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Verbatim report of proceedings
XML 2k
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 - Strasbourg

Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties (debate)

  Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I am a former co-rapporteur, the sixth one who left in protest against the breaking of the principle of consensus of co-rapporteurs.

Europa was once abducted by Zeus, as in Greek mythology. Now, it is a second attempt to hijack Europe. Massive transfer of nine cardinal competencies to European level and few competencies left for Member States. Nearly complete liquidation of unanimity and veto rights in 63 cases, leading to a constitutional coup d’état to create, in place of the EU, a dystopian superstate to degrade Members’ countries to the position of regions.

It is done under the false pretext of preparing for enlargement, but the only significant veto left is the veto on taking new members. It is the Himalayas of hypocrisy.

Scientific research shows that enlargements did accelerate and facilitate decision-making, not the contrary. Enlargement in fact necessitates decentralisation, not centralisation. We have to defend the EU Treaties as they are. We have to defend the EU itself against the superstate in the making. To defend Christian-inspired Schuman’s Europe of sovereign Member States against turning the EU upside down into communist Ventotene-inspired superstate, liquidating de facto nation states. It is not federalisation, it is centralisation.

This project is anti-federal, contrary to what is being said, because it favours largely populated states, contrary to the fundamental federal principle of equal representation of all members, irrespective of population.

It is undemocratic because it takes decisions away from Members, where democracy works, towards European level, where democratic deficit is huge and no European demos exist.

From democracy towards oligarchic hegemonic autocracy. It departs from ‘United in diversity’ motto towards ‘United in uniformity’. God save the Union from self-destruction.

‘No’ to depriving citizens of their millennial states and their heritage. ‘No’ to the elite grab of power behind the back of citizens hidden behind empty slogans. Tomorrow, vote in favour or against the abduction of Europe.

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