo (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, arvostan kollega Devan asiantuntemusta asiassa. Olen ymmärtänyt, että Sri Lankan nykyiset ongelmat ovat perua neljä vuotta sitten päättyneen sisällissodan vakavista ihmisoikeusrikkomuksista.
Kysehän on järkyttävistä julmuuksista, kymmenientuhansien siviilien surmaamisesta sekä hyökkäyksistä muun muassa sairaaloita vastaan. Siellä vierailleen YK:n erityisasiantuntijan päätelmät on otettava vakavasti ja Euroopan unionin ulkosuhdehallinnon tulee olla erittäin aktiivinen Sri Lankan sovinnonteossa. Sotarikoksia ei saa katsoa läpi sormien ja ihmisoikeusrikoksiin syyllistyneet tulee tuomita. Lukuisat kansalaiset, jotka ovat jo kertoneet kokemuksistaan kansalliselle totuuskomissiolle, osoittavat sen, että srilankalaisilla on aito luja tarve ja halu käydä asiasta kansallista vuoropuhelua.
Itse olen erityisen huolestunut niistä tiedoista, joiden mukaan myös kirkkoja ja moskeijoita vastaan on jälleen viime aikoina hyökätty. Sri Lankan valtion on ponnisteltava uskonvapauden ja myös uskonnonharjoittamisen turvaamiseksi.
(Ende des Catch-the-eye-Verfahrens)
Dacian Cioloş, membre de la Commission. − Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les députés, nous saluons l'adoption, par votre Assemblée, d'une résolution d'urgence du Parlement européen sur la situation des droits de l'homme, la démocratie et l'état de droit au Sri Lanka.
Comme mentionné dans la résolution, l'Union européenne reconnaît également que le Sri Lanka, avec l'aide des bailleurs de fonds internationaux, a apporté d'importantes améliorations depuis la fin du conflit, en particulier sur le déminage, la réinstallation des personnes déplacées et la reconstruction des infrastructures. Nous saluons également les premières élections du Conseil provincial du Nord et nous espérons qu'une coopération efficace entre le nouveau Conseil provincial et l'administration centrale pourra être assurée.
Malgré ces mesures positives, d'autres défis restent à relever au Sri Lanka, en particulier en ce qui concerne la protection des droits de l'homme, les libertés civiles et religieuses, l'indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire et l'état de droit. Assurer la pleine responsabilité pour les crimes passés est essentiel pour une véritable réconciliation dans une situation de post-conflit.
À cet égard, nous encourageons vivement le gouvernement sri-lankais à prendre des mesures supplémentaires pour mettre en œuvre les recommandations formulées dans le rapport de sa propre commission des enseignements et de la réconciliation, et mener une enquête indépendante et crédible sur les violations présumées du droit international. Des appels similaires ont été faits par d'autres partenaires internationaux, et les progrès seront évalués avant le prochain Conseil des droits de l'homme, en mars 2014. L'Union européenne suivra ce processus de très près. À cet égard, nous avons pris bonne note de la mise en place d'une commission d'enquête sur les disparitions et du lancement d'une enquête nationale sur les violations des droits de l'homme par le Sri Lanka.
Nous saluons les visites du haut-commissaire des Nations unies aux droits de l'homme et du rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur les droits des personnes déplacées. Nous encourageons le gouvernement sri-lankais à adresser de nouvelles invitations pour faciliter les demandes de visite encore non satisfaites par d'autres titulaires de mandat spécial de l'ONU, y compris le groupe de travail sur les disparitions forcées ou involontaires.
Nous continuons également à encourager le Sri Lanka à s'engager dans un dialogue avec l'Union européenne et avec d'autres partenaires internationaux susceptibles d'apporter une aide dans le cadre des tâches difficiles restant à mettre en œuvre. L'Union européenne reste prête à offrir son soutien au gouvernement sri-lankais pour l'aider à affronter et à surmonter ces défis dans le but de bâtir un avenir meilleur et prometteur pour tous les Sri Lankais.
Der Präsident. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.
Die Abstimmung findet im Anschluss an die Aussprache statt.
Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)
Laima Liucija Andrikienė (PPE), in writing. – United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay visited Sri Lanka in August and welcomed the Governmentʼs impressive achievements on resettlement, reconstruction and rehabilitation.
We all welcomed the elections to the Northern Provincial Council which were held successfully in September, and we hope for a constructive dialogue between the Government and the new Northern Provincial Council.
Certainly, there are issues to be resolved, but we call on the leadership of Sri Lanka and encourage them to take further steps in the same direction, i.e. towards reconstruction and reconciliation.
Speaking about reconciliation, we all understand what is needed to achieve it: political will, action and finally – time. The legacy of the war, which lasted for 26 years, is visible everywhere. Let us remember how long it took for us Europeans to achieve reconciliation. Let us remember Northern Ireland or Spain, at least.
The European Union should continue its support for the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka in order to achieve tangible results.
Norica Nicolai (ALDE), in writing. – I want to support the need for full reconciliation in Sri Lanka and I believe the European Union is fully behind the government of that country when it wants to bring its citizens back together.
I welcome the efforts made on reconstruction and the commission established in August this year, as well as the successful first round of elections taking place in the Northern Provinces.
I believe the resolution by the Alde Group should be seen as a step forward and as support for the post-conflict reconstruction phase. No one has the right to give any ultimatums or warnings to a government that is trying its best to get a war-torn country back on track, but we appreciate the need for actions being undertaken to address many of the issues left behind by the war.
Either way, the way forward for a prosperous and peaceful Sri Lanka is through fully implementing reconciliatory measures, promoting human rights and personal liberties and ensuring there are no further recriminations and tensions within the various ethnicities and religious minorities in the country.
Adrian Severin (NI), in writing. – The current RSP on the situation in Sri Lanka proves once more the double standards of developed states towards the less developed ones. It is a demonstration of the prevalence of concealed interests, a rush to forward hidden political agendas rather than to offer support to a country in difficulty.
By scolding Sri Lanka for not completely eradicating its historical problems and by setting impending deadlines for it to do so, we are condemning its efforts and we are undermining its ability to ever surpass its difficulties. By pressurising Sri Lanka, we oversimplify and even disrupt the process of post-conflict reconciliation (which is in fact a lengthy procedure that could last over several generations) and we send misleading messages which delay the already ongoing developments in the country.
We must acknowledge the progress accomplished so far, as this represents essential proof that Sri Lanka is striving to improve the human rights situation, freedom of press, the integration of IDPs and the overall welfare of its population, among other matters. All these reforms must be further encouraged and the EU must offer support and not criticism.
Bogusław Sonik (PPE), na piśmie. – W dzisiejszych czasach niezwykle istotną kwestią jest pytanie, w jaki sposób pogodzić rozwój gospodarczy z coraz surowszymi wymogami dotyczącymi ochrony środowiska. Jedną z możliwych odpowiedzi są z całą pewnością ekoinnowacje. Eko-innowacje mają na celu wprowadzenie nowych produktów dających pożytek nie tylko producentom i klientom, ale też diametralnie zmniejszających negatywne oddziaływanie na środowisko. Ten unijny projekt, mający wesprzeć przedsiębiorców we wszystkich sektorach, położy jednak szczególny nacisk na następujące sektory: odpadów, produktów budowalnych i produktów spożywczych. Środki przeznaczone na badania i rozwój mogą przyczynić się do likwidacji barier stojących na drodze do konkurencyjnych rozwiązań biznesowych zgodnych z zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju. Jednocześnie osiągnięcia w dziedzinie innowacji mogą korzystnie oddziaływać na konkurencyjność unijnych produktów na świecie, wpływając na wzrost rynków zbytu i na miejsca pracy wewnątrz Unii, co jest niezwykle istotne w dobie kryzysu gospodarczego.
Jednocześnie wierzę, że wsparcie dla tego typu innowacji może korzystnie wpłynąć na szerzej pojęte cele klimatyczne UE. Dzięki odpowiedniemu ukierunkowaniu inwestycji, mogą one przynieść potencjalne redukcje emisji i wzrost efektywności energetycznej w unijnej gospodarce. Dlatego też chciałbym poprzeć aktualne brzmienie sprawozdania.
Charles Tannock (ECR), in writing. – It is over four years since the civil war in Sri Lanka came to an end but we are reminded of how difficult the reconciliation process can be after such a lengthy period of conflict. Whilst there are areas of great concern in terms of the situation in Sri Lanka, I think it is worth taking time to highlight some of the more positive aspects first.
September of this year saw the first elections of the Provincial Council in the Northern Province for instance. The announcement a month before of a Presidential Commission of Inquiry to investigate the disappearances between 1990 and 2010 is also to be welcomed. This should complement the findings and work of the LLRC published in 2011.
It is therefore regretful that this progress is overshadowed by the continued reports of human rights abuses, which include reports of extrajudicial killings, torture and threats to the independence of judiciary by the security forces. Todayʼs resolution has echoed the calls of the UK Prime Minister for the Sri Lankan authorities to carry out an investigation into alleged war crimes, crucially, might I add, with a deadline of March 2014. This is a call that the ECR supports.
Inese Vaidere (PPE), in writing. – I would like to say first that while we must closely monitor the post-conflict reconciliation progress in Sri Lanka, we must also acknowledge that the country has just recently established peace after a decades-long conflict. The restoration of peace was a great relief for the whole population but of course, there is much for the government to do in order to rebuild infrastructure, resettle IDPs and to ensure that human rights are applied universally, fairly and consistently.
It is important to note that the Sri Lankan authorities have resolved those root causes that led to the conflict. I am also glad to see that the first-ever elections to the Provincial Council in the Northern Province were free and fair, as the Sri Lankan authorities had promised during our visit to the province last year. I hope the government will continue to implement the LLRC recommendations, speed up demilitarisation of the war-affected provinces and will protect human rights by lawful means.
Meanwhile, the EU should continue to support reforms aimed at strengthening democracy and the economy in the country.