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Procedure : 2020/2040(INI)
Stadium plenaire behandeling
Documentencyclus : A9-0154/2021

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Debatten :

PV 07/06/2021 - 20
CRE 07/06/2021 - 20

Stemmingen :

PV 08/06/2021 - 19
PV 09/06/2021 - 3

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Maandag 7 juni 2021 - Straatsburg

20. De genderdimensie van het cohesiebeleid (korte presentatie)
Video van de redevoeringen

  Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη είναι η σύντομη παρουσίαση της έκθεσης της Monika Vana σχετικά με τη διάσταση του φύλου στην πολιτική συνοχής (2020/2040(INI)) (A9-0154/2021).


  Monika Vana, rapporteur. – Mr President, I am very glad to have the opportunity to present this report on the gender dimension in cohesion policy, which comes at a very timely moment. I would first like to take this opportunity to thank all the shadow rapporteurs, including you, Chair, for the work and the good cooperation on this report.

The principle of gender equality is a core value of the European Union, applicable to all EU activities and policies. Among the EU policy instruments, cohesion policy is an especially impactful tool and, by the way, a large part of the EU budget. At the next plenary, the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) is expected to be adopted, the overarching regulation for cohesion policy funds. The CPR will already include gender equality as a horizontal principle.

This report on the gender dimension in cohesion policy is based on a study for the Committee on Regional Development (REGI) on gender equality and cohesion policy for the previous funding period, and includes areas for improvement in the upcoming period. Regarding the negotiations on the report, I want to say that, while there was unanimous agreement that the topic is of crucial importance for REGI and for the whole European Parliament, there were very big differences in approach and aims and how best to achieve them among the groups. But I think that, with this report, we have now managed to strike a balance between the views of the different groups. Most importantly, we were able to formulate a strong position of the European Parliament and to give concrete recommendations for improvements in this upcoming Cohesion Fund period.

Let me mention some of the most important points. The report emphasises the importance of a coordinated governance framework on gender equality, national guidelines and technical support. It highlights the partnership principle and the cooperation between the EU level and the national, local and regional levels. The report stresses that all programmes in cohesion policy should ensure gender equality throughout their preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. In this report, we stress the need for a gender equality strategy with clear objectives and targets at national and regional level as ex—ante requirements, and we call for ex—ante and ex—post gender impact assessment. We stress that measurable indicators, where appropriate, should also enable the support of gender equality to be monitored.

Furthermore, the report highlights gender budgeting and the closing of the gender data gap. As I mentioned, the partnership principle is very important. We mention training and capacity building of managing authorities, guidance documents and the role of the European Institute for Gender Equality. Very important in this report is also the call on the Commission that Member States and their respective authorities should follow the principles of the rule of law, including the principle of non-discrimination.

Last, but not least, we recognise in this report the burden placed on women as principal caregivers in formal and informal settings, as well as their social value, especially during the COVID—19 crisis, and the rise of domestic violence and the need for projects and more fight against domestic and other kinds of gender—based violence. We know, of course, that this report is only a starting point to improve gender equality in cohesion policy, and we still have a lot of work ahead of us. Let’s work together on that. We are very happy that the Commission is present today.

Finally, I want to ask the Commission, after the final vote of the Parliament tomorrow, to take note of the position of the European Parliament and to really make gender equality a cornerstone of EU cohesion policy, to go beyond words and to strengthen gender equality in practice.


  Virginijus Sinkevičius, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, it is an honour to address you today on behalf of my fellow Commissioner Ferreira.

One of the saddest features of crisis – and the current one is no exception – is the aggravation of old inequalities. We see this at this regional level; we see this at the social level; and we see it in terms of gender.

On two key front lines in this battle, the home front and the health care front, women have borne the brunt of the battle, because they are the majority of home workers and they are the majority of health care workers. From childcare to layoffs, from health risks to domestic violence, women have struggled and women have suffered. In terms of gender equality, hard fought gains – the work of decades – risk being rolled back.

So this report is very timely and I thank the Regional Development Committee (REGI) and the rapporteur, Ms Monika Vana, for their excellent report, and the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) for their opinion.

As the report notes, cohesion policy plays a crucial role in gender equality. It plays a crucial role in two critical ways. First, by cohesion investments, we invest in better quality childcare and we promote access to that childcare. We invest in support for female entrepreneurs, female researchers and female innovators. We ensure equal access to upskilling and training, and we invest in other services from public transport to IT, to health care, education and other social services – essential services, which are particularly crucial for women. Zooming out from these targeted actions, these investments will help ensure that women participate equally in the Green and Digital Transitions.

Secondly, we support gender equality by our process. Gender equality is a crosscutting principle for all cohesion policy investments. You are right, gender equality is not a competing objective, but a shared goal. It must be taken into account at every step, from the preparation of programmes to project selection and implementation, to programme monitoring and evaluation. And bodies fighting for fundamental rights, for non-discrimination and for women, are key partners at each step of the process. So by investment and a comprehensive process, we support gender equality. But we agree with the report’s recommendation that more must be done.

Already, in the new programme starting this year, we are reinforcing requirements. First, it is now a precondition of funding, what we call an enabling condition, that projects respect the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including the requirement on gender equality.

Second, there is now a system for tracking gender-related expenditure across cohesion policy funding, and this will allow for better monitoring of gender equality in our investments.

The report also points to a lack of knowledge among stakeholders, and the Commission continues to build capacity in this area. We organised technical seminars with managing authorities, and we communicate with stakeholders on concrete actions they can take to promote gender equality. So the Commission is providing a comprehensive framework to promote gender equality in cohesion policy.

But EU funding alone cannot do everything for gender equality and I call on Member States to make the maximum use of every element of this framework. We in the Commission will continue to support Member States: where a lack of capacity is a bottleneck, technical assistance is at their disposal. We will continue to do everything we can and to consult with this Parliament and work together in this crucial area.

I assure you of our commitment in programme preparation and beyond. We cannot allow women to be left behind in the recovery. We cannot lose a decade or more of hard-won gains in terms of equality, and we will not if we work together.


  Πρόεδρος. – Η εξέταση του σημείου αυτού έληξε.

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί αύριο.

Laatst bijgewerkt op: 11 oktober 2021Juridische mededeling - Privacybeleid