Parliamentary question - E-002692/2024Parliamentary question

Safeguarding the EU’s cognac and brandy sectors in the face of the Chinese tariff threat


Question for written answer  E-002692/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Julie Rechagneux (PfE), Séverine Werbrouck (PfE), Christophe Bay (PfE), Mathilde Androuët (PfE), Gilles Pennelle (PfE), Pascale Piera (PfE), Mélanie Disdier (PfE), Anne-Sophie Frigout (PfE)

On 29 October 2024, the Commission adopted a regulation allowing tariffs of up to 35 % on electric vehicles imported from China.

The aim of this measure is to restore normal competition with Chinese manufacturers, who receive enormous subsidies from Beijing, and thus to defend the EU automotive industry against unfair practices identified during an investigation by the Commission.

The announcement sparked disapproval from the Chinese Government, which responded by announcing possible tariffs on EU agricultural products, including cognac.

The cognac sector exports 97 % of its product, with 31 % of that going to the Chinese market. This means the sector is at risk of falling victim to a trade war between the EU and China.

We call on the Commission to take into account the consequences of China’s retaliatory measures against EU cognac and brandy and to specify how it intends to respond to protect these products.


Submitted: 27.11.2024

Last updated: 4 December 2024
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