Parliamentary question - E-002029/2018Parliamentary question

PCE/PEC — Transparency of political decision-making within the EU

Question for written answer E-002029-18
to the Council (President of the European Council)
Rule 130
Jeroen Lenaers (PPE) , Sven Giegold (Verts/ALE) , Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL) , Ana Gomes (S&D) , Cecilia Wikström (ALDE) , Monica Macovei (ECR)

In December 2017 the Dutch States-General sent a letter and a report to Mr Tusk as President of the European Council. The letter was sent on behalf of 20 national parliaments asking for more transparency of political decision-making within the EU[1]. In order to achieve this they propose the following four actions:

Legislative Council documents must systematically be made public without delay.

The Council must adopt more specific and detailed rules regarding reporting on legislative deliberations.

Informal but influential bodies must be formalised and, at the very least, start applying the Transparency Regulation internally.

The negotiations on the Transparency Regulation must be reopened in order to align the regulation with the expanded requirements.

1. Would the President of the European Council consider discussing the proposals with the authors?

2. Could the President of the European Council give a written answer or reflection on each of the four proposals?

3. Will the President of the European Council discuss these proposals with the Heads of State and governments of the Member States?

Last updated: 8 June 2018
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