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Postopek : 2019/2111(INI)
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Potek postopka za dokument : A9-0016/2019

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PV 10/10/2019 - 3
CRE 10/10/2019 - 3

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PV 10/10/2019 - 8.12
CRE 10/10/2019 - 8.12
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XML 72k
Četrtek, 10. oktober 2019 - Bruselj

3. Politika zaposlovanja in socialna politika v euroobmočju (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  Die Präsidentin. – Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgt die Aussprache über den Bericht von Yana Toom im Namen des Ausschusses für Beschäftigung und soziale Angelegenheiten über die Beschäftigungs- und Sozialpolitik des Euro-Währungsgebiets (2019/2111(INI)) (A9-0016/2019).

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  Yana Toom, Rapporteur. – Madam President, Commissioner, I’m happy to introduce the report on employment and social policies in the euro area, which was widely supported in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

Coming from Estonia, I can be proud that, during our Presidency of the Council of the European Union, our Prime Minister, Jüri Ratas, had the privilege of co-signing, with Jean—Claude Juncker, the European Pillar of Social Rights. That was on 17 November 2017. This ambitious document, supported by the European Parliament, sets out important principles that we will have to implement now in the Member States.

I have to thank Commissioner Thyssen for her hard work on improving social policies across the Union. We all know that this is not easy: every time, when it comes to social standards across the Union, somebody says ‘No, no no’, and refers to the principle of subsidiarity.

At the same time, we all know that the situation is far from ideal. Since 2012, in the context of the European semester, the Commission has been issuing country-specific recommendations, not only on economics but also with regard to social policies in the euro area. This is an extremely important process but unfortunately – and this is reflected in the report – the rate of implementation of these recommendations is unacceptably low. Whereas at least some progress, or what was termed progress, was reported concerning 72% of country-specific recommendations in 2012, the figure decreased to 39%, the lowest rate ever, in 2018.

So we are asking the Commission to take measures and find a way to convince Member States that the social health of the European Union is not less important than defence, the single market, or whatever other common policy of the Union. We are also asking them to consider extending these recommendations to non-euro states.

I was happy to hear the new head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, during her speech here before she was approved by Parliament, promising that, during the first 100 days of her term of office, she will come up with new legislative mechanisms to ensure for Europeans a fair minimum wage. For those who are sceptical, I have to underline that this proposal will take into account national traditions and legislation, which means that nobody is going to violate the principle of subsidiarity.

The thing is that we have to fight so-called ‘working poverty’, and help people who live at the risk of poverty and social exclusion, otherwise we will end up in Europe with brain drain and depopulated areas, on the one hand, and more protests and Polish plumbers, on the other.

During their hearings, several Commissioners-designate referred to a bill of social rights as a universal tool to solve the problems of depopulated regions and rural areas, but we also have people with disabilities, we have a gender pay gap, we have minorities facing discrimination and people at risk of poverty, and we have to help them. This is exactly what Europeans want, not only from national governments but also from us, the elected representatives in the European Union.

In the report there is also a call for the Commission to create a new unemployment insurance scheme, which was warmly welcomed by trade unions. A funny thing that happened yesterday evening was that I received a letter from the European Confederation of Trade Unions in which they asked me to support my own report. When I answered them that this was kind of funny, they told me ‘No, no, you have to support this and that amendments.’

I really believe we’re standing for the right thing here, and, colleagues, I rely on your support.


  Marianne Thyssen, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, Europe’s economy is in its seventh year of uninterrupted growth and today more people than ever have a job. Poverty is declining at a steady pace on the back of good labour market outcomes.

Europe is also stronger when it comes to our economic governance setting, and in particular the European Semester. We have managed to put social and economic policies on an equal footing, most recently by embedding the European Pillar of Social Rights. We are sharing good practices and have developed solid analysis and common understanding in close dialogue with the Member States and the involvement of social partners.

However, divergences persist across and within countries. While labour shortages increase in some countries, in others unemployment remains high. In—work poverty is still a major challenge, with almost one out of ten workers at risk of poverty. Atypical and new forms of work may have an impact on the segmentation of the labour market. In this perspective, a key priority must be to make labour markets more inclusive and to ensure all jobs created are of good quality. Furthermore, women remain at a disadvantage on the labour market, despite achieving better educational outcomes than men. Closing this gap would liberate a huge untapped potential with a positive impact for the economy and society. Ensuring effective work—life balance policies and access to childcare is crucial in this sense.

In addition, technological change and digitisation are deeply changing European societies and economies. It is crystal clear that we need to step up investment in education, training and skills in order to properly accompany our people through these changing times, in order to harness productivity—enhancing technologies and also in order to ensure a just transition to a climate—neutral economy.

Indeed, bringing people to the centre of our policy—making is now more important than ever, because while poverty is finally declining across the board, at the same time we witness an increasing number of Europeans expressing a sense of vulnerability. This is triggered by income inequality, labour market precariousness, but also the uneven impact of globalisation and technological change among countries, regions, sectors and people. While investing in skills remains crucial to foster the inclusion of all people in tomorrow’s societies, social protection systems should be adapted to properly empower and protect our people. In this context, I want to thank the rapporteur and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs for this very balanced report. It presents well both the positive trends and the challenges ahead, and I broadly share its goals and conclusions.

Tackling these challenges, ensuring that we have a social market economy that works well for businesses and citizens, also in changing times, and fostering convergence is indeed the motivation behind the European Pillar of Social Rights. Less than two years since its proclamation, the implementation of the Pillar has already started. Its principles have been embedded in all the stages of the last two semester exercises, and almost half of the country—specific recommendations – 44% of which today address Pillar priorities.

Important legislative measures have been proposed and approved, implementing several principles of the Pillar, and EU funding has been re—geared to support implementation of the Pillar through an enhanced link between the semester and the programming of the European funds, notably the European Social Fund. Even more importantly, the Pillar has contributed to anchor job quality, investment in skills, social fairness and just transitions at the centre of the European agenda.

Our Pillar of Social Rights is one of the main legacies of the outgoing Commission, but the work is far from finished, as we all know. Supported by the commitment of the European Parliament, the Commission, Member States and social partners, the Pillar is here to stay to act as a compass of our future action in the employment and social fields. Moreover, starting from the new cycle, the semester will be refocussed to integrate the United Nations’ sustainable development goals in line with the semester’s legal basis.

Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, further efforts are needed to make our societies more inclusive and to prepare them for future changes. Stronger and more inclusive economies and societies would also strengthen the resilience of the euro area and pave the way for the deepening of the economic and monetary union.

As you all very well know, implementing the Pillar principles on the ground, as well as pursuing the sustainable development goals, is a joint endeavour which will be pursued both at the national and European level. I am sure that the Commission will remain at the forefront to promote upward convergence of social and living conditions throughout Europe and support people, businesses and regions in these changing times.


  Maria Walsh, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Madam President, I would like to begin by thanking rapporteur Yana Toom, of Renew, and my other colleagues for their hard work and cooperation on this report, especially my colleagues in the PPE Group. It is vitally important that we all have well-performing social and economic policies, that these policies are not contradictory and that we move in the same direction.

This report has continued to draw attention to the need for action on some persistent problems that we face in the EU. We need to take stronger action to reduce youth unemployment; tackle poverty, especially child poverty; increase labour market participation; achieve equality for each and every one of our people in society; boost competitiveness; and also think about the future and how we are going to adapt our skill sets and social systems to the future of our work, especially in rural and urban areas. I believe these are the issues and themes on which we need to take action over the coming years.

Today, 10 October, is World Mental Health Day, and something I’m happy to see in this report is a call for us to take concrete measures to address mental health. It is regrettable that the EU focus on mental health has, in fact, lessened in recent years, despite its significant individual and economic cost. I think this should be a priority in employment, health and social policy. We are not looking after our citizens’ health if we are not looking after our mental health.

Parliament, the Commission and the Member States all have the capacity to take action to improve mental health policy in the EU, and this report calls for specific measures including mental health promotion and prevention measures. During the recent hearings of our Commissioners-designate for both health and jobs, they too pledged to work hard, and I look forward to working with them, as does this Parliament, in the coming years.

Finally, I’d like to thank again our rapporteur, Yana Toom, for her hard work.


  Agnes Jongerius, namens de S&D-Fractie. – Voorzitter, Europa moet meer zijn dan een markt met een munt. Europa moet er zijn voor mensen die aan hun toekomst willen werken. We weten dat ons werk, niet alleen door nieuwe technologieën en economische ontwikkelingen, maar ook door de transitie die nodig is vanwege de klimaatverandering, in een razend tempo zal veranderen. Of je nu uit Spalbeek, Split of Stockholm komt: alle Europeanen krijgen hiermee te maken. We moeten ons dus goed voorbereiden, zodat iedereen in de maatschappij mee kan doen en bij kan dragen. Het gebalanceerde verslag van collega Toom waar we vandaag over stemmen draagt bij aan dit proces.

We roepen de lidstaten en de Europese Commissie daarom op om platformwerkers betere sociale bescherming te geven, om snel een einde te maken aan het grote onrecht van de loonkloof tussen mannen en vrouwen die hetzelfde werk doen, om ouderen een beter uitzicht te bieden op nieuw werk, om jongeren perspectief te bieden op betaalbare huizen en om gehandicapten te faciliteren en ervoor te zorgen dat zij kunnen floreren op de arbeidsmarkt. We willen investeren in nieuwe banen en opleidingen, zodat mensen hun toekomst met vertrouwen tegemoet kunnen zien.

De nieuwe Commissievoorzitter heeft ons idee dat we mensen moeten bijstaan wanneer het economisch flink tegenzit, gelukkig al omarmd. De lidstaten moeten we daarin echter nog meekrijgen. Als we samenwerken kunnen we langdurige werkloosheid tegengaan en kwetsbare regio’s steunen. Dan kunnen mensen er zeker van zijn dat Europa ook voor hen werkt.


  Sylvie Brunet, au nom du groupe Renew. – Madame la Présidente, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, je tiens tout d’abord à remercier Mme Tom pour cet excellent rapport.

Je me réjouis que le Parlement européen s’exprime majoritairement en faveur de ce rapport sur l’emploi et les politiques sociales de la zone euro, rapport qui fait suite aux recommandations spécifiques par pays publiées par la Commission européenne, en juin dernier, dans le cadre du Semestre européen. Les orientations générales de ce rapport reflètent l’intérêt marqué de la nouvelle assemblée pour avancer vers davantage d’Europe sociale en mettant l’accent sur les investissements. Je tiens à souligner deux points.

Tout d’abord, la demande formulée par la Commission européenne de présenter un instrument juridique afin que chaque travailleur au sein de l’Union européenne puisse bénéficier d’un salaire minimum équitable, en respectant les traditions nationales, est un point majeur pour moi. Il a été inscrit dans les orientations politiques d’Ursula von der Leyen comme une priorité pour la législature à venir en termes de convergence sociale. C’est aussi une des réponses, me semble-t-il, aux problématiques de pénurie de main-d’œuvre que rencontrent la plupart des États membres.

Mon second point concerne les travailleurs des plateformes et leurs conditions de travail. Nous savons que le travail réalisé dans l’Union européenne par l’intermédiaire de plateformes en ligne – et c’est une bonne chose – a augmenté de plus de 25 % ces deux dernières années et concerne maintenant près de 5 millions d’Européens. Alors que plusieurs États membres mettent en place individuellement des mesures nationales en la matière, il est temps que l’Union européenne donne le cap. Nous devons développer une action coordonnée en vue de veiller à la protection sociale de ces travailleurs et de garantir l’ensemble de leurs droits sociaux et du travail.


  Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Madam President, first of all, I would like to thank the rapporteur for her great work and cooperation on this file. We, as Greens, are happy with the report as it stands, especially because it covers several social issues which we believe should be addressed in the coming mandate at a European level. We are very pleased to see that the report supports giving the Union’s social goals a much higher priority, both when it comes to the coming legislative framework from the Commission and also when it comes to financial resources within the next budget.

Another important aspect to address from a Green’s perspective is the importance of combating gender inequalities in the labour market. We are therefore pleased that we, with this report, make it clear to the Commission that we want a proposal for a directive on pay transparency in order to once and for all close down the unacceptable gender employment and pay gap that we see across the Union. The same goes for the pension gap.

Finally, we are very pleased that the report pushes for a solution to tackle long-term unemployment, brings focus to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market, and – last but not least – calls for initiatives at European level to ensure platform workers’ rights and social protections, regardless of their employment status. These are all areas where we’ll keep a close eye on the Commission’s legislative actions in the months and years to come.


  France Jamet, au nom du groupe ID. – Mes chers collègues, Madame la Rapporteure, non, l’Union européenne ne va pas mieux et comparaison, Madame la Rapporteure, n’est pas raison. L’Union européenne est composée d’économies parfaitement disparates, avec des situations sociales, économiques et réglementaires n’ayant rien à voir entre elles.

Ce rapport, par ailleurs, est tout empreint d’idéologie et de partialité qui transparaissent à travers l’inclusion de la Turquie dans vos données et ce souci constant de l’intégration d’émigrants sur le marché du travail, au détriment de nos compatriotes les plus modestes.

Nous voterons donc, évidemment, contre ce rapport et nous soutiendrons la résolution alternative de notre collègue Guido Reil parce qu’il est bien plus nécessaire de redonner leur souveraineté aux États en matière de politique économique et sociale, et parce qu’il l’est tout autant de leur permettre d’instituer une priorité aux ressortissants de l’Union européenne en matière d’emploi.


  Anna Zalewska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Na początku oczywiście dziękuję za twórczą, intensywną pracę wszystkim, którzy tworzyli ten dokument. Przypomnę, że dotyczy przede wszystkim strefy euro, jest właściwą, ale powtarzaną systematycznie diagnozą rynku i polityki społecznej. Mowa jest o ubóstwie, o bezrobociu, o trudnej sytuacji młodzieży, o edukacji niedostosowanej do rynku pracy, o starzejącym się społeczeństwie i o tym, że społeczeństwa nie nadążają za rewolucją 4.0. Nie ma pomysłów i rozwiązań. Mam nadzieję, że razem z Komisją będziemy na ten temat dyskutować.

Chcę zwrócić uwagę, że bardzo wiele zapisów tego sprawozdania wychodzi poza zakres strefy euro, jest dużą ingerencją w prawodawstwo państw członkowskich. Mam nadzieję, że kiedy Komisja będzie opracowywać kolejne dokumenty, będziemy mogli na poważnie rozmawiać nie tylko o diagnozie, ale o tym, jak problemy rozwiązywać.


  Sandra Pereira, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhora Presidente, as políticas sociais e de emprego que têm sido implementadas nos países da área do euro têm sido subjugadas a um tratado que foi concebido para criminalizar qualquer política de esquerda ou progressista. As políticas sociais e de emprego no meu país, desde a nossa adesão ao euro, têm significado regressão social, destruição dos rendimentos, redução de direitos da classe trabalhadora, emigração massiva, caridade e assistencialismo. Por isso, não compactuamos com visões socializantes do Semestre Europeu e da governação económica. As recomendações específicas por país também acentuam esse caminho.

Como se diz no meu país, não se pode ter sol na eira e chuva no nabal, isto é, não podemos querer acabar com a pobreza e a exclusão social, promover o aumento geral dos salários, garantir uma rede pública de creches de acesso universal e gratuito, acabar com o flagelo do emprego juvenil e de longa duração ou garantir uma vida digna aos nossos idosos e, ao mesmo tempo, defender as regras draconianas do euro.

Para nós, não restam dúvidas. A contínua e sustentada elevação dos direitos laborais e sociais, do nível de vida de quem menos tem e menos pode, só será conseguida quando se romper com os constrangimentos do euro com o Tratado Orçamental e com o Pacto de Estabilidade e Crescimento.

(A oradora recusa uma pergunta “cartão azul” de Tomáš Zdechovský)


  Chiara Gemma (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'adozione di politiche di sostegno al reddito da parte di molti paesi, come l'Italia, sta già incidendo con concretezza a favore delle fasce più deboli della popolazione, ma i livelli di povertà e l'acuirsi della disuguaglianza economica permangono inaccettabili.

Le politiche di austerity hanno colpito soprattutto chi è già in difficoltà e tra questi mi piace rivolgere un'attenzione particolare alle persone con disabilità. Il Comitato delle Nazioni Unite per i diritti delle persone con disabilità ha preso atto con profonda preoccupazione della ricaduta negativa che i vincoli di austerità hanno sugli standard di vita dignitosi, sottolineando l'urgenza di interrompere tali misure restrittive per garantire loro una maggiore qualità di vita. Il mio impegno sarà costante e andrà nella direzione di un piano di protezione sociale, che garantisca pienamente un livello di vita decorosa e soprattutto rispetti il loro diritto alla differenza e non all'uguaglianza.


  Dennis Radtke (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Zunächst ganz herzlichen Dank an die Berichterstatter für die hier vorgelegte Arbeit, die direkt zu Beginn der Legislaturperiode deutlich macht, dass wir auch in den nächsten fünf Jahren auf dem Weg mutig weitergehen wollen, den Jean-Claude Juncker vor fünf Jahren angefangen hat zu ebnen. Ich will an dieser Stelle keinen Hehl daraus machen, dass zum Instrument einer Arbeitslosenrückversicherung in meiner Fraktion eine differenzierte Position vorliegt und dass in meiner eigenen – der deutschen – Delegation eine kritische Haltung dazu vorliegt. Ich will auch keinen Hehl daraus machen, dass wir in meiner Fraktion weitergehenden, darüber noch hinausgehenden Instrumenten sehr kritisch gegenüberstehen. Gleichwohl werden wir diesem Bericht heute unsere Zustimmung erteilen, weil der Kampf gegen die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit, um faire Arbeitsbedingungen, gegen die Armut in der Europäischen Union etwas ist, was natürlich zutiefst in der DNA der EVP verwurzelt ist.

Wir werden uns in den nächsten fünf Jahren hier über Details streiten – müssen wir auch –, aber über eines werden wir uns nicht streiten: über die Richtung. Die ist für unsere Fraktion klar, und die ist auch für mich klar.


  Elisabetta Gualmini (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la relazione è assolutamente positiva, buona e efficace. Mette in luce le caratteristiche ancora preoccupanti del mercato del lavoro europeo, ma nello stesso tempo conferma con forza l'obiettivo del 75 % come tasso di occupazione in media.

Non si capisce come mai si mettano in discussione misure innovative fondamentali, come lo schema integrativo di battaglia alla disoccupazione per molti cittadini europei, che tra l'altro Ursula von der Leyen ha già inserito nei suoi primi cento giorni. Addirittura sento mettere in discussione la richiesta di uno strumento finanziario per gli shock esterni e per le crisi aziendali.

Invece abbiamo bisogno di più Europa, di un'Europa del lavoro, di un'Europa sociale. Abbiamo bisogno che si torni a quella strategia di Amsterdam, la strategia europea per l'occupazione del 1997, perché l'Europa non può essere solo economica, ma deve essere un'Europa del lavoro e sociale.


  Katrin Langensiepen (Verts/ALE). – Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Es gibt Berichte, die kommen zur richtigen Zeit, identifizieren die richtigen Probleme und fordern zum engagierten Handeln auf. Der Bericht der Berichterstatterin Toom ist so einer. Hartstikke bedankt daarvoor, mevrouw Toom. Ich möchte hier den Aspekt der Benachteiligung von Menschen mit Behinderungen hervorheben, nicht alleine aus persönlicher Betroffenheit, sondern vielmehr, weil es sich hier um einen strukturellen Missstand im Bereich von Beschäftigung handelt.

Der Bericht konstatiert und bedauert ausdrücklich die Benachteiligung von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Überdurchschnittliche Arbeitslosigkeit und hohe Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit sprechen da eine deutliche Sprache. Zugang, Inklusion und Beteiligung sind Menschenrechte. Die Europäische Union hat die entsprechende UN-Konvention 2010 ratifiziert. Gleichstellung und Nichtdiskriminierung müssen daher Priorität haben. Der Bericht hebt dies hervor. Wirtschaftspolitik und Sozialpolitik in der EU müssen Hand in Hand gehen, das Budget für Soziales muss daher hierfür ausreichend sein.


  Guido Reil (ID). – Frau Präsidentin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Europa ist bunt und vielfältig und Europa ist national und regional sehr unterschiedlich, und das muss so bleiben, das ist unsere Stärke. Zentralismus und Planwirtschaft à la Sowjetunion haben noch nie zu Wohlstand und Freiheit geführt, und deswegen lehnen wir die europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung ab. Die Arbeitsmärkte sind in Europa regional völlig unterschiedlich und wir brauchen regionale Lösungen. Wir lehnen auch den europäischen Mindestlohn ab. Wir stehen zum deutschen Mindestlohn, aber ein europäischer Mindestlohn würde zu massiven Wettbewerbsverzerrungen führen. Wir lehnen auch die europäische Garantie zur Kinderarmut ab. Selbstverständlich müssen wir die Kinderarmut bekämpfen, das ist ja klar. Aber es gibt bereits drei Fonds und die sind verpufft, die haben nichts gebracht. Ich selbst war als Kind von Armut betroffen – in meiner Geburtsstadt Gelsenkirchen leben heute die meisten armen Kinder in Deutschland, und da muss was getan werden.

Aber wir können nicht immer versuchen, diese Probleme mit Geld zu lösen, wir schaffen hier völlig falsche Anreize. Die Armen kriegen Kinder, das ist das Problem. Wir müssen diese Menschen in Arbeit kriegen. So bekämpft man Armut. Sozial ist nicht der, der das Geld anderer Menschen verteilt. Sozial ist der, der viel arbeitet.


  Elżbieta Rafalska (ECR). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Pani komisarz! Polityczne strategie społeczne wymagają podjęcia wielu terminowych wyzwań; musimy stawić czoła problemom starzenia się społeczeństwa, cyfryzacji i zmian, jakie wywołują one na rynku pracy. Europa starzeje się od dekad, udział osób w wieku 65+ rośnie we wszystkich państwach członkowskich. Jest to oczywiście efekt dłuższego trwania życia, i dobrze, ale też niższej dzietności, i to jest źle. Europę czeka starość demograficzna z takimi problemami jak feminizacja starzenia, singularyzacja starzenia – w związku z tym musimy opracować strategię na rzecz jakości i dostępności systemów opieki długoterminowej. Palącą potrzebą jest podejmowanie większych inwestycji, ale to jest też rynek pracownika, dlatego musimy przyglądnąć się, jaki jest standard pracy.

Na koniec, Pani komisarz, bardzo serdecznie dziękuję za dotychczasową współpracę.


  Daniela Rondinelli (NI). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ritengo che non si possa sostenere questa relazione che dice tutto e il contrario di tutto. Alla giusta richiesta di investimenti per la politica sociale, per l'occupazione e per la formazione si contrappone – leggo il paragrafo 2 – "che la Commissione faccia la necessaria pressione sugli Stati membri per implementare le raccomandazioni paese", che altro non sono che quelle politiche di austerità che portano tagli allo stato sociale, ai servizi essenziali, all'inclusione degli ultimi e degli svantaggiati. Questa è una grande contraddizione politica che non è più accettabile nell'ambito delle politiche europee. Non basta parlare di salario minimo e di disoccupazione giovanile, se poi non si consentono investimenti per la crescita, il benessere e la qualità di vita delle persone.

Abbiamo presentato in commissione emendamenti, molti dei quali accolti, ma purtroppo non sono stati sufficienti a modificare quell'impronta liberista e rigorista che i cittadini europei, con il loro voto, ci hanno chiesto di cancellare a favore dello sviluppo, della solidarietà e delle opportunità per tutti. Pertanto, il Movimento 5 Stelle dichiara il suo voto di astensione a questa relazione che continua ad ignorare i bisogni e le aspettative dei cittadini europei.


  Sara Skyttedal (PPE). – Fru talman! När den sociala pelaren antogs var vi många som kände en viss oro för vilka lagförslag som skulle följa. I Sverige var våra socialdemokrater glasklara med att det aldrig skulle leda till att våra skattebetalare skulle betala för bidrag till andra länder. De menade att vår oro var helt obefogad.

Socialdemokraterna har dock i den här valrörelsen, med Timmermans i spetsen, gjort det glasklart att EU ska styra över socialförsäkringarna och att vi bör inrätta ett europeiskt system för arbetslöshetsförsäkring. PPE och kristdemokraterna har hela tiden motsatt sig ett sådant förslag.

Nu sitter vi här och kan läsa förslaget, svart på vitt. Tack och lov är det ännu ingen lagstiftning på plats, men ambitionen från socialdemokratiska gruppen är tydlig: Våra skattebetalare ska kunna tvingas betala för bristande bidragssystem i andra EU-länder.

Man kan ställa sig frågan om det kommer att finnas kvar några incitament för länderna att fullt ut finansiera sina egna socialförsäkringssystem och genomföra nödvändiga reformer, nu när EU erbjuder sig att stå för notan.


  Alex Agius Saliba (S&D). – Sinjura President, dan ir-rapport jitkellem dwar kundizzjoni ekonomika aktar favorevoli fl-Unjoni Ewropea fejn ir-rata tal-impjiegi kompliet tiżdied. Pero’, l-inugwaljanzi fil-ġid u d-differenza fid-dħul xorta waħda baqgħu jżidu d-distakk bejn dawk illi huma sinjuri u dawk illi huma fqar.

L-in work poverty, standard of living diċenti, impjiegi u pagi ta’ kwalità huma l-akbar sfidi li għandna quddiemna llum il-ġurnata. Illum mhuwiex biżżejjed illi wieħed ikollu xogħol. Irridu naraw illi permezz tal-impjiegi li noffru liċ-ċittadini tagħna - huma u l-familji tagħhom ikunu jistgħu jgħixu ħajja diċenti.

Għandna bżonn politika tas-suq tax-xogħol illi tkun immirata sabiex ittejjeb il-kundizzjonijiet tax-xogħol u toffri impjiegi ġusti u ta’ kwalità liċ-ċittadini Ewropej. Għall-ewwel darba, permezz ta’ dan ir-rapport u emenda li mexxejt ʼil quddiem, il-Parlament Ewropew ser ikun qed jaddotta l-prinċipju tar-Right to Digitally Disconnect. Dan huwa l-ewwel pass, iżda pass importanti ħafna sabiex noffru bilanċ aħjar bejn il-ħajja privata u x-xogħol lill-ħaddiema tagħna.

Fil-bidu, meta kont bdejt nitkellem dwar dan ir-right to disconnect, dan kien kważi suġġett tabù, iżda wara l-vot tal-lum, dan il-prinċipju ser isir rakkomandazzjoni uffiċjali tal-Parlament Ewropew.

Qabel nagħlaq, nixtieq nitlob is-support ta’ kull wieħed u waħda minnkom ukoll fuq il-European Unemployment Benefit Insurance Scheme u fuq l-istrument il-gdid illi mistenni jindirizza l-problema tal-qgħad fit-tul fl-Unjoni Ewropea.


  Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová (ECR). – Madam President, we should stop talking about the employment rates that have been achieved and we should look at the alarming studies telling us that we are not ready for the challenges of an ageing population and the climate and digital transformations.

The cost of these transformations will come and we cannot deal with it only by increasing funds. According to the OECD, around 17% of jobs in the EU are at risk of being automated. The jobs threat from automation ranges from less than 10% in Finland to a shocking 33% in Slovakia, my country. One-third of the EU labour force has almost no digital skills. Transitions will affect the most vulnerable people in our societies.

What needs to be done?

Innovation, productivity growth and social rights are closely connected. Social Europe will flourish only if our economic policies create a perfect environment for it. We have the same goal, so I think we should stop basing our decisions on ideologies or political slogans, and we should start with data-based policymaking.


  Tomáš Zdechovský (PPE). – Paní předsedající, nejdříve mi dovolte poděkovat Yaně Toomové za tuto zprávu. Já si myslím, že celkově, když se na ni podíváme, tak je, řekl bych, z mého pohledu velmi dobrá.

Nicméně mi dovolte jednu věc, na kterou bych tady navázal, a je to bod číslo 1. Je to bod, kde vlastně Yana Toom tvrdí, že chce, aby byl představen nový finanční nástroj pro řešení dlouhodobé nezaměstnanosti. Ale my tu přeci máme revidovaný ESF, který dobře funguje. My tu máme Evropský globalizační fond. Já se ptám: Kde vezmeme peníze na tento nový nástroj, který chceme tady založit? Tyto dva nástroje, které dobře fungují a osvědčily se, tedy oslabíme a strčíme peníze do nástroje třetího? Místo toho, abychom Evropu zjednodušovali, se snažíme vytvořit Evropu složitější a vytvořit něco, co si bude vzájemně mezi sebou konkurovat. Doufám, že tato debata odpověděla na tuto otázku, a to je i důvod, proč tento bod já osobně nemůžu podpořit, i když podpořím celou zprávu.


Spontane Wortmeldungen


  Радан Кънев (PPE). – Г-жо Председател, искам да кажа пред колегите, че аз подкрепям този доклад въпреки безспорното наличие на спорни и противоречиви моменти в него. Аз смятам, че подобни противоречиви предложения ще бъдат тепърва обект на сериозна работа в тази камара и съответно на политически сблъсък между различните визии, различните групи, често и различните държави с техните национални интереси.

Подкрепям доклада преди всичко, защото той слага основния акцент там, където трябва – върху държавите, върху регионите, върху обществените групи, но и върху индивидите, които са най-уязвими в днешната ситуация на пазара на труда. Слага акцента, без да скрива рисковете, пред които европейската икономика и европейският трудов пазар са изправени.

Като представител на България – страната, за съжаление, с най-ниски доходи в Европейския съюз и с някои от най-уязвимите обществени групи в Европейския съюз – приветствам този доклад и се надявам неговите препоръки да влязат в сила.


  Mick Wallace (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, the Commission says that social policies are on an equal footing with other priorities in the EU. I find this hard to believe. In the budget, Commissioner, defence spend is being increased from EUR 590 million to EUR 13 billion. That’s 22 times more. Why isn’t this money going towards fighting poverty and inequality across Europe? It’s a subsidy to the arms industry.

People say that the Europeans need more security. You know what? They do. They need the security of a home. They need the security of a liveable wage. They need the security of affordable, good healthcare. That’s the security they need.

And, if you are worried about the security threat from terrorism, well maybe you might put some control on arms exports from Europe. Maybe you’d get the European countries to stop bombing other countries and creating problems and destabilising other regions. That’s the way forward with peace, not filling the pockets of the arms industry.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Madam President, over the next five years the European project must be built upon a progressive platform that unites both economic and social issues. Without such a platform, there will continue to be discrimination and disparity in the workforce and in pay. We must lower income inequalities, ensure wage growth for the bottom and middle percentiles, design training and education fit-for-purpose for the fourth industrial revolution, as well as tackling the gender pay and pension gaps.

The European Pillar of Social Rights is our project here in the Socialists and Democrats group, and this legislature has a historic opportunity to set the first-ever EU minimum wage. It is a basic human right to be paid enough in order to live. For sustainable economic growth, we must invest in people. The two are intertwined, and failure to acknowledge that will prevent us from tackling the great injustices that we currently face.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). – Poštovana predsjedavajuća, hrvatska vlada i guverner imaju vrlo ambiciozne planove za priključenje naše države europodručju. Ja ne dijelim njihov entuzijazam i smatram da nije ni izbliza došlo vrijeme za prihvaćanje zajedničke valute.

Hrvatska je daleko od europskog standarda, a pred nama je, sasvim izvjesno, nova recesija čije razmjere ne možemo predvidjeti. Pojedine europske regije još uvijek se suočavaju s dugotrajnom nezaposlenošću, ali i depopulacijom, koja primjerice muči i Hrvatsku.

Slažem se s preporukom o preusmjeravanju oporezivanja s rada na druge čimbenike koji manje štete održivom rastu. Revitalizacija pasivnih krajeva ne može biti bez ulaganja u infrastrukturu i stimulativne porezne politike te, stoga, trošenje novca poreznih obveznika na snažnije socijalne mjere neće dati puno rezultata. Velika većina ljudi želi dostojanstveno živjeti od svoga rada, a ne životariti na socijali.


  Clare Daly (GUE/NGL). – Madam President, we are talking about the employment and social policies in the euro area, and I’d like to deal with the latest European Semester report from the Commission in relation to Ireland, where, although it’s possible to present employment in Ireland in an optimistic light, the reality is, as the report reveals, massive amounts of transient work, zero hour contracts, casual work, bogus self-employment, a rise in precarious employment – no coverage for these people in terms of social security, which has an enormous impact on the quality of life in citizens. So the report, while recognising serious social ills, I have to say is undermined by the fact of the lack of political imagination in how to address it, because the world has changed; the types of industry and work have changed, and there’s a total disconnect between this and the EU structures and institutions in terms of how to deal with it. And even when a Member State tries to deal with it, they are gagged and bound by the fiscal restraints that are built in to our Treaties. So these problems aren’t going to be solved by technical fixes or incremental adjustors, but by a radical transformation and a break with the god of neoliberalism.


  Λευτέρης Νικολάου-Αλαβάνος (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η πανάκεια που προτείνεται σήμερα είναι η αυστηρότερη εφαρμογή των συστάσεων της Επιτροπής κατά χώρα. Όμως, βάσει οδηγιών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, τα όρια συνταξιοδότησης αυξάνονται περαιτέρω, η κοινωνική ασφάλιση ιδιωτικοποιείται —ως αποτέλεσμα του ΠΕΠ, μειώνονται οι συντάξεις, οι συλλογικές διαπραγματεύσεις διαλύονται, μπαίνουν σοβαρά εμπόδια στη δράση των συνδικάτων, περιορίζεται το δικαίωμα στην απεργία και απελευθερώνονται οι απολύσεις. Ο ευρωπαϊκός πυλώνας δικαιωμάτων και η λογική του ελάχιστου εγγυημένου εισοδήματος έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα τη συμπίεση του συνόλου των δικαιωμάτων προς τα κάτω, ιδιαίτερα για νέους και για γυναίκες. Ο μέσος μισθός υποχωρεί· αυτό δείχνουν τα στοιχεία. Στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ζουν περισσότεροι από 100 εκατομμύρια φτωχοί, 20 εκατομμύρια άνεργοι και 5 εκατομμύρια άστεγοι, ενώ ταυτόχρονα το 1/3 των θέσεων εργασίας που δημιουργούνται είναι ελαστικής απασχόλησης και δεν καλύπτουν τις βασικές ανάγκες. Αυτά είναι τα αποτελέσματα των αντεργατικών κατευθύνσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, εξειδικευμένα από τις κυβερνήσεις σε κάθε χώρα, με στόχο να στηριχθεί η κερδοφορία των ομίλων καθώς στο βάθος διακρίνεται νέα καπιταλιστική κρίση. Οι εργαζόμενοι στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει συλλογικά και οργανωμένα να απαντήσουν μέσα από τα ταξικά τους συνδικάτα, βάζοντας στην ημερήσια διάταξη την πάλη για τα σύγχρονα δικαιώματά τους για μόνιμη σταθερή δουλειά, συλλογικές συμβάσεις που εξασφαλίζουν αξιοπρεπείς μισθούς και όρια και όρους εργασίας, καθώς και δωρεάν περίθαλψη και ασφάλιση με ευθύνη του κράτους.


(Ende der spontanen Wortmeldungen.)


  Marianne Thyssen, Member of the Commission. – Madam President, dear rapporteur, dear shadow rapporteurs, Members of Parliament, colleagues, and if I may say, dear friends, I would like to thank you for this constructive and rich debate. I’ve taken good note of your positions, your concerns, your comments, and I will make sure to pass them on also to my successors. This debate reaffirmed our shared commitment to social Europe and to what is the guiding principle of the social market economy: that economic growth and social progress are two sides of the same coin and that they are reinforcing each other. This principle must steer all our work going forward.

Dear Members of Parliament, this debate is special for me for one more reason: as you know, it is also my last debate here as a Commissioner. This gives me the opportunity to thank you: to thank you for the good cooperation. Of course I expected nothing less, having myself served as a Member of the European Parliament for more than 20 years.

Over the past five years we worked together constructively in a friendly way, putting all this – the interests of Europe’s people – first. Over the last weeks and months, I have been receiving many compliments that the EU has become more social- and people-oriented. I always reply that these compliments should be extended beyond me, and I share these complements with you, because good results are the fruit of honest and good interinstitutional dialogue and shared commitments.

Results are ultimately why we got involved in public life: to deliver what counts for people and to do our part for a dynamic, inclusive and fair society and economy. And following almost 30 years in public life, I can say that I am proud of what we have achieved and very hopeful of what comes next.

But don’t get me wrong. Important challenges lie ahead; we were just discussing them. And just transitions don’t happen automatically. But the guidelines of the new President-elect of the new European Commission, Ms von der Leyen, show that our successors will build further on what has been achieved on the basis of our shared values.

So I wish you very constructive years, and be sure that you can always count on me as a close ally on your work for a social Europe.



  Yana Toom, Rapporteur. – Madam President, I think that we are on the same item. I would like to thank everybody for this very fruitful debate. It was a very warm feeling to hear shadow rapporteurs thanking me for an excellent job. I have to do the same and thank shadow rapporteurs for their excellent cooperation. I agree with Ms Thyssen that it is a remarkable social shift, even in this House, and it’s really good to know.

I also want to say to those who are not going to support the report, claiming that it is too ambitious or not ambitious enough: just keep in mind – and maybe reconsider your decision – that, whatever we do in this House, it is always a compromise and there is no possibility to have a compromise which makes all of us one hundred percent happy.

When I was working on the report, like, I believe, every Member of Parliament we have kind of key words. My key words were: labour market, unemployment, women in the labour market, children, fight ageism in the labour market, ethnic groups, disabilities, digitalisation and automation, online platform, workers’ rights, climate change and transition to the green economy, reduction of poverty, health care system, mental health. Yesterday somebody told me that my report is like a Christmas tree. For everything good against everything bad, this is not serious and this is not doable. I have to agree that this is a Christmas tree, but this is a Christmas tree of problems we are facing. So please make an effort and solve them.


  Die Präsidentin. – Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet heute statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 171)


  Milan Brglez (S&D), pisno. – Poročilo o zaposlovanju in socialni politiki v euroobmočju, ki je dobilo široko politično podporo na Odboru za zaposlovanje in socialne zadeve, je priložnost, da se EU odmakne od osredotočanja na stabilnost in (predvsem) rast, na kateri je utemeljeno euroobmočje (npr. skozi Pakt o stabilnosti in rasti).

Če mislimo resno z gospodarstvom za ljudi, potem socialne politike ne morejo biti zgolj privesek ali prva pomoč za stransko škodo, ki jo povzroča sodelovanje v globalni konkurenčni tekmi za nenehno (gospodarsko) rast.

Žal tudi nastop kandidata za podpredsednika komisije in komisarja, pristojnega za področje gospodarstva za ljudi, kaže, da je bodoča Evropska komisija na deklaratorni ravni prepoznala nujo prilagajanja gospodarstva na klimatske spremembe, noče ali ne zna pa prepoznati temeljne nezdružljivosti koncepta stalne rasti s trajnostnim razvojem in socialno unijo, ki naj bi skupaj z ekonomsko unijo enakopravno tvorila evropsko gospodarstvo za ljudi.

Evropsko gospodarstvo za ljudi mora izhajati iz ljudi in ne iz ohranjanja obstoječega modela tržnega gospodarstva. Gospodarstvo za ljudi je gospodarstvo kakovostnih delovnih mest, v katerega se ljudje vključujejo glede na svoje zmožnosti in ki omogoča dostojno življenje za vse. Hkrati pa poskrbi za tiste, ki so začasno ali spričo osebnih okoliščin brezposelni ali niso polno zaposleni.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL), por escrito. – As políticas sociais e de emprego que têm sido implementadas nos países da zona euro são determinadas, em grande medida, pela armadura neoliberal da moeda única, ou seja, são, na verdade, políticas antissociais e promotoras do desemprego, do subemprego e do trabalho precário.

Estas realidades cresceram significativamente com a integração monetária no euro. Estas duas décadas caracterizam-se por um acentuado retrocesso no plano social, pela degradação dos rendimentos do trabalho (e concomitante crescimento dos lucros do capital), pelo ataque aos direitos da classe trabalhadora, pela emigração massiva, pela caridade e pelo assistencialismo.

O edifício da moeda única foi crescendo - Tratado Orçamental, Governação Económica, Semestre Europeu - e, hoje, constrange profundamente a prossecução de políticas de esquerda, ou até mesmo de políticas democráticas, de cariz progressista. Quaisquer visões socializantes do Semestre Europeu ou da Governação Económica, da muralha antissocial do euro, como as que se têm esforçado por difundir a social-democracia, são nada menos do que um embuste. Não se pode servir a dois amos. Não podemos querer acabar com a pobreza e a exclusão social, promover o aumento geral dos salários, acabar com o flagelo do desemprego juvenil e de longa duração, garantir uma vida digna aos reformados e pensionistas e, ao mesmo tempo, defender as regras draconianas do euro.


  Ádám Kósa (PPE), írásban. – Magyarországon mélyebb volt a 2008-as pénzügyi válság, mint az európai országok többségében, és ezt nagy részben az akkori baloldali kormányzás felelőtlen ígérgetésein alapuló költekezései okozták. Ma, egy évtizeddel később, hála a Fidesz kormányzat kitartó munkájának, a magyar gazdaság sokkal ütésállóbb, kevésbé sérülékeny, mint a korábbi világgazdasági lassulások, válságok előtt volt.

Most, hogy az ország növekedési pályán van, nagyon kell vigyáznunk elért eredményeinkre. Meg kell akadályoznunk, hogy baloldal újra felelőtlen és fedezet nélküli ígéretekkel tévessze meg a választópolgárokat. A baloldal olyan fantazmagóriákkal áll elő, mint az európai minimálbér vagy az európai munkanélküli viszontbiztosítás. Teszi mindezt egy olyan időszakban, amikor a Brexit miatt az Európai Unió költségvetésnek a csökkenésétől kell tartani. Felelős politikusként nem támogathatok olyan ötleteket, amelyek új pénzügyi eszközt (vagyis új kiadást) kívánnak bevezetni, ráadásul korlátozza a tagállamok gyors reagálási képességeit a szociálpolitikai kihívásokra. Örülök, hogy az egyébként szocialista Nicolas Schmit luxemburgi biztosjelölt is egyértelműen ezt az álláspontot osztja. Kevesebb pénzből nem lehet többet költeni, ezt minden háziasszony nagyon jól tudja.


  Lukas Mandl (PPE), schriftlich. – Eine Arbeitslosenrückversicherung als neues Finanzierungsinstrument wäre eine weitere Finanzausgleichsmaßnahme gleichsam durch die Hintertür. Für die Zukunft Europas und die Wohlstandschancen aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger ist die Solidarität zwischen wirtschaftlich stärkeren und wirtschaftlich noch weniger starken Mitgliedstaaten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Im Sinne der Transparenz zu den Finanzströmen sollten Maßnahmen des Finanzausgleichs beim Namen genannt und in ihrer Gesamtheit gesehen werden. Um dies zu unterstreichen, habe ich gegen Ziffer 1 Teil 2 und 3 gestimmt.

Dessen ungeachtet beinhaltet der Gesamtbericht viele sinnvolle Ideen, wie etwa Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und Altersdiskriminierung am Arbeitsmarkt. Darüber hinaus setze ich mich ausdrücklich für eine Verringerung der Einkommensunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen ein und will Menschen dabei helfen, die Chancen der Digitalisierung in vollem Umfang zu nützen. Umfangreiche Aus- und Fortbildungsmaßnahmen sind daher unerlässlich. Daher habe ich mich entschlossen, dem Gesamtbericht zuzustimmen.


  Sándor Rónai (S&D), írásban. – Az Európai Parlament már többször foglalkozott a következő 7 éves időszak költségvetésével. Fontos, hogy a finn elnökség a kérdést napirendre tűzte. És ugyanilyen fontos, hogy a vita ennek az évnek a végéig, vagy a jövő év elején lezáruljon. Az Európai Bizottság a korábbiaknál kisebb költségvetést javasol. A csökkentés kiemelten érintené a kohéziós politikát, ami Magyarország szempontjából például 20-25%-os csökkenést eredményezne. Ez így nem fogadható el. Teljes mértékben támogatom azt a parlamenti álláspontot, hogy az Unió költségvetése érje el a közös GPD 1,3%-át, és hogy a kohéziós- és agrárpolitikai források reál értékben megegyezzenek az eddigiekkel.

Hasonlóképpen, messzemenően egyetértek azzal, hogy a jogállami követelmények betartása az EU-támogatások folyósításának előfeltétele legyen. Az olyan kormányokat, amelyek lebontják a demokráciát, az igazságszolgáltatás függetlenségét, megtagadják a korrupció elleni harcot – sőt, szervezik a korrupciót – ne nyúljanak hozzá az európai adófizetők pénzéhez. Az ilyen kormányokat a támogatások elosztásából ki kell zárni, helyettük az önkormányzatokat, civil szervezeteket, vállalkozásokat közvetlenül kell támogatni. Az ehhez szükséges eljárások az EU költségvetési szabályaiban most is megtalálhatóak. Az Uniónak kötelessége megtenni mindent azért, hogy megvédje polgárait az illiberális rezsimek garázdálkodásától. Az adófizetők pénzét meg kell védeni a korrupt politikusoktól. Ez azonban nem kell azt jelentse, hogy egész országokat zárjunk ki a támogatásokból.


  Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), raštu. – šis EP narės Y. Toom pranešimas yra svarbus ES darbo rinkai. Socialinės užimtumo strategijos reikalauja nuolatinio keitimo ir pritaikymo prie kintančių ekonominių sąlygų. Ataskaitoje pabrėžiamos svarbiausios problemos, dėl kurių Europos institucijoms reikia imtis veiksmų. Vis dar nerimą kelia tai, kad valstybėse narėse, regionuose ir socialinėse grupėse labai skiriasi užimtumo lygis. Tokiems ilgalaikiams iššūkiams kaip visuomenės senėjimas, skaitmeninimas ir jo poveikis darbui vis dar reikia skubių sprendimų. Todėl reikalinga veiksminga politika, apimanti įvairias užimtumo formas ir tinkamai apsauganti darbuotojus nuo piktnaudžiavimo, diskriminacijos ir besitęsiančio skurdo. Turėkime omenyje, kad ilgalaikis nedarbas ypač veikia jaunus žmones, vienišus tėvus, ilgą laiką sergančius asmenis, neįgaliuosius ar sveikatos problemų turinčius asmenis, kurie, norėdami gauti darbą, vis dar patiria specifinių kliūčių ir diskriminaciją visais įdarbinimo etapais. Be to, padidėjęs laikinų ar nestabilių įdarbinimo formų skaičius gali turėti pavojingų padarinių pensijos išmokų pakankamumui, ypač jaunesnėms kartoms, kurių karjeroje dažnai yra spragų, dėl kurių gali būti nutraukiamos įmokos, taip pat atsižvelgiant į socialinės apsaugos sistemų stabilumą. Tam reikia greitų įstatymų pakeitimų. Mūsų prioritetu turi būti tinkamų darbo vietų užtikrinimas, galimybė gauti tinkamą socialinę apsaugą, neatsižvelgiant į darbo santykius ar sutarties tipą, darbo užmokesčio didinimas ir aukštos kokybės viešosios paslaugos.


(Die Sitzung wird um 11.19 Uhr unterbrochen.)

Zadnja posodobitev: 28. januar 2020Pravno obvestilo - Varstvo osebnih podatkov