Croatia's preparedness for EU funds for start-up businesses
Question for written answer E-003215-14
to the Commission
Rule 117
Davor Ivo Stier (PPE)
Through the European Investment Fund (EIF) and the JEREMIE initiative, the EU has funded start‐up businesses in Bulgaria to the tune of EUR 21 million. According to information from the EIF, the Acceleration and Seed Fund instrument for small and medium‐sized enterprises obtained far and away the best results of all the available financing instruments. Equity financing has proved to be the key to success.
Given the importance of start‐up businesses in the Europe 2020 strategy, is such a financial instrument being considered for Croatia?
Has the Commission proposed incorporating such a financial instrument into the ‘Regional Competitiveness’ Operational Programme to the Croatian Government?
Is the Commission aware of whether the Croatian Government will implement this and, if so, in what time frame?
OJ C 335, 25/09/2014