Parliamentary question - E-002417/2024Parliamentary question

Principle of technology neutrality for maritime transport fuels


Question for written answer  E-002417/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Anna Maria Cisint (PfE), Aldo Patriciello (PfE), Silvia Sardone (PfE), Roberto Vannacci (PfE), Raffaele Stancanelli (PfE)

The principle of technology neutrality for fuels is an essential pillar in ensuring a fair and sustainable energy transition in the maritime transport sector. It demands that all innovative technologies have equal opportunities for development and deployment, thus fostering research and investment in various low-emission solutions. In particular, biofuels and biogas constitute viable alternatives for the medium term, being as they are more affordable technologies than expensive synthetic fuels. These fuels can make a decisive contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions, while at the same time providing maritime operators and Member States investing in them with a greater range of choice without impinging on their unique characteristics. They should this be subsidised from ETS income.

In view of this:

Submitted: 5.11.2024

Last updated: 20 November 2024
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