Alliances between distributors at national and European levels
Question for written answer E-003761-16
to the Commission
Rule 130
Alain Cadec (PPE) , Eric Andrieu (S&D) , Jean Arthuis (ALDE) , Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (PPE) , Edward Czesak (ECR) , Nicola Danti (S&D) , Michel Dantin (PPE) , Paolo De Castro (S&D) , Angélique Delahaye (PPE) , Dennis de Jong (GUE/NGL) , Philippe Juvin (PPE) , Alain Lamassoure (PPE) , Mairead McGuinness (PPE)
In its 2015 report on EU competition policy, the European Parliament states that effective and credible competition policy should not only be based on reducing consumer prices but should also pay attention to the strategic interests of the European economy. It is in this spirit that the 2014 study by DG Competition addressed the economic impact of large-scale distribution. Citizens benefit from innovation, investment, competitiveness, sustainability as well as specific conditions of competition for SMEs and laws pertaining to social and environmental standards just as much as they do from lower consumer prices.
Parliament's 2015 report on EU competition policy calls on the Commission to foster the exchange of good practices via the European Competition Network as part of a structured dialogue between the two institutions, with a view to addressing concerns raised by alliances between distributors at national and European levels.
1. Does the Commission plan to add this issue to the agenda of the European Competition Network in the near future?
2. Can the Commission clarify its strategy on ensuring that competition in the food industry creates value for the whole of the supply chain following President Juncker's State of the Union Address in 2015?