Parliamentary question - E-002447/2024Parliamentary question

Thales Group relocating outside the EU and the strategic autonomy of the EDTIB

Question for written answer  E-002447/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Raphaël Glucksmann (S&D)

The French corporation Thales Group is the largest beneficiary of the European Defence Fund (EDF). It is involved in projects financed to the tune of EUR 600 million from the EDF.

Meanwhile, the group is planning to make redundancies in Europe (Belgium and Poland), which could see some 300 jobs cut, and is also planning around another 1 000 lay-offs in its aeronautical branch in France. These high-value, highly technical engineering jobs are to be relocated to India. Components manufactured in India will be integrated into the weapons systems produced by the Thales Group.

According to the criteria for awarding financing from the European Defence Fund detailed in Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2021/697, proposals have to be assessed on the basis of their contribution to the autonomy of the EDTIB, including by increasing the non-dependency on non-Union sources.

Submitted: 6.11.2024

Last updated: 15 November 2024
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